I tried to compile PESTC using this configuration:
./configure --with-cc=gcc --with-cxx=g++ --with-fc=gfortran --download-f-blas-lapack=1 --download-openmpi --with-shared-libraries
make PETSC_DIR=/tmp/petsc-3.3-p7 PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux2-c-debug all
But when compiling my lib that uses petsc, even though I linked all petsc libs it's complain at runtime of: undefined symbol: _Z10VecGetSizeP6_p_VecPi, and after some search in the interne I came across some .so that my petsc didn't build, libs like libpetscvec.so or libpetscsnes.so.
I also found that it will generate some .mod with the same name of these non-generated libs (ex: /tmp/petsc-3.3-p7/arch-linux2-c-debug/include/petscsnes.mod).
so I'm not sure if I'm missing a flag that should tell the compiler to give me libs no modules, or maybe if they are in some external packages, and that I should install with --download-SOMEPACKAGE.
Here is the .so libs that are generated in the $PETSC_DIR/$PETSC_ARCH/lib:
This one was quite trick here is how I solved it:
./configure --with-pic=1 \
--with-x11=0 --download-openmpi=yes \
--doCleanup=1 --useThreads=0 \
--with-shared-libraries=1 --with-clanguage=Cxx \
--with-c++-support --with-fc=0 --ignore-cygwin-link \
--with-blas-lib="[$VENDOR_LIBS/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/libmkl_blas95_lp64.a,$VENDOR_LIBS/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_lp64.so,$VENDOR_LIBS/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/libmkl_core.so,$VENDOR_LIBS/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/libmkl_intel_thread.so,$VENDOR_LIBS/intel/lib/intel64/libiomp5.so]" \
So, yes, I saw that I was missing the Intel MKL libraries (that was a big part of the error, but also was the rest of the arguments passed in the configure).
I'm not sure if this is something that will be useful for others, since this lib has tons of different configurations for many cases. But, hey, who knows...
I am very much lost here and could really use some help.
I'm working on an Honours project for next year that involves a physics simulation using Bullet and Vulkan for rendering. After a few months of work I have most of the project functioning. It needs a lot of refactoring and cleaning which will be the next stage.
I have been using a makefile but wish to migrate to CMake for a few reasons. Mainly because it seems to be the standard and because I want to compile for different OS's in the future (I'm running Linux but may need to deploy on Windows or Mac). Finally, I was recompiling the whole project for even a small change, which was beginning to become a problem as I started Unit Testing more.
The old makefile is as follows :
ROOT_DIR:=$(shell dirname $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
-I$(ROOT_DIR)/src/Domain \
-I$(ROOT_DIR)/src/Vk \
-I$(ROOT_DIR)/src/Ui \
-I/opt/bullet3-master/src \
-I/opt/vk_mem_alloc \
-I/opt/stb_image \
-I/opt/tiny_obj_loader/ \
BULLET_INCLUDE_PATHS_LIBS = -L/opt/bullet3-master/src/BulletCollision/ \
-L/opt/bullet3-master/src/BulletDynamics/ \
-L/opt/bullet3-master/src/LinearMath/ \
-lBulletDynamics -lBulletCollision -lLinearMath
VULKAN_SDK_PATH = /opt/Vulkan_SDK/
LDFLAGS = -L$(VULKAN_SDK_PATH)/lib `pkg-config --static --libs glfw3` -lvulkan $(BULLET_INCLUDE_PATHS_LIBS)
IMGUI_CPP_PATHS = /opt/imgui-vulkan/*.cpp
OWN_CPP_PATHS = src/*.cpp src/Domain/*.cpp src/Vk/*.cpp src/Ui/*.cpp src/Service/*.cpp
###### Unit Testing Paths
UNIT_TEST_INCLUDE = -I/opt/catch-header/
UNIT_TESTS_PATH = $(ROOT_DIR)/unit_tests/*.cpp
Unit_Test: $(UNIT_TESTS_PATH) src/Domain/*.cpp src/Vk/*.cpp src/Ui/*.cpp src/Service/*.cpp $(IMGUI_CPP_PATHS)
g++ $(UNIT_TEST_INCLUDE) $(CFLAGS) -o Unit_Test $(UNIT_TESTS_PATH) src/Domain/*.cpp src/Vk/*.cpp src/Ui/*.cpp src/Service/*.cpp $(IMGUI_CPP_PATHS) $(LDFLAGS)
g++ $(CFLAGS) -g -o VulkanDebug $(OWN_CPP_PATHS) $(IMGUI_CPP_PATHS) $(LDFLAGS)
.PHONY: test clean
run: VulkanRun
test: Unit_Test
debug: VulkanDebug
optimise: VulkanOpt
7 clean:
rm -f VulkanRun
rm -f Unit_Test
rm -f VulkanDebug
rm -f VulkanOpt
I installed cmake using the latest install script for 3.21.0.
