Coded ui- How to update properties of object in UImap.uitest file which has changed in application? - coded-ui-tests

Coded ui- How to update properties of object in UImap.uitest file which has changed in application? for example a window which has version of software changes with every build. The issue is if I try to record anything on new version of software it creates new objects in UImap and the whole object tree again. This makes UImap too huge adding duplicates of objects with slightly different property.

You don't want to update the properties to latest, but make the property values dynamic. Just updating the properties will mean more work the next time your code changes.
Also, try to only use properties to search on that do not change between application runs/versions. Example, a class property will likely remain static between runs, while the title of your parent window may change based on the version number. Check out this article to see how to modify the recording's search properties to fit your needs, specifically the section on modifying UI action properties.
Another method to look into would be to create the objects and methods yourself using C#. By adding controls yourself to the uimap.cs partial class of the .uitest, you have can specify at design time what properties and values that Coded UI uses to execute your tests.


How to change persistence property of cq:inplaceEditing

I wish to use cq:inplaceEditing to modify a property on my JCR whenever it is used by the AEM authors. Unfortunately, I do not know how to modify the name of the property that it actually modifies in the JCR. It appears that it only modifies the value of the property "text" by default.
For my purposes, I want to use its rich-text-editing for properties that have names I define, not just the default name "text."
The image at this link shows the tree which contains the cq:inplaceEditing (courtesy of CRXDE):
These are the attributes of cq:editConfig:
These are the attributes of cq:inplaceEditing:
...and this is what a content node of my JCR looks like when I use the inplaceEditor. I've blotted out the names of some properties for potential security reasons. Note that the "text" property below was changed when I used the inplaceEditor. Also note that I want to be able to define the property name that the inplaceEditor changes, rather than just the "text" property:
Is there a way to use a different property name instead of "text"?
After changing the property "textPropertyName" to the property that I am searching for, it still doesn't appear to actually modify the behavior of the inplaceEditor. It still only modifies the "text" property of my JCR nodes instead of the one that I put in the "textPropertyName" attribute.
This picture contains the attributes of my cq:InplaceEditingConfig:
The picture below contains the attributes of the JCR node at the path specified in the "configPath" variable in the picture above. Note that I set the textPropertyName attribute in this node and the text component still modifies the default attribute "text" instead of the one specified:
Finally, the picture below shows the contents of my JCR tree inside of the text component.
-----------ANOTHER EDIT----------
I discovered that the inline text editor was persisting the correct property after I had switched to the classic UI. For some reason, it doesn't work correctly with the touch UI.
How to find it
The inplace editing capability is defined by subclasses of CQ.ipe.InplaceEditing function. You can find it easily by just searching for editorType through the CRXDE tool.
Searching for the CQ.ipe.InplaceEditing returns multiple results such as CQ.ipe.TextEditor that at the very end of the script registers desired editorType i.e.: CQ.ipe.InplaceEditing.register("text", CQ.ipe.TextEditor);
The answer
Reading through the editor code you can find the first configurable property called textPropertyName which according to it's documentation is just what you are looking for. Combining it with the inplace configuration node (see Adobe's documentation) it is the solution for your case.
An example
You can try it by yourself on an instance of Geometrixx component.
First go to CRXDE and find Geometrixx Text component: /apps/geometrixx-gov/components/text.
Notice /apps/geometrixx-gov/components/text/cq:editConfig/cq:inplaceEditing#configPath property value.
Find /apps/geometrixx-gov/components/text/dialog/items/tab1/items/text resource and add new property: textPropertyName=myPropertyName.
Then just open the Geometrixx Gov page add Geometrixx Text component, edit it inplace and look into the Network console. You'll notice POST request with the altered parameter name
edit after TouchUI clarification
TouchUI case
If you want to achieve the same for TouchUI interface it doesn't go so easy, unfortunately. The text inplace editor for TouchUI is defined by /libs/cq/gui/components/authoring/clientlibs/editor/js/editors/InlineTextEditor.js.
Searching for "text" gives you an overview how hardcoded is this property. For AEM 6.1 (on which I'm testing it) you can find it's occurence in the ns.persistence.readParagraphContent function where the initialContent is extracted from the resource JSON map. Another occurence can be found in finishInlineEdit and addHistoryStep methods. Changing all three occurences of "text" to your value brings expected outcome.
This is obviously non-acceptable - it's a platform-wide change and will affect other (incl. ootb) components where it might no be expected. The simplest would be to just copy-paste whole editor into your clientlib and register the editor into a new name - see last couple of lines: ns.editor.register. If you feel comfortable in JS, it might be worth to extend this editor and alter just three methods that are affected.
As of AEM 6.3, the textPropertyName works correctly with the out-of-the-box PlainTextEditor.js
The property needs to be set on a config node under the cq:InplaceEditingConfig
Note – the source of the editor can now be found at:

