VS Browser-Link & Self-Hosted Web Application - owin

Is it possible to use VS Browser-Link together with a self-hosted web application?
I know that the Browser-Link uses SignalR. How can I add the Browser-Link feature to my web server?
Web app framework: Katana Self-Hosted
Any hints or ideas?


Hosting legacy ASP.NET (not ASP.NET Core) in ServiceFabric

I am looking for the options to host existing ASP.NET Framework (not .NET Core, and not ASP.NET Core) applications in ServiceFabric hosted on-premise.
We host such legacy applications in IIS, as is the common practice I believe, and we are considering migrating them to an on-prem ServiceFabric cluster without (or at least, as little as possible) modifications.
I see that Visual Studio 2017 SF project templates do not have the "old ASP.NET", which makes me think that using old ASP.NET isn't preferred, if supported at all. I can understand that.
I understand that it is possible to deploy the application in a container with IIS, e.g. with Windows IIS.
Are there other possibilities?
I've been doing self-hosted ASP.Net WebAPI on Service Fabric for three years already. They did remove the .NET Framework WebAPI template when you create a Service Fabric App, but yes, you can still run a Self-hosted .Net Framework API on Service Fabric.
I still have my old code before so I pretty much do same thing over and over. This tutorial would help a lot. it's the basics of doing a self-hosted WebAPI, hosting it on HTTPS is another thing after that.

hi I have developed a web application using .net mvc and WebAPI as follows:

I have developed a web application using .net mvc and WebAPI as follows:
|—— WEB.API Project
|—— Web Application Project
wanting to deploy to my web server. It is possible to deploy both projects on a single web site (in iis)?
Do I need to create two separate sites for the web application and web api (in iis)?
Deploy your mvc web app as an web site & add a virtual directory under that web site & point your web api. This is the way to use 2 application under an web site.

Can I build my .net-core application on a linux platform, then deploy to an azure web app

I am building and deploying APIs to azure web apps, and want to setup a build pipeline for continuous delivery. The options for setting this up are very limited if using msbuild is a requirement. A lot of popular solutions are linux only, or docker based.
Is it possible to use a linux based build system to build an application (web Api), but then deploy it to an azure web app?
Have you seen Create a web app with App Service on Linux on learn.microsoft.com?

Web API app with OWIN 'SystemWeb' on Azure App Service

I am creating app which uses Identity 2.1.0 framework in .NET. I started project in Visual Studio 2015 as Empty Web App (template). Now, I use Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Owin, and also Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb NuGet packages in my project. I understand that OWIN is a specification made to avoid monolithic frameworks and to specify how smaller application components interact with servers. However, I have requirement to deploy to Azure App Services.
I have found examples (blogs) where people deploy OWIN Web Api app as self-hosted to the Azure Cloud Services worker role. But I don't want this, as I don't use Cloud Service.
Since I am using Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb, am I going to be able to deploy this to Azure App service (which I assume manages internal IIS instance) ?
.NET ecosystem newbie here - so please excuse me for any possible redundancies in the question.
Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb is designed for hosting in IIS and all Azure App Service web apps are hosted in IIS, so this is exactly what you want (In fact, self-hosting likely won't work with Azure App Service).

Asp.Net Web Forms application deployment to Production server

What is the recommended method/tool to deploy an ASP.NET Web Forms project and/or a Database Project to production server ?
Currently I'm using VS2012 web deploy publishing feature.
According to the following MSDN article:
web deploy is the recommended method/tool.