I created a CMakeLists.txt in the root of the project as follows :
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.21.0)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++17")
file(GLOB_RECURSE SOURCES "src/**.cpp")
add_executable(main ${SOURCES})
find_package(Bullet CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE LinearMath Bullet3Common BulletDynamics BulletSoftBody)
After many hours of trying I decided to try vcpkg. Following the install instructions from bullet :
git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg.git
cd vcpkg
./vcpkg integrate install
./vcpkg install bullet3
This resulted in errors of
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:11 (find_package):
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Bullet" with any
of the following names: BulletConfig.cmake bullet-config.cmake
Looking in CMakeCache.txt i see "Bullet_DIR:PATH=Bullet_DIR-NOTFOUND"
I found the BulletConfig.make file in "/home/ash/vcpkg/installed/x64-linux/share/bullet3" and in "/home/ash/vcpkg/packages/bullet3_x64-linux/share/bullet3" and set the MakeCache.txt var Bullet_DIR:PATH to these variables (tested one at a time).
Running again I get CMake set_and_check() function not recognised. Or something to that effect. Looking in the BulletConfig.make file I see these set_and_check() functions aren't recognised by the linter. I cant find any information about them being deprecated online but I assume this is the case. So I change to set() and CMake then succeeds and builds its files.
Running make I then get an error.
fatal error: btBulletDynamicsCommon.h: No such file or directory,
#include <btBulletDynamicsCommon.h>
I tried prepending bullet/ to the include path as others had this issue but it causes the same error.
So I must be doing something wrong and I'm obviously not understanding the process that CMake uses to add includes and link libraries. I'm sure, given the popularity of CMake, that there must be something obvious. But I've spent about 10 hours over a few days searching and trying different variations and I'm starting to get very frustrated.
I've bounced off CMake before (hence why I was working with a makefile for months), but I'm determined to do this properly. I just could really use some help if anyone knows how to get CMake to generate a makefile that can see a package installed with vcpkg.
Or indeed if the vcpkg of Bullet is out of date, then a way to link and include it with CMake alone would be great. I just thought vcpkg would be easier as it provides a cleaner file structure by default as well as a CMake config file.
I've used 'cmake .' and 'cmake . -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/home/ash/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake' to build the makefile. Both result in the same missing headers errors when calling make.
All CMake files were removed from the project (except CMakeLists.txt) before each call to cmake to ensure no values were stored there.
