Filter information in two columns - excel

I need a hint is solving Excel task. I have two columns with data (let's say column A contains a list of people I have met in May; column B a list of people I am planning to meet in June).
Is there a function in Excel which will compare both columns and give me a list of people whom I have met in May but who are not included in the list of planned meetings in June, and show results in column C?

No, but a combination of functions achieves the result. Please try:
copied down to suit.
If the name is not listed in ColumnC then a number should be returned that indicates the position in ColumnA where the name is present in addition to in ColumnB.

With data like:
In D1 enter:
and copy down and then in C1 enter:
and copy down. This results in:


Checking to see if two rows have similar data in excel

I want to compare data in two excel cells (from two columns) and write the matching values only to third column.
I have two lists of countries, column B has roughly 120 countries while column A has roughly 192 countries. I can't figure out a way to display the countries that correspond with each other (seeing if B belongs in A).
Here is an example of what I pulled off from another thread and it doesn't work for me.
excel question
Now, here is my spreadsheet.
My spreadsheet
I just want to validate and compress the countries that are listed in column B to see if they match Column A and print them in C.
Please let me know how I would do so?
You can use this formula in cell C1 and drag down as far as necessary.
= IF(SUMPRODUCT((B1=A$1:A$192)+0)>0,B1,"")
This formula returns the country name in the cell next to it if the country exists in the A column, and blank otherwise.

Two Names in Field

Currently, I am working with a scenario where I have 0 to 6 names in the field. For example, A2 has Bob Smith and Jone Random. Below is an example how they look in a check.
Effi Liu
<- (enter/gap)
Kevin Xing
Basically, I want to generate a 1 column that counts how many people in A2. For example, two people and then create a function that will separate. Each of the names into different columns.
If you have the names separated by the Enter Key in Column A, use the below formula in Column B and drag it to the right upto 6 or more cells and then drag down,
=TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE($A1,CHAR(10),"#"),"#",REPT(" ",999)),(COLUMN(A:A)-1)*999+1,999))
This formula splits your name strings with the Enter Key as the delimiter into multiple columns as you drag. You could then use COUNTA function to find the non-blank cells (number of names). I leave that part to you to google and find it. Hope this helped you.

Combining multiple columns (Excel) into 1 with associated column of dates

Reviewed many threads on similar issues, but none addresses my particular challenge. I have a column (A) of dates (10K+), followed by a column (B) of event hosts, followed by multiple columns (C-X) of co-hosts. From these, I need to create 2 columns - 1 of dates and 1 combined list of hosts/co-hosts (each associated with their specific date). In other words, the co-host listings will be inserted into the host list (as a new row) and the appropriate associated date will be generated in the adjacent date column.
Caveats: (1) there are blank cells (in co-host columns), which need to be ignored; (2) the list will continue to expand each year (+~5K); (3) prefer a formulaic solution, if possible.
Can anyone assist? Many thanks!
For a formula way of doing this I would add the following formula into column Y
And then the following formula into Column Z:
=X1 & IF(LEN(C1)>0,", "&C1,"")
Then drag that formula across to the right for the 22 or so columns (the number between B and X). The last column should have what you are after, you could then Ctrl-X to a different part of the workbook. I have assumed you would like a column between the names. I hope that helps

Excel: Four columns with different lengths and data values, need to find matching values

I have a sheet with 4 columns of data. The first two columns show the name of a stock, followed by a PipDigit. These two values are connected and must not be seperated. The other 2 columns are another set of stock names and accompanying PipDigits. I want to do several things:
First, compare the stock names in each column and arrange it in such a way that matching stock names are aligned. The columns have different lenghts.
Second, I want another column to display which matching stocks have different PipDigit values. For example if for an Ebay stock I have a PipDigit of 2 in the first set of columns, and a PipDigit of 4 in the second set of columns, I would like to see message saying "different" or something similar. I have included a screenshot of the file.
If anything is unclear please let me know
This is the file in question
I believe from your question you are looking for the corresponding record in columns E/F for the 'Symbol' in column A.
The easiest way to get this data would to perform a VLOOKUP on the first column, looking at the data in columns 3/4.
In cell C2 you want the following formula:
This will give you the corresponding pip-digit from column F.
Now in cell D2, enter the following formula:
This will give you a column telling you whether the pip digits match.
Drag these two formulas down to replicate for each row of the table on the left.

Key words and sum equations

Sample Page I have a spreadsheet That I am having trouble getting a formula running.
I have a table that has a handful of columns, being brand, description and sales.
I need to get a formula that will automatically find a keyword in column A and B and SUM all the totals to transfer to another worksheet.
Example I have 2 similar products by name, Demo Firm, and Demo Soft. I have them sorted into text to columns to make it easier to search. Demo in the 1st Column, Firm in the 2nd, Sales in the 3rd.
I need to be able to search all of column A and find every word "DEMO", then I need the formula to Search Colum B and Find all the "Firm", finally I need it to sum up the totals of Column 3 of "DEMO FIRM" and place the sum into Column4.
I have tried IFSUM, IFSUMS, and DSUM but I think I am missing one little step.
I hope this makes sense, in my head I know what I want to do, explaining it is difficult.
Thanks for your help. Will keep an eye on my email if further info needed.
I have uploaded an image of what I am needing (SAMPLE PAGE at top of post). The formula that was commented worked for a my small sample. I just need to make sure it will work on an ever changing spreadsheet.
If it is assumed that your data fills rows 2-10, i.e. A2:A10, etc., but obviously this can be changed as needed. As I understand it, you want to sum up all sales into Column D, based on the values in Column A and Column B. You can simply use a SUMIFS formula in Column D, in this case D2 and drag down for all rows, as follows:
=SUMIFS($C$2:$C$10, $A$2:$A$10, A2, $B$2:$B$10, B2)
So if A2 contains DEMO and B2 contains FIRM, then this formula will sum all of the sales totals in Column C where Column A contains DEMO and Column B contains FIRM.
