Managing Pyramid configuration files efficiently - pyramid

Currently I am having production.ini, develop.ini and test.ini for a web application. Most of the INI configuration is copy-paste. I'd like to split off the shared configuration part to base.ini or similar.
How Pyramid configuration files can be extended or included in a way that the extension mechanism plays well with pserve and ofter serving strategies.


Running multiple node applications using same configuration file that is outside of each project

I am using pm2 to run several node applications. Problem is that I am using config files for every node application and so what I want to do is easily have say a json file outside of all the node application folders in which they can ALL point all for common database connections etc...
Prefer to not use linux environment variables unless there is an easy and great way of setting it up
pm2 does have the ecosystem, but it doesn't seem to be very well documented to me
what other solutions?
pm2 ecosystem // this generates .config.js not a .json
Create json or yml file. Put it in your root projects folder. And write "configProvider" which will read the file and populate configuration. It works really well for us. Especially this file can also been shared between different languages, not only javascript.

Packaging requirejs optimized files in war

In a large web application, I'm using requirejs amd modules so that the scripts themselves are modular and maintainable. I have the following directory structure
|-static-built //output from r.js. not checked into git
During build js and css are optimized using r.js into static-built folder. Gradle is the build tool.
Now the problem: The jsps refer to the scripts in static/scripts folder and this is how i want when working locally. However when building war, I want the static files to be served from static-built folder. The important thing is the source jsp should not have to change to serve the optimized files from static-built folder.
Two options that I have are: a) the gradle build while making war should include static-built instead of static. b)include static-built in addition to static and using tuckey urlrewrite pick the resouce from static-built rather than static.
What best practices are the community following in similar scenarios?
We've setup the server to have a runtime profile (dev, qa, prod, etc) read from a system property which determines some settings based on it. When running in production profile we serve the optimized files from the WAR. In development we serve the non-minified and non-concatenated files directly from the filesystem outside the application context.
Files are structured according to the official multipage example.
Configuring serving files depends on your chosen backend solution. Here's an example for spring.
Alternatively, r.js can generate source maps and those will help with development as well.
Not sure if this question is outdated already, but I had a kind of similar problem.
I had similar project structure, but with the only difference - I've split the project into 2 modules:
one of them (let's call it service) was java-module for back-end
the second one contained only js and other stuff related to front-end (let's call it ui).
Then in Gradle build 'assemble' task of the service depends on 'assemble' task of ui AND another custom task called 'pre-assemble'. This 'pre-assemble' task was copying the optimized js files to place where I wanted them to be.
So, basically, I've just added another task that was responsible for placing all the optimized js files in the proper place.

Minify resource files with IIS, when using Java and .JSP

I was recommended that I move this question from StackOverflow to here.
I am running a web site on a server with Tomcat and IIS. I use .JSP and Java in the back end.
I don't know how to configure IIS to automatically minify resource files (CSS, JavaScript, images) when using .JSP. I have found a few suggested solutions online, but they all apply to IIS and .ASP.
I added the "compression" tag to this post because there is no "minification" tag available, but I am not referring to gzip compression, but removing white spaces, merging resources for faster download etc.
Could anyone help me figure out how to configure IIS to minify resource files with .JSP? Thank you!
Minification a process which combines multiple CSS or JS files to a single file and perform process of compression(whitespace removal) and obfuscation(JS) is an ideal build time solution, rather than a run time solution. While using Tomcat with IIS, it will be good to have some thing like this:
Use WRO4J as a maven build time plugin. Create an attribute like
devmode=true or false. In JSP's have if else condition to define
groups to add multiple CSS/JS or Single based on the devmode value.
While deploying use devmode = false. This with maven configuration will compile JSP with single CSS/JS files.
In IIS, configure a separate VD and map your static resources of war to it. Write a rewrite rule to instruct IIS to serve the static resources. Enable static compression.
The above said configuration will take less load on the CPU.
Some links of interest could be:
Unobtrusive way to combine and compress javascript/css for java/spring/maven applications?

CDN server written in node.js

I am trying to find an example of a CDN server written in nodejs that does the following:
Minification of CSS & JS
Pre-Compiling LESS
Pre-Compiling CoffeeScript
Static Redirection if content already available in another bucket
A management interface
I realize that something like this already exists (S3 etc) but my interest is academic. I am interested if something like this has been done in node, and how.
You should have a look at express-cdn, a module to deliver compressed, minified and assets combined assets to CDN servers (Currently Amazon S3). It lacks some management interface but implements a couple of features you require.
Look into grunt, it has plugins for every kind of asset pipeline.
I cant find a module to perform all your tasks at the same time. You should mix modules in your application. I recommend you look at
Minification of CSS & JS ---> Here
Pre-Compiling LESS ---> Here
Pre-compiling CoffeScript (The command-line version of coffee is available as a Node.js utility.) Here
Static Redirection if content already available in another bucket: Nothing clear, you should have some kind of db for the files, for the redirections go to <3
A management interface: Any Easy to extend Web-based File Manager for node.js?

Node.js on Heroku: use middleware on development, but static assets on production?

Some middle languages, such as Stylus, provides two ways to be compiled: through connect middleware or through CLI tool. The later can generate static compiled assets(i.e. .css files).
So I want to use middleware on development mode but static assets on production. I know that I can use app.configure('developmen'...) to ask express (not) to use some middlewares on development mode.
On an IaaS enviroment, like Amazon EC2, I can run a simple shell script to automatically re-compile all my assets. But how about PaaS, specifically Heroku? How can I tell it where my .styl are and where the .css should be generated?
You may want to take a look at . It caches any built javascript or css files (it has stylus built-in support for stylus) if you pass it build:true .
You can ignore snockets (sprockets-like javascript include system) if you're not interested, although I enjoy using it. #= require_tree app and you include all the js files in that directory. And in development, you get separate script includes for easy debugging.
The biggest downside of serving directly with connect-assets on Heroku is that you need to git push to Heroku for every update to client code, which automatically triggers a restart. I ended up manually building my assets (with stylus and snockets), then uploading to S3. If you don't need to update the client code often, it's not that big of a problem though.
You can take a look at express-cdn, which will upload your assets to S3 on server start.
What I ended up doing was signing up at CloudFlare, and found that it wasn't as fast as using CloudFront, but it was very easy to setup and it works better than serving asset files from my dyno.