Poked around a bit more. Here is the BulletConfig.cmake file :
# BulletConfig.cmake(.in)
# Use the following variables to compile and link against Bullet:
# BULLET_FOUND - True if Bullet was found on your system
# BULLET_USE_FILE - The file making Bullet usable
# BULLET_DEFINITIONS - Definitions needed to build with Bullet
# BULLET_INCLUDE_DIR - Directory where Bullet-C-Api.h can be found
# BULLET_INCLUDE_DIRS - List of directories of Bullet and it's dependencies
# BULLET_LIBRARIES - List of libraries to link against Bullet library
# BULLET_LIBRARY_DIRS - List of directories containing Bullet' libraries
# BULLET_ROOT_DIR - The base directory of Bullet
# BULLET_VERSION_STRING - A human-readable string containing the version
set(PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR /home/ash/installed/x64-linux)
set ( BULLET_FOUND 1 )
set ( BULLET_USE_FILE "${PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR}/share/bullet3/UseBullet.cmake" )
set ( BULLET_INCLUDE_DIR "${PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR}/include/bullet" )
set ( BULLET_INCLUDE_DIRS "${PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR}/include/bullet" )
set ( BULLET_LIBRARIES "LinearMath;Bullet3Common;BulletInverseDynamics;BulletCollision;BulletDynamics;BulletSoftBody" )
# Load targets
if(NOT TARGET Bullet3Common)
file(GLOB CONFIG_FILES "${PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR}/share/bullet3/*Targets.cmake")
foreach(f ${CONFIG_FILES})
As stated before a few of the set functions were set_and_check(). So I changed to set() as apparently cmake 3.21 has no set_and_check() function. After a little testing by printing message(), i found that PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR was not being set anywhere. So that is why I've set it explicitly in this file. The variables are now set correctly as reported by message() in the CMakeLists.txt file. But still it make cannot find the header files.
I created an empty project and ran through each library I wanted to include. Everything works except for Bullet3. However it does now see the header files. What changed between the two CMakeFiles? Nothing as far as I can tell. I'll need to find out because I have to port this project over but in the meantime this is another issue with the package.
from /home/ash/projects/C++/CMakeImportTests/src/main.cpp:22:
fatal error: LinearMath/btVector3.h: No such file or directory
77 | #include "LinearMath/btVector3.h"
I think this is the same issue as described #7877
If i remove all includes of Bullet but leave the CMakeList.txt untouched, we get this error:
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/main.dir/src/main.cpp.o
[100%] Linking CXX executable main
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lLinearMath
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lBullet3Common
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lBulletDynamics
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lBulletSoftBody
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/main.dir/build.make:104: main] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:83: CMakeFiles/main.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:91: all] Error 2
Is this a clue that some environment variable is not set?
There seems to be an ordering dependency for the target_link_library call. The suggested usage is:
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE LinearMath Bullet3Common BulletDynamics BulletSoftBody)
Checking bullet.pc in the libs/ directory i found
Libs: -L${libdir} -lBulletSoftBody -lBulletDynamics -lBulletCollision -lLinearMath
So I tried rearranging and following the pattern:
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE BulletSoftBody BulletDynamics BulletCollision Bullet3Common LinearMath)
Additionally there was also a need to manually link directories.
target_link_directories(main PRIVATE ${BULLET_LIBRARY_DIRS})
This now compiles without error in my test project. It seems LinearMath must be after most of the other libraries (although it can be before Bullet3Common it seems).
For some reason it's still not finding the header files when I copy the exact same CMake commands over to my main project. So I'm not free of this yet.
I should say that I was able to remove the change I made to BulletConfig.cmake of setting PACKAGE_PREFIX_DIR statically.
So just to recap my issue. A small test project works and I can use bullet and number of other libraries that I use in my main project. But if i copy this working CMakeLists.txt to my main project it can no longer find the headers and throws this error :
btBulletDynamicsCommon.h: No such file or directory
8 | #include <btBulletDynamicsCommon.h>
Bullet_DIR:PATH=/home/ash/vcpkg/installed/x64-linux/share/bullet3 is the same in both cases.
After all that.
The set_and_include() error is a known issue and mathisloge over at vcpkg git said the Bullet package needs to be updated. The workaround is to change the calls to set().