Cocoa Bindings not updating NSTextField value

I have two windows, one is a table view to display content. One is a window for inputting content.
I have an NSTextField binded to a property in my app delegate. When I change a value in the text field, the app delegate property will change. However, if I go the other way and programmatically change the property's binded key, the value of the text field does not update. However, it does in the table view.
What is going wrong here? How can I update text field?
I tried all 3 of these with the same result
[_addEntry setValue:#"Chet" forKey:#"payee"];
[_addEntry setPayee:#"chet"];
_addEntry.payee = #"chet";
Here's a simple example to elaborate on my point
the label and the textfield are bound to the "str" property. It is initially null. press log to see that in the console. press change str button to change the string. Log to verify. Note that the label and the textfield do not update!
"What am I trying to accomplish?"
Here's the project I am working with:
I am trying to use Cocoa Bindings as much as possible. I have a table with a bunch of data. However, each entry is going to have an array of images associated with it. Thus, when I add a new entry, I need to open up a new window so I can set the properties of that entry (rather than through the table) along with upload some images.
I am not sure I am implementing the addEntryWindow correctly. It seems like I should create and destroy the window each time I open and close it. This doesn't appear to be happening.
Also, [[self addEntry] setDate:[NSDate date]]; doesn't seem to fix the problem for me.
How are you programmatically changing the field? Are you using KVO? Is the field inside of a NSManagedObject instance?
Bindings work through KVO. Core Data disables some aspects of KVO for its own internal uses and you might be tripping over one of those.
Update your question with the code sample and lets see what is going on.
Both windows don't necessarily need to be in the same xib but they do need to be talking to the same instances. Ideally they should both be talking to the same instance of NSManagedObject and therefore talking to the same NSManagedObjectContext.
Who is the owner of each window?
Is the owner the same?
If not, is a new Core Data stack being created?
In your test, I was able to correct it by how you were editing the property
- (IBAction)press:(id)sender {
[self setStr:#"this"];
You were accessing the iVar directly instead of the property. When you access the iVar directly KVO does not fire.
In addition, in your xib files you were accessing self.str which is unnecessary. It should be just str.
Are you doing any direct property access in your actual project?
You can do a get accessor and then a set accessor:
[[self addEntry] setPayee:xxx];
Based on the variables you are using I wonder what you are trying to accomplish. Can you post the exact code of the programmatic change you are trying to enact?

Dynamic field binding inside a repeat control

I have a strange thing, I'm using dynamic field binding in a custom control.
The field binding is created like this.
XPage (Datasource "document" is placed here)
Custom Control (String passed in)
(to get errors if there are any)
Repeat (CompositeData is passed to a bean that returns the strings for Rows,columns)
Repeat (repeat 1 variable used for Columns)
Custom Control (fieldname is passed in)
field binding is done like this
The problem is that when I save the XPage I get an error in the messages control
Document has been saved by another user - Save created a new document as a response to that modified document.
And all fields are cleared.
Any ideas how to debug this or is there something I'm missing?
The "Document has been saved by another user" error is only tip of the iceberg - there are some really strange problems with reapeats that repeats fields that are bound and repeatControls property is set to false. The decoding part of xpages lifecycle cannot handle it properly - the controls will be losing data. You should use repeatControls set to true as Martin suggests.
"Repeat control variable doesn't exists" is probably caused by the property that removes repeats set to true. You can solve this by either changing it to false or by adding additional data context that will keep repeated value.
And finally for this to have add/remove functionality You can use Dynamic Content Control and show(null) hack to rebuild the repeat content.
To manage this complexity better I would advise You to stop using document data source and start creating some managed beans.
If You will follow my suggestions I guarantee that You will get the functionality You are looking for as I have few apps that works great and have this kind of complex data editors in them.
I don't know if it'll help you, but I pass both the document datasource and the field name as parameters to a DynamicField control, and use it like this:
The type of the datasource is, it's listed as dataInterface under Data Sources.
Do you have repeatControls="true" set for the repeat control?
It sounds like you've got the datasource defined multiple times on the XPage (plus custom controls). Either that or the save button has save="true" but the code saves the document back-end, or code in multiple places saves the same document. I've used the same method of passing the datasource down to the custom control, but that may just be because that was what I saw on a blog.

