can't type more than 48 characters in android studio terminal - android-studio

On my android studio terminal, if I type more than 48 characters they become invisible.
Android:1.1.0, Build number: AI:135.1740770

Changing file-encoding to UTF-8, had solved the problem of characters not appearing

Assuming you're working with Windows, the Android Studio windows needs to be in a "normal" state and not "maximized". It is a problem with Window's scaling. You're window in "normal" state is when your application can be resized with your cursor. Best you can do is just slightly resize the left or right edges and your terminal characters should appear...


Android Studio 4.0 red line tooltip suggestions disappearing too quickly to read

I updated my Android Studio recently to 4.0 and now when I type code incorrectly, and I mouse over the red squiggly line to see what it expects or suggests, the tooltip appears and disappears very quickly. I can't read it. In fact, it's even harder now to get the thing to show up, it's very precise where the mouse pointer is. I've restarted everything including my computer. I've changed the tooltip settings from 700 to 2000 with no change. Anyone else have this issue and know how to fix it?
Thanks all!
I found the answer via this link:
Android Studio , tooltip disappearing so fast
Basically, put a bunch of random letters in your filter for Logcat and it will stop the messages, the tooltip will stay up. When Logcat is running it's interrupting the tooltips now for some reason. I think this must be a bug.

how can I get the exactly right size screen emulator in Android Studio?

I'm working with flutter in Android Studio in windows.
I set the screen size 768*1024(ipad mini size) when I create my virtual devices in android studio, but I find the height is smaller than expected. Actually when I call function window.physicalSize it shows that the size is 768*796.
I have gotten the fact that the function only shows the size of the screen that flutter can render.(So the hidden part is about what? bottom navigation bar,including three buttons, back, home, and the other one, or something else, I'm not sure.)
So, the question is how can I get exact size screen I want(768*1024)?

How to make the emojis display well in windows android studio code editor view?

How to use emoji in the Android source code in Android studio or IntelliJ in Windows OS? I want to use emojis in the logcat print messages by choosing emojis from the context-sensitive popup. I could not find the right plugin.
I need the plugin that is used in the picture below. But don't know how to achieve the same. When I googled I get references to emoji-compat for showing emoji in the android application's soft keyboard dialog. But I want to use emoji in the source code in the comments and logcat only.
Update: I thought it is an android studio feature. But it is available as soft touch keyboard in windows 10. "WIN + ;" is the shortcut for launching the same.
Now, my next question is how to make the emojis display colorful in windows android studio's code editor and logcat like the way it appears in the Mac.
In Mac it appears like this:
In windows it appears like this in the editor after adding the emoji:
On mac position the cursor in any text field you'd like to insert an
emoji, like posting a tweet for example.
Use the keyboard shortcut Command - Control - Space bar to access
Double-click the emoji you'd like to use and it'll be inserted where
you left your cursor.
In your screenshots, the emojis appear to be rendered in a monochrome version in your editor. I've experienced a similar problem with the display of emojis in IntelliJ on macOS.
At first, I thought it was due to a character encoding setting. This turned out to be unrelated as my file encoding is set to UTF-8 everywhere.
After living with the problem for quite some time, the solution I've found to have emojis display right for me is to set the fallback font (for symbols not supported by the main font) to "Apple Color Emoji" for both the editor and the console.
The corresponding UI path for this setting is listed below.
Preferences > Editor > Font
When a color scheme font setting overrides the editor font, then the following paths can apply.
Preferences > Editor > Color Scheme > Color Scheme Font
Preferences > Editor > Color Scheme > Console Font
"Show only monospaced fonts" will need to be disabled temporarily to show the emoji font under "Fallback font".
Additionally, I made "Paste without Formatting" be my default paste option so that emojis can be pasted directly, without risk of being transformed into Unicode escape sequences.
The result is that emojis display as expected for me throughout the IDE, making a big difference to my coding pleasure!
The code editor now correctly handles Unicode emoji characters. On Mac OS X emoji characters are rendered as colored images. On Windows and Linux emoji are rendered as monochrome characters.

Android studio terminal bug

I can't see anything when I type in android studio's terminal. I see the cursor blinking and I can select lines till top but when I copy and paste it somewhere no texts are being pasted [what I checked].
There is no problem with any other log windows.IMAGE IMAGE 2
You may have a problem with your font color settings. It seems like in Windows the terminal takes the colors of the Windows console. Check this answer: Android Studio IDE - Terminal Background Text Colors different from Terminal Background Color

Android Studio Fabric Plugin displays wrong characters - the weirdest bug

I have the weirdest display bug in the Fabric Plugin for Android Studio.
Check it out :
Interestingly :
I discovered that each and every character was replaced by its ASCII value minus 2. Ex : "2 PEOPLE" is displayed "0 NCMNJC".
Characters are weirdly overlapping each other. As the typeface is not monospace ('m' takes more space than 'i'), it indicates that the required space for each character is rightfully calculated, but the wrong character is finally displayed.
Any idea ?
I'm running Android Studio 2.3.2 on Windows 10.
Turned out to be a much wider problem I solved by deleting hundreds of fonts following that piece of advice
I don't know which font was causing this and why it only affected this particular plugin of this particular software though.
i'm running windows 7 and run into the same problem what worked for me is :
startMenu>control panel>
top right on control panel window choosing any other view than category >
choose fonts folder>
in the fonts window on the top left choose font setting
and than press the restore default font setting
after all this restart your computer and than you should see the right font displayed also note that i did a full uninstall and reinstall of the plugin to android studio before restarting computer cause when i reset the font setting it caused a quick display of the right font and than jumped to the bugged font all over...
