/etc/lsb-release: No such file or directory - linux

I am running a script written by someone else on Mac OSX. And, I'm getting this error
/etc/lsb-release: No such file or directory
I researched a bit and looks like this tells the program what Linux version it is. Obviously, it's not available on OSX. Any suggestions on what it should be changed to in OSX
EDIT: Here's the script https://github.com/reddit/reddit/blob/master/install-reddit.sh

A stub might look something like...
...but any script that's trying to look for a Linux-only file is likely to have other problems on MacOS as well.
Install Ubuntu 12.04 on a virtual machine if you want that script to work.


PyInstaller on Linux (Ubuntu) -- open executable in console

Running PyInstaller v3.2 on Ubuntu 16.04, is it possible to get my bundled application to open a console for stdout? On Mac and Windows I can get this to work, as outlined in the options documentation. But nothing is mentioned for Linux. I've tried playing around with the -c flag, but that does not seem to have any effect. I also tried bundling it as a single file (-F) versus a directory, but neither seems to open a console for stdout...
Just for future reference, in Linux if you run a bundled app from the command line like a script, it will automatically use that same terminal as stdout ...

How to execute a .run file using Mac Terminal?

Once I navigate to a certain directory that has a .run file in it, how do I execute that file using mac Terminal?
I have change the chmod 777 for fileName.run file and run it
$ chmod 777 file-name.run
$ ./file-name.run
but it does not work for me. any idea ?
it give me the following error.
$ ./ppasmeta- cannot execute binary file
Its postgres plus advanced server for linux I want to install on mac os-x .
As suggested by Muhammad Iqbal, you won't be able to run a Linux-specific binary/executable on Mac OS X without some modifications. It's like attempting to run an .exe on Linux - without wine. While Linux and OS X are similar, they are not that compatible. If you can get your desired program in the form of a .deb, that may work. If not, I would suggest either dual-booting your Mac with a small Linux distro (ie. DSL) or picking up a virtual machine. I've dual-booted before - it's a decent option for this situation if you have enough hard drive space. If another solution shows up, I'll be sure to let you know through this channel.
I am not sure what you are asking here but try this
As I said in the comments, I don't think that Postgres Advanced Server is available for OSX. If Postgres 9.5.3 is suitable for your purposes, you could install homebrew and use it to install Postgres 9.5.3 with:
brew install postgresql
You can download the one-liner to install homebrew from here.

Run executable on system startup on debian

I would like to do the following on system startup on debian:
I downloaded the application here:
The error I get is:
"bash ./home/user/bittorrent_sync_i386/btsync: File or directory not found."
I only can do:
cd /home/user/bittorrent_sync_i386/
I would just like to run the application on startup on debian. I also found this:
But how would I modify this script to do what I want? Sorry I am quite new to debian.
If you launch
Without the dot. Does it work better ?

Can run program from Qt but can't run it from konsole

I have a a problem sounds pretty wierd. I compiled a program in Qt and it ran successfully.
But when I navigated to the release folder in the konsole and ran the program (even with super user), it reported :
If 'HelloWorld' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
cnf HelloWorld
I checked the permissions, all users can read it.The path is right. I'm out of way.
Please help me!
Note: I use Qt 4.74 on OpenSuse 12.1. Just switched from windows few days ago
I think this ain't relate to the source code, since even a simple HelloWorld program can't run either
If the program is in the current directory, make sure you run it with a prefix indicating so:

installing lpsolve for MATLAB on Ubuntu 12.04 64bit?

I am trying to install this toolkit for 3 hours.... first, for Python.. I gave up. Then for MATLAB...
It says something about installation(and I read everything at all other websites), but I have no idea of what it says...
Why is it so complicated? It is not like windows, in which for everything I want to install, double-clicking 'setup' or 'install' file on the .zip file installed everything I need.
I am so confused and distressed.. Please help me...
I do not know a bit about Ubuntu, so please explain to me which files I should download(there are a lot of files but I do not know what to download...), and how I could install it with what commands.
Thank you.