The ordering of the target libraries is important. The suggested way in the Bullet vcpkg package is :
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE LinearMath Bullet3Common BulletDynamics BulletSoftBody)
But this fails to compile. It should be:
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE BulletSoftBody BulletDynamics BulletCollision Bullet3Common LinearMath)
Also had to tell cmake the link directories using :
target_link_directories(main PRIVATE ${BULLET_LIBRARY_DIRS})
Then I still had header missing errors. But after a restart things just started working again. Hopefully there is enough here to help someone if they hit similar problems.
I want to link expernal 'parquet' project ( https://github.com/apache/arrow/tree/master/cpp ) as part of my current project on Linux.
For this purposes I ran cmake of parquet with such parameters
cd build_parquet
cmake --build . --config Release
// There are a lot of dependencies except boost, but only boost required to be installed on system, since other could be downloaded and installed by cmake script
Project successfully compiled. I got executable which could launch, generated static libs libarrow.a, libparquet.a, shared libraries libarrow.so, libparquet.so
In my main project I want to use such libraries and I use such commands in cmake to find them
find_library(PARQUET_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES parquet.a
PATHS build_parquet/release/Release/ )
find_library(ARROW_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES arrow.a
PATHS build_parquet/release/Release/ )
find_package_handle_standard_args(Parquet DEFAULT_MSG PARQUET_INCLUDE_DIR
That's work okay, libraries and includes are found.
Then I link this libraries to my project
target_link_libraries(${myExe} ${PARQUET_LIBRARIES_RELEASE} ${mySomeOtherLibraries} )
after this I got enormous amount of linker errors such that
libparquet.a(column_writer.cc.o): In function `apache::thrift::transport::TMemoryBuffer::~TMemoryBuffer()':
column_writer.cc:(.text._ZN6apache6thrift9transport13TMemoryBufferD0Ev[_ZN6apache6thrift9transport13TMemoryBufferD5Ev]+0x3): undefined reference to `vtable for apache::thrift::transport::TMemoryBuffer'
so that's what I don't understand much, why lib compiled well in parquet project itself but has a lot of unresolved now, when I use it to link in my own project? Moreover I compiled project for windows and when I did the same things, but with arrow.lib and parquet.lib (instead of libparquet.a and libarrow.a ) things worked fine! I was needed only to put arrow.dll, parquet.dll to executables to run project. But in Linux I've already crashed my head
So, why it doesn't work, what I should do to finally link the project with library ?
I found the problem, I had to link libraries with adding .so files (not only .a files) like this
find_library(PARQUET_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES parquet.so parquet.a
PATHS build_parquet/release/Release/ )
find_library(ARROW_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES arrow.so arrow.a
PATHS build_parquet/release/Release/ )
Project is builded. So now the question is, why I need to add .so files to linker (in Windows only static .lib are enough), is it always a case when I build project in Linux ? Is order of linkage important ( .so files first and .a files next ? )
As Uwe wrote in a comment, the https://github.com/apache/parquet-cpp repository is deprecated, and the Parquet C++ library is being developed as part of the Apache Arrow C++ codebase https://github.com/apache/arrow/tree/master/cpp. Can you try building based on that, and if you have trouble can you post on the dev#arrow.apache.org mailing list?
You have succeed to build the project when link with the shared (.so) libraries instead of the static (.a) ones.
(The command find_library actually looks for one library, which name is listed in NAMES option. In your case it found .so library because its name comes before the .a one).
Actually, both shared and static parquet libraries contain the same set of symbols, and both sets are insufficient for link. The difference is that the shared library contains information, where to find remaining symbols (in the thrift library in your case), but the static library doesn't.
For correctly link with the static libraries, you need to list dependent libraries manually.
On Windows .lib file may mean either a static library, or a import file for the shared (.dll) one. It seems that you link with the dynamic one (it has no lib prefix), which succeed like on Linux.
