How to change the logo in the URL of a liferay portal? - liferay

I want to change this liferay logo to one of my own. How do i do it? I do not want to create a new theme, but make changes in the existing WELCOME theme of liferay.

Just put your custom favicon.ico file in the docroot/_diffs/images folder of your theme, if you are working on one.
If you’re not then create one using classic as the parent theme so you don’t need to customize it in any way to have the standard look and feel.


Call Custom aAction from Liferay Theme

I have A Custom Theme project & A Custom portlet project in liferay.
I want to call a custom action which is in Custom portlet from navigation.vm File of Theme Project.
actionurl is : /c/journal/upload_article which is called from same portlet project successfully.
How to call this from theme project?
Any help is really appreciated.
It sounds weird to "call" an action from a theme. If you embed a form to upload content on every page, naturally, you'd need a target for the upload. But still, the theme seems to be the wrong place to do so.
Nevertheless: It seems that you're using a non-custom URL for uploading (/c/journal/upload_article). You can do so from wherever in HTML. The big question then is: Where will you end up after the upload, as it doesn't happen from within a page.
If you need a proper portlet URL on an individual page, and want to return to the same page, the best way forward is to embed a portlet in the theme (which makes a great search term for Liferay's documentation). From that portlet you can utilize Liferay's API to do what you're trying to achieve. Make it a very lightweight portlet, because, well, it will be embedded on every single page.

Liferay theme reset to default

I don't know if I'm the only one to have this problem, I'm developing a liferay theme using the plugin sdk and eclipse. I have a theme based on classic, when I turn off eclipse and turn on again I found that all changes on custom.css are gone and reset to default classic theme.
this was my fault I was making changes on docroot/custom.css directly, I should put the on _diff/.
You have to done your custom css in _diff/css/custom.css ok
when you create the theme your _diff folder is empty so you just take all css folder, template folder, js folder and images folder form classic theme and place in _diff folder then modify in _diff/css/custom.css file
Have look into following site for more info about liferay Liferay Savvy

CSS to Liferay theme

I have a css web design and I want to converted in Liferay theme. Is this possible?
I am using Liferay 6.1 Ga2 with Tomcat 7 and Liferay SDK for java.
Any advice will be appreciated!
Thanks in advance
If you have css designs then you can use it in your theme. But make sure that if you are using any liferay OOB portlets then you have to customize those OOB portlets CSS as well.
afaik,Direct conversion of css designs into liferay css structure is not possible.
From someone who has a background as a Web Designer who learned Liferay. You need to extend the basic theme and start customizing it. You do this by creating a theme through the liferay SDK. Then it copies all the files into /docroot/diffs/*
In there you will see a css folder, in there you will see a custom.css file, That is the file you want to add your css properties to. It has highest/last priority to set elements and attributes.
If you want to customize the template engine, you need to look at the velocity templates under /docroot/diffs/templates. If you're new to it, make a copy of the file you're playing with so you don't have to blow it all away and start over if you mess up. But basically Velocity is very easy to learn. If you want to embed images directly in velocity from liferay via your theme via the /docroot/diffs/images/custom/ folder, here is a piece of code that will work.
<img src="$themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages()/custom/image_name.png" id="logo" />
I recommend though to keep the portal_normal.vm as similar to the default portal_normal.vm because then upgrading will be easier down the road.

How to get to the admin page in Drupal

I've downloaded Drupal 6 and installed it on my local server, and ported a basic web site as a custom theme. I've set this as the default theme and everything works okay; the page appears nice with all the images and layout.
The problem is that now, no matter what I type as the URL I always get to my page. So how can I go to the admin page? /q=user does not work. I can change the theme from the database but that is not what I want. I just want to keep this theme and be able to access all the Drupal functionality.
For the custom page i've created the page.tpl.php and .info file. Along with the CSS file I've put them all in a new folder in the themes directory.
#abhaga's answer is spot on - you've turned the entire site's theme into a single page's HTML, so they're all going to be the same.
If you'd like to avoid glitching the admin side of things with a bad template file, you can set one of the core themes as your "administration theme" (in Site Configuration) - that way, the admin backend will always use that theme regardless of the other templates.
Ah! Basically page.tpl.php specifies the over all structure of site. Look at the original page.tpl.php file - it will be printing a variable called $content somewhere. That is the variable holding all the content of your specific page. You will need to print it at appropriate place in your pge.tpl.php
You should check out the right way of creating a theme here:

Help on DotNetNuke

Does any body know how can i change the layout of a dotnetnuke website. I need to modify the standard layout
You can use a custom skin or modify the default skin that comes with the DNN installation. The default skin files are in [Website]\Portals_default\Skins\MinimalExtropy\ where [Website] is your DNN web site folder. If you are new to skinning and have a lot of questions, I am sure that the DNN forums will be helpful - DNN Skinning forums
You can do that by editing the CSS. I had similar issue, for which I used " inspect element" in google chrome that helped me in recognizing div elements and css properties. You can find css in portals_default\Skins\DarkKnight (or your own skin name) \skin.css
If your wanting to do anything outside of the CSS (ie, turn off the search bar on a page); then you have to have full access to the site -- open the site via FTP or download all the files, then you can modify the 'default' page, or the skin file you want to change. my suggestion is to make a 'copy' of the skin default page you want to change, give it a new name, and then save it back to the server. When you go to change the 'skin' theme from the 'site manager' you will see your new skin page listed as an option. Modifying from the CMS does not allow you to modify the actual 'page', only its 'parts'. There is also a starter kit available for Visual Studio, google "DNN Starter Kit" which you can create custom modules, skins and containers.
