Broadleaf Commerce Heat Clinic admin page replace logo - broadleaf-commerce

Heat Clinic's admin page displays broadleaf logo which I need to change to some other logo .
How can that be done ? I know from the docs that all the html templates are in the WEB-INF/templates folder of the site module of the DemoSite project but after going through all the templates there is no mention of the broadleaf logo .
I did find the relative path of the logo image from the source code of the admin page but there is no such path present in my eclipse workspace .
It seems the html of the admin page is referencing an external file from the local file system out side the eclipse workspace .
Can any one please help me on this . I have searched a lot but it did not help . Thank you in advance .

If you want to change broadleaf logo inside admin's page header, put your logo inside your project's admin/src/main/resources/open_admin_style/img/admin/. Rename your logo's name to "blc-logo-header.png".
This will change admin page header's logo to your logo.
For changing logo on admin login page, put your logo to the same path as mentioned above, and rename it to "blc-logo-150.png", this will change logo on login page.

You will need to override the header.html template from the open admin platform.
Instructions how to do it can be found here.


Create a custom template page in shopware5

I am working on my first shopware project. I need to create a new contact us page on shopware using my own template. My contact us page contains two forms and some other contents.
If someone can tell me how to create a custom template page on shopware I know how to add two forms and the other page contents into it.
In theme folder, there is a folder called “custom” for the content pages such as “about us” . I need to create a same type of page for my new contact us page.
Please let me know if the question is not clear.
You have to create a custom Theme via the Theme Manager in the Backend, the CLI or on your own with a Folder below themes/Frontend/ThemeNameHere and a file "Theme.php"(documentation).
After that you have to create a file at the same place where the one you want to override. In your case below themes/Frontend/ThemeNameHere/frontend/forms.
Then simply name the file like the original file and put in the first line {extends file="parent:frontend/forms/fileNameHere"} and copy the smallest available {block name="specificBlockName"}{/block}. After that you only have to change the selected theme in the backend to your new theme.
I think this is very well explained in the documentation.
Additional you can take a look at Udemy but it is in german.

Custom CSS code in SharePoint Online site not showing for all users

I have a site created in SharePoint Online that I have applied a custom css file through the Master Page - Alternate CSS. The css file is saved in the Style Library, it is checked in and published as a major version. I am using the default master page and it is also checked in. As an admin I can see the CSS changes on the site but as another user that has read access I cannot see the CSS changes. The read only users can see the top level site. I have checked the site features at site collection and site and all publishing features are active. What setting could I be missing that would cause this CSS not to show? The CSS changes are specifically to hide some buttons on the app launcher just for this site.
Thanks for your help.
CSS on Master page page will be shown to all authenticated users if CSS(style library) and master page both are checked in and published as major version.
also try removing cache and so proper revision of CSS and JS file before deployment.
also check console of browser for non accessible file :)

show administration theme when editing page in drupal

I am using a custom theme for the front end of my drupal website.I created it by modifying garland theme.And I am using garland as the admin theme.
When I try to edit a page from admin it shows the edit page with my custom theme ( And It breaks up the layout.
I want to show the admin theme for all the admin tasks. This problem also occurs on the blocks page (
Is there any custom module or core hack to show admin theme when editing pages.
If you want to use admin theme by non-admin users you must give permissions to that user: Permitions->System->View the administration theme
Be sure that you check the option in the page
To get the admin theme showing for non-admin users, I went to admin/people/permissions/list and checked the "View the administration theme" box for all roles.
Sounds simple except that the Filter list wasn't showing that entry when I typed theme, so it took me awhile to find it. Finally I used the browser find to find all instances of the word "theme".
Or, you could type "System" in the Filter list to show only a few options in the relevant category.
You can use admin theme module, download and install it , the go to permission in dmin/people/permissions then in Administration theme set permission to waht user you want by checking Access administration theme.
Then goto in bottom of the page in custom page add
and finally clear the cache
You have to check the checkbox under:

How to get to the admin page in Drupal

I've downloaded Drupal 6 and installed it on my local server, and ported a basic web site as a custom theme. I've set this as the default theme and everything works okay; the page appears nice with all the images and layout.
The problem is that now, no matter what I type as the URL I always get to my page. So how can I go to the admin page? /q=user does not work. I can change the theme from the database but that is not what I want. I just want to keep this theme and be able to access all the Drupal functionality.
For the custom page i've created the page.tpl.php and .info file. Along with the CSS file I've put them all in a new folder in the themes directory.
#abhaga's answer is spot on - you've turned the entire site's theme into a single page's HTML, so they're all going to be the same.
If you'd like to avoid glitching the admin side of things with a bad template file, you can set one of the core themes as your "administration theme" (in Site Configuration) - that way, the admin backend will always use that theme regardless of the other templates.
Ah! Basically page.tpl.php specifies the over all structure of site. Look at the original page.tpl.php file - it will be printing a variable called $content somewhere. That is the variable holding all the content of your specific page. You will need to print it at appropriate place in your pge.tpl.php
You should check out the right way of creating a theme here:

Help on DotNetNuke

Does any body know how can i change the layout of a dotnetnuke website. I need to modify the standard layout
You can use a custom skin or modify the default skin that comes with the DNN installation. The default skin files are in [Website]\Portals_default\Skins\MinimalExtropy\ where [Website] is your DNN web site folder. If you are new to skinning and have a lot of questions, I am sure that the DNN forums will be helpful - DNN Skinning forums
You can do that by editing the CSS. I had similar issue, for which I used " inspect element" in google chrome that helped me in recognizing div elements and css properties. You can find css in portals_default\Skins\DarkKnight (or your own skin name) \skin.css
If your wanting to do anything outside of the CSS (ie, turn off the search bar on a page); then you have to have full access to the site -- open the site via FTP or download all the files, then you can modify the 'default' page, or the skin file you want to change. my suggestion is to make a 'copy' of the skin default page you want to change, give it a new name, and then save it back to the server. When you go to change the 'skin' theme from the 'site manager' you will see your new skin page listed as an option. Modifying from the CMS does not allow you to modify the actual 'page', only its 'parts'. There is also a starter kit available for Visual Studio, google "DNN Starter Kit" which you can create custom modules, skins and containers.