I have two Arch Linux machines on one I can compile my code but on my new one I get the following errors:
:-1: warning: libwebp.so.5, needed by /usr/local/lib/libopencv_imgcodecs.so, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
/usr/local/lib/libopencv_imgcodecs.so:-1: error: undefined reference to `WebPEncodeBGRA'
/usr/local/lib/libopencv_imgcodecs.so:-1: error: undefined reference to `WebPDecodeBGRAInto'
/usr/local/lib/libopencv_imgcodecs.so:-1: error: undefined reference to `WebPEncodeLosslessBGR'
/usr/local/lib/libopencv_imgcodecs.so:-1: error: undefined reference to `WebPDecodeBGRInto'
/usr/local/lib/libopencv_imgcodecs.so:-1: error: undefined reference to `WebPEncodeLosslessBGRA'
/usr/local/lib/libopencv_imgcodecs.so:-1: error: undefined reference to `WebPGetFeaturesInternal'
/usr/local/lib/libopencv_imgcodecs.so:-1: error: undefined reference to `WebPEncodeBGR'
:-1: error: collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
My .pro file looks like this:
# Project created by QtCreator 2015-11-15T16:30:56
QT += core gui opengl
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
TARGET = ColonyCounter
CONFIG += c++11
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include/opencv
LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib -lopencv_core -lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_imgproc
SOURCES += main.cpp\
mainwindow.cpp \
HEADERS += mainwindow.h \
FORMS += mainwindow.ui
How can I link the library or something like this, haven't found anything in the web right know.
I have checked my libs and found out that I do not have a libwep.so.5 but libwebp.so.6 and libwebp.so and libwebp.so.2, but I do not know how to fix it, install libwebp.so.5 or change something in my .pro file?
Looks like the version of OpenCV that you installed wants to link with an older version of libwebp (specifically version 0.4.4 which contains libwebp.so.5) than what you have installed (probably version 0.5.0-1). Some options are:
Downgrade libwebp to 0.4.4 and ignore libwebp 0.5.0-1 to avoid reverting back with future upgrades. This is probably not the best choice, but it is easy and would work unless you have other packages which depend on 0.5.0-1.
Manually download and build the 0.4.4 version of libwebp and install in a non-standard location. In this case, you would need to modify/use LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point opencv there. This is probably your easiest best option.
Download some more recent version of the OpenCV source and build it. It will find and link to your current libwep.so.6, if it is compatible. The latest version of OpenCV (as of this writing 3.1.0) is compatible. This option is the best option but the most involved as compiling OpenCV can be trivial or painful depending upon the features you want to include.
Now a comment about your currently marked solution: Making a link from one soname to another is highly not recommended. In many cases, it won't compile, but even if it does, your application may exhibit arbitrary and unstable behavior and/or segfault unless the binaries are completely compatible. But if they were compatible, the packager would probably not have changed the soname. If this is for a school project, you might be ok, but if this is for anything important, don't do it.
Hope this helps.
I solved the problem with a not so elegant solution:
I just created a symbolic link:
$ file libwebp.so.5
libwebp.so.5: symbolic link to libwebp.so.6.0.0
ln /usr/lib/libwebp.so.6 /usr/lib/libwebp.so.5
I am not sure exactly what my question is as I get seriously turned around by autoconf/automake/libtoolize etc. Several of us are trying to autoconferize mbsystem. I've thrown a repo up of the work to date here:
I'm trying to improve the netcdf setup to use nc-config, but am uncertain how to do this correctly. I am working on configure.in. It seems unable to find a header with AC_CHECK_HEADER("netcdfcpp.h") after INCLUDES="$INCLUDES ``$nc_config --cflags``" (pardon the incorrect back ticks) as taken from the gdl netcdf check. What is the correct way to update the path from nc-config --cflags?
I then tried to use AX_PATH_GENERIC and get stuck on this error with m4_include([m4/ax_path_generic.m4])
Running autoconf ...
configure.in:29: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_SUBST
If this token and others are legitimate, please use m4_pattern_allow.
