installing lpsolve for MATLAB on Ubuntu 12.04 64bit? - linux

I am trying to install this toolkit for 3 hours.... first, for Python.. I gave up. Then for MATLAB...
It says something about installation(and I read everything at all other websites), but I have no idea of what it says...
Why is it so complicated? It is not like windows, in which for everything I want to install, double-clicking 'setup' or 'install' file on the .zip file installed everything I need.
I am so confused and distressed.. Please help me...
I do not know a bit about Ubuntu, so please explain to me which files I should download(there are a lot of files but I do not know what to download...), and how I could install it with what commands.
Thank you.


Can't run NodeSchool workshops in Git Bash. "TypeError: process.stdin.setRawMode is not a function"

From the research I did for the topic, I saw some recommendations to install tty.js with npm, but it wouldn't install as well - some sort of python exe missing from the system error.
I am able to run the program from Git CMD but it is all confusing for me because I am familiar with unix based consoles :(
The way I installed node.js and npm : All was doen with the installer provided by node.js.
Any insights? Thank you in advance!
I have installed tty.js in a linux enviroment and it works great, you should some building essentials installed, such as:
As well as Python 2.7. When installing using npm, it will look for all the dependencies and as I understand it will compile some C code that does the magic behind the scenes. I haven't tried it on Windows, but what I have seen there is the C code designed for windows, so it probably will run.
Maybe I will be of more help if you copy what you get on the npm installation.
have you tried using Git Bash? That is what I used for the most part as well and acts more unix like. If you're on a PC, an alternative is using ConEMU as they give you a shell that is unix like. Just wanted to give you some options if you're still running into trouble, I know this is super late :)

How to install and get started with moai on Ubuntu?

I am trying to install moai on Ubuntu.
I tried following this:
and completed all the steps. It seemed as if everything completed. But now I don't know what to do.
How to run moai ?
I somewhere saw it was mentioned to run
moai main.lua
However I tried
which moai
without any result.
I thought that moai isn't in my PATH but I don't know which location to add to my PATH variable, because there isn't any file in moai-dev/bin folder of the name moai on my PC.
Please Help.
You can just download moai binary release which is available for linux, osx and windows. After unpacking just put moaidist/linux/moai in your PATH.

Setting up Cygwin + Android NDK + cocos2Dx to work with Eclipse

I'm following a tutorial from this website: Monetizing Game Apps by Todd Perkins
Access to all the files are not required for the questions I'm asking. I have done research on how to solve this on stack overflow and discussed it below
I have followed the tutorial and it has asked me to:
Install Cygwin
Download Cocos2dx-2.0.1(I know this is old, but I don't want to deal with deprecating problems until I'm more confident with the environment)
Run create-android-project.bat(works fine).
Open project I created- and move to and run in Cygwin.
Then I open up cygwin.bat, navigate to myproject/ and run ./
$ ./
Using prebuilt externals
./ line 74: /cygdrive/c/android-ndk-r9c-windows-x86_64/ndk-build: No such file or directory
So I looked into the files and double-checked my changes:
In create-android-project.bat I modified the following variables:
set _CYGBIN=c:\Cygwin64\bin
set _ANDROIDTOOLS=c:\Program Files (x86)\ADT\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20130219\sdk\tools
set _NDKROOT=c:\android-ndk-r9c-windows-x86_64
Check line 74 that cygwin complained about in myproject/
echo "Using prebuilt externals"
Double check what NDK_ROOT is pointing to in
My Research:
I surfed SO for quite some time and tried the following from SO:
EOL Conversion in Notepad++ so LF works for windows for the
An answer somewhere said I need to install the make package when installing cygwin.. I'm not getting this problem, so I'm not sure if this applies.
I have searched many ways to set path - NDK_ROOT
What exactly am I doing wrong? Is it the variables are badly set or is cygwin not properly installed?
Thank you to everyone who commented! :)
This is what I ended up doing.
Reinstall Cygwin : When you get to the select packages to install page, make sure to find DEVEL and change the install action from default to install. I know its a lot of megs but it's easier than combing through it. If you do want to comb through it and get only what you need, I suggest using this website: Installing a c++ compiler for windows
Make your paths simple : Like user2359247 suggested.
Finally run the create_android.bat, open your android project. Keep the path location of your file in mind and open your cygwin terminal.
Navigate to the path in cygwin, and run the file with sh At this point everything was quite smooth sailing.
Also I kept using my version of ndk which is r9 instead of r8 in the tutorial, it didn't give me any hiccups.
Thank you SO!

How to install something on Linux without Makefile (lessc in this case)

I am relatively new to the Linux world so forgive this question if it is simple. I have cloned the lessc repo from this url:
However I cannot find a way of installing it. Am I missing something or is there a manual way to install things setup like this. I have encountered this problem several times and would appreciate any input you could offer. Thanks!
You don't have to install lessc with make install.
It is not a binary program, it's a javascript, so you jut have to copy in the correct position of your website.
Unlike programs, which have a specified position where they have to be installed, files that have to be served by webserver do not have an install script, because there's not fixed position in the filesystem where a website is stored.

Taglist: Exuberant ctags not found in PATH

This morning, I started getting that message when I attempt to open a file in Vim. Vim is my editor of choice for config files, git commit messages and the like, but is not my day to day code editor. I clearly did something to invite this message, but I have no idea what. I did recently uninstall an older version of XCode from /Developer-3.2.6, but that's the only thing that comes to mind that seems even tangentially related.
I'm running OSX Lion. Is Excuberant ctags part of the base install? I know I didn't install it intentionally, but if it's not native, then maybe it came along with something else? Any ideas about how to either get the plugin back or remove references to it so I don't get the warning message?
For Ubuntu and derivatives:
sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags
With yum:
sudo yum install ctags-etags
FWIW I had the same error message on Ubuntu, I simply installed ctags and everything hunky dory. Thanks :)
That looks a lot like the message the taglist plugin emits when it can't find a ctags program. If you run :scriptnames, do you see plugin/taglist.vim in the list of sourced files? If you do, then you'll probably want to remove that and doc/taglist.txt under the same directory structure.
If you are using Gvim in a Windows system, you should download a ctag Windows program (that is ctag.exe) and put the ctag.exe in the vim74 file dir, then reboot Gvim, and it will find it and use it! I hope this is helpful.
Take a look at this:
Thanks, guys. I ended up reinstalling XCode and it looks like the problem has gone away. I have no idea how I got it into whatever state it was in, but it's back now and everything looks to be back to normal.
I encountered the same issue after upgrading to Mountain Lion. I fixed it by reinstalling the CLI tools from XCode preferences > Downloads. I had the CLI tools installed before upgrading. Not sure what happened, but it works now.
I encountered this issue on a host, but I didn't have permission to install any packages.
But i did find out the gctags was present on that system.
I created a softlink for the gctags binary in a location that was included in my PATH environment variable.
$ln -s /usr/bin/gctags ~/bin/ctags**
You can do the same if you find etags binary in your system, and have no way to install any packages.