Custom Control Custom Methods?

I have been making good use of custom properties withing custom controls. Is there such thing as custom methods? Say I want something to happen in a CC. A good example is the show method of the dialog box extension. If I have a cc with a extension dialog inside, I want my custom control to have a Show method which insulates the end user programmer from the extension pages Shoe method.
Is there anyway to do this?
At runtime, all Custom Control elements become instances of the UIIncludeComposite class; as such, there are many built in methods that you can call against any given control instance, but there is no way to specify custom methods, as opposed to custom properties.
There are, however, at least two ways you could achieve the result you're after:
Convert your Custom Control to a component (this NotesIn9 episode describes the simplest approach to this process). Once you've migrated the class that Designer generated to one that won't get overridden every time you build your NSF, you can add custom methods without fear that the next build will just wipe them out again. Since Custom Controls are essentially just IBM's implementation of the JSF 2.0 notion of "composite components", you could also create a component from scratch that has the same behavior as your existing Custom Control but also supports custom behavior. Note that either approach does not necessarily require that you create an OSGi library... you can define these components directly in an NSF; you only need to push them to a library if you want to reuse them across multiple NSFs without having to copy the various files to each.
In the custom properties for your control, include one property that accepts an API object. In other words, you could create any object (say, a Java class or SSJS object) that supports the custom methods you wish to define, and pass that object to the control. You could then call those methods by getting a handle on the object via the CC's property map.
For example:
<myCC id="myCustomControl" API="#{someObject}" />
Assuming whatever #{someObject} resolves to includes a show() method, you can call that method by getting a handle on the instance that has been passed to the control:
var cc = getComponent("myCustomControl");
var ccProperties = cc.getPropertyMap();
var ccAPI = ccProperties.get("API");;
In the above example, I'm passing the actual Custom Control to the show() method, because the object itself isn't aware of the Custom Control it was passed to. So if that method needs to get a handle on its children to toggle their rendered property, for example, then it needs some other way of determining its context.
Tim's solution with passing in the object is a great solution to that.
Just something that popped into my head, would be easy to make a property similar to the rendered property on a control. Pass in a value and inside the custom control do something based on its value ie. if true display dialog, else hide, in the XPage during run time modify this value and partial refresh the control, the logic will be re run by this and the control will display etc.
Another solution could be to include a JavaScript library in your custom control providing functions (your custom control methods) where you'd have to pass in the id of the custom control instance.

bind subsonic object collection to Microsoft report (rdlc)

Has anyone been able to use a SubSonic generated collection as a "business object datasource" with Microsoft report (rdlc)? I have generated the SubSonic class code but for some reason the report datasource window is not seeing the class as a potential object collection datasource.
Is there something I need to do for this to work?
Thanks in advance...vsdotnetguy
I have loaded Reporting Service reports from business objects before (loaded via NHibernate -- which isn't exact but close enough for argument sake).
Couple of key points:
1. return your objects in List, even if you are only returning one object.
2. You want FLAT business objects. You might have to go thru a DTO transformation to get that. By flat, I mean the most complex property you can have in a business object is a string and a number (int, decimal, double). If you are expecting to grab a value like this:
myObject.Customer.Name, forget it. Create a CustomerName property.
3. If you need data from multiple places try to break up your reports into subreports. You key off of the datasource key to figure out what data to return to the report.
I'll add more as I remember, it has been a few months since I've done this.
Yes I've done it, you should only need to make sure the project containing your reports references your SubSonic project (obviously :).
Sometimes I've also found that Visual Studio can get a little borked and require a restart before repopulating the datasource window with SubSonic generated objects.
Thx Chris and Adam,
Here is the answer I found.
In my case I wanted to dynamically set the main and subreport datasources at run time using the SubSonic object collections. However, I also wanted to design the report layout using drag and drop of the datasource columns.
But I was unable to design the report using drag&drop because none of my SubSonic collections were showing up in the Website Data Sources.
However, later while I was doing some control binding using the ObjectDataSource control, I noticed that NOW my SubSonic collections were showing up in the Website DataSources window and I could drag and drop the report layout.
So if you are dynamically setting the report datasources at run time and ARE NOT using the ObjectDataSource control already in your project, you MUST add a dummy ObjectDataSource control to one of your aspx pages. This will then make the business object datasources show up in the report designer.