See the Autoconf documentation.
configure:12992: error: possibly undefined macro: AC_MSG_RESULT
Any help in getting better at creating a netcdf check that actually will work with funky non-standard install locations via nc-config and figuring out how to properly put a macro in the m4 directory would be a huge help.
A pointer to a package doing this really cleanly would be a super help. I've been looking at the netcdf, gdal, geos and gdl sources for examples. And things like the octopus netcdf check do not use nc-config... http://www.tddft.org/trac/octopus/browser/trunk/m4/netcdf.m4
The current setup with fink for netcdf 4.x:
nc-config --cflags --libs
-I/sw/opt/netcdf7/include -I/sw/include
-L/sw/opt/netcdf7/lib -lnetcdf
See Makefile.am: How to use curl-config and xml2-config in configure.ac? and substitute xml2/curl by netcdf.
Just use
PKG_CHECK_MODULES([libnetcdf], [netcdf])
in configure.ac, and then, in Makefile.am:
AM_CPPFLAGS = ${libnetcdf_CFLAGS}
bin_PROGRAMS = foo
foo_SOURCES = ...
foo_LDADD = ${libnetcdf_LIBS}
The "correct" way to use a third party m4 macro is to use aclocal (usually via automake) to generate aclocal.m4. If you are using automake, just add
to Makefile.am and put
in configure.ac (after renaming configure.in).
If you are not using automake, add '-I m4' when you invoke aclocal. If you are not using aclocal, then you'll have to append the definition of the macro to the end of aclocal.m4 (and be careful to never run aclocal, as that will overwrite the file.)
There is no good example of a clean way to use conf scripts to do a build because using such scripts is an inherently flawed approach. A slightly cleaner approach is to stop using custom scripts and use pkg-config via PKG_CHECK_MODULES, but the cleanest way to do this is to educate your users. If the user wants to install the library in funky non-standard locations then they need to be educated enough to set LDFLAGS and CPPFLAGS appropriately.
I am trying to get PhysX working using Ubuntu.
First, I downloaded the SDK here:
Next, I extracted the files and installed each package with:
dpkg -i filename.deb
This gives me the following files located in /usr/lib/PhysX/v2.8.1:
Next, I created symbolic links to /usr/lib:
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/PhysX/v2.8.1/libNxCharacter.so.1 /usr/lib/libNxCharacter.so.1
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/PhysX/v2.8.1/libNxCooking.so.1 /usr/lib/libNxCooking.so.1
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/PhysX/v2.8.1/libPhysXCore.so.1 /usr/lib/libPhysXCore.so.1
Now, using Eclipse, I have specified the following libraries (-l):
And the following search paths just in case (-L):
Also, as Gerald Kaszuba suggested, I added the following include paths (-I):
Then, I attempted to compile the following code:
#include "NxPhysics.h"
NxPhysicsSDK* gPhysicsSDK = NULL;
NxScene* gScene = NULL;
NxVec3 gDefaultGravity(0,-9.8,0);
void InitNx()
if (!gPhysicsSDK)
NxSceneDesc sceneDesc;
sceneDesc.gravity = gDefaultGravity;
gScene = gPhysicsSDK->createScene(sceneDesc);
int main(int arc, char** argv)
return 0;
The first error I get is:
NxPhysics.h: No such file or directory
Which tells me that the project is obviously not linking properly. Can anyone tell me what I have done wrong, or what else I need to do to get my project to compile? I am using the GCC C++ Compiler. Thanks in advance!
It looks like you're confusing header files with library files. NxPhysics.h is a source code header file. Header files are needed when compiling source code (not when linking). It's probably located in a place like /usr/include or /usr/include/PhysX/v2.8.1, or similar. Find the real location of this file and make sure you use the -I option to tell the compiler where it is, as Gerald Kaszuba suggests.
The libraries are needed when linking the compiled object files (and not when compiling). You'll need to deal with this later with the -L and -l options.
Note: depending on how you invoke gcc, you can have it do compiling and then linking with a single invocation, but behind the scenes it still does a compile step then a link step.
EDIT: Extra explanation added...
When building a binary using a C/C++ compiler, the compiler reads the source code (.c or .cpp files). While reading it, there are frequently #include statements that are used to read .h files. The #include statements give the names of files that must be loaded. Those exact files must exist in the include path. In your case, a file with the exact name "NxPhysics.h" must be found somewhere in the include path. Typically, /usr/include is in the path by default, and so is the current directory. If the headers are somewhere else such as a subdirectory of /usr/include, then you always need to explicitly tell the compiler where to look using the -I command-line switches (or sometimes with environment variables or other system configuration methods).
A .h header file typically includes data structure declarations, inline function definitions, function and class declarations, and #define macros. When the compilation is done, a .o object file is created. The compiler does not know about .so or .a libraries and cannot use them in any way, other than to embed a little bit of helper information for the linker. Note that the compiler also embeds some "header" information in the object files. I put "header" in quotes because the information only roughly corresponds to what may or may not be found in the .h files. It includes a binary representation of all exported declarations. No macros are found there. I believe that inline functions are omitted as well (though I could be wrong there).
Once all of the .o files exist, it is time for another program to take over: the linker. The linker knows nothing of source code files or .h header files. It only cares about binary libraries and object files. You give it a collection of libraries and object files. In their "headers" they list what things (data types, functions, etc.) they define and what things they need someone else to define. The linker then matches up requests for definitions from one module with actual definitions for other modules. It checks to make sure there aren't multiple conflicting definitions, and if building an executable, it makes sure that all requests for definitions are fulfilled.
There are some notable caveats to the above description. First, it is possible to call gcc once and get it to do both compiling and linking, e.g.
gcc hello.c -o hello
will first compile hello.c to memory or to a temporary file, then it will link against the standard libraries and write out the hello executable. Even though it's only one call to gcc, both steps are still being performed sequentially, as a convenience to you. I'll skip describing some of the details of dynamic libraries for now.
If you're a Java programmer, then some of the above might be a little confusing. I believe that .net works like Java, so the following discussion should apply to C# and the other .net languages. Java is syntactically a much simpler language than C and C++. It lacks macros and it lacks true templates (generics are a very weak form of templates). Because of this, Java skips the need for separate declaration (.h) and definition (.c) files. It is also able to embed all the relevant information in the object file (.class for Java). This makes it so that both the compiler and the linker can use the .class files directly.
The problem was indeed with my include paths. Here is the relevant command:
g++ -I/usr/include/PhysX/v2.8.1/SDKs/PhysXLoader/include -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/PhysX/v2.8.1/LowLevel/API/include -I/usr/include/PhysX/v2.8.1/LowLevel/hlcommon/include -I/usr/include/PhysX/v2.8.1/SDKs/Foundation/include -I/usr/include/PhysX/v2.8.1/SDKs/Cooking/include -I/usr/include/PhysX/v2.8.1/SDKs/NxCharacter/include -I/usr/include/PhysX/v2.8.1/SDKs/Physics/include -O0 -g3 -DNX_DISABLE_FLUIDS -DLINUX -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"main.d" -MT"main.d" -o"main.o" "../main.cpp"
Also, for the linker, only "PhysXLoader" was needed (same as Windows). Thus, I have:
g++ -o"PhysXSetupTest" ./main.o -lglut -lPhysXLoader
While installing I got the following error
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of libphysx-dev-2.8.1:
libphysx-dev-2.8.1 depends on libphysx-2.8.1 (= 2.8.1-4); however:
Package libphysx-2.8.1 is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing libphysx-dev-2.8.1 (--install):
dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:
So I reinstalled *libphysx-2.8.1_4_i386.deb*
sudo dpkg -i libphysx-2.8.1_4_i386.deb