NodeJS synchronous request from mongoose - node.js

I'm developing a website in NodeJS with Mongo. Part of the website has url localhost/api/ and returns some JSON, it works fine for fetching from clientside. Now I want to work with these data from server (to prerender it). Basically, I have a function which should return the result from the API part. It looks like this:
request('http://localhost:8000/api/', function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
return body // return the JSON array from API which works OK
Unfortunately, it doesn't work and only returns "500: TypeError: Cannot call method 'map' of undefined at App". The code simply doesn't have the value at the moment it renders, so I would ideally like to make the function somehow synchronous as I'm used to from other languages.
If I return the JSON array I need directly from the function (without asking for it from request module), it works. Therefore, I know that the problem comes from my wrong usage of asynschronous programming. What would you recommend as a solution? (I could also ask the mongo directly, not via request, but that's not the problem now - I tried and it was the same).

Just in case someone was interested.. I have solved this problem quickly with Promises. The function which waits for the result of request expects a Promise, which is made in the request call.


Bot framework async issues

I'm experimenting with the translation service on the Microsoft bot framework. I've written a method to which I pass a callback function which receives my translated text.
I've got an existing bot that calls an HTTP endpoint to create my output in English. I want to translate the output to the different language before returning it to the user. My unaltered code looks like this:
headers: HEADERS,
json: BODY
async function (error, response, body) {
if (response.statusCode == 202) {
var msg = body.mainResponse.text;
This runs just fine. Data passed in the HTTP response body gets parsed sent back to the user.
Now I want to plug in my translation service. I've got a single function that I call to do this called Translator.translate(text, callback). I've added this call to my existing function to get:
headers: HEADERS,
json: BODY
async function (error, response, body) {
if (response.statusCode == 202) {
var msg = body.mainResponse.text;
await Translator.translate(msg, function (output) {
My translation process runs and I get the translation in the output variable, but nothing gets sent back to the user. Looking at the terminal, I see the error "Cannot perform 'get' on a proxy that has been revoked" relating to the context.sendActivity line in my callback.
Can anyone suggest how I keep the context object active?
Thanks in advance.
Many thanks for the assistance everyone - I never completely got to the bottom of this, but I finally fixed it with a complete re-write of the code. I think the problem was caused by a large number of nested synchronous and asynchronous calls. My ultimate solution was to completely get rid of all the nesting - first calling the translation service (and waiting for it), then doing the original call.
I think there are a number of other asynchronous threads inside the methods of both pieces of functionality. I don't have a great understanding of how this works in node, but I'm guessing that the response was getting popped off the stack at the wrong point, which is why I wasn't seeing it. The "cannot perform get" error was a bit of a red herring, it turns out. I get the same error from some of Microsoft's working demo code. I'm sure there's a separate issue there that ought to be fixed, but it wasn't actually caused by this issue. The code was running, but the output was getting lost.

understanding and using API's

I'm working on a react-express project.
On the back end I made a small API that stream some information on my /API/ routes. Just a JSON object.
The thing is, I do not know how am I supposed to put that information on my front end and use it.
I'm using the project as a learning exercise. I have never use an API before.
My main problem (I think) is that English is not my first language. So when I try to google this issue, I get all kinds of results because I'm probably not using the right words.
Any help would be appreciated!
You typically pull the data using a JSON HTTP request. Let's say you have a route /API/myData that returns a JSON formatted response. Your server code should like :
app.get('/API/myData', function(request, response) {
On your react app you can pull this data with any request library. For example with request:
var request = require('request');
request('localhost/API/mydata', function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
var result = JSON.parse(body); // here is your JSON data
It's just a starting point. You should have a look at express examples, request examples and other similar libraries to get familiar with it.
I'm using window.fetch here because it's the easiest thing to start with (even though it's not supported in all browsers yet). You could also use jQuery's ajax function or any number of things.
.then(data => data.json())
.then(json => document.getElementById('your-ip').innerHTML = json.origin)
Your IP is: <div id="your-ip"></div>

node async call return data in response

I am new to nodejs so I have a basic question and this is my scanrio
I have a javascript client which is making a http request to a node server to read a value from the database.
Once the node server receives the request it makes a simple db call and returns the data to the client in the response, and this is where the problem is.
router.get('/state', function(req, res){
var result = dbServer.makeDBCall();//Before this line executes and returns the result the next line executes
The database call from the node server is asynchronous, therefore before the result is returned the node server has already sent a blank response to the client. What is the standard/acceptable way of getting this achieved, I know I can block the node thread using async, but then the whole purpose of node is gone right?
It depends on what kind of database node module you are using.
Other than the standard callback approach, there are also the promise way. The pg-promise library is 1 of those kind.
See sample code:
this.databaseConnection.makeDBCall('your query...')
.then(function(dbResponse) {
// Parse the response to the format you want then...
.catch(function(error) {
// Handle error
#spdev : I saw 1 of your comments about you being worried about how Node actually knows who to reply the response to, especially when there are multiple requests.
This is a very good question, and to be honest with you - I don't know much about it as well.
In short the answer is yes, Node somehow handles this by creating a corresponding ServerResponse object when a HTTP request comes through. This object seems to have some smartness to tell the Nodejs network stack how to route itself back to the caller when it gets parsed as data packets.
I tried Googling a bit for an answer but didn't got too far. I hope the ServerResponseObject documentation can provide more insight for you. Share with me if you got an answer thanks!
Try below code.
router.get('/state', function(req, res){
var result = dbServer.makeDBCall(function(err,result){
if(!err) {
Hope this Help.
The dbServer.makeDBCall(); must have a callback that runs when the statement completes executing.
Something like -
dbServer.makeDBCall({query: 'args'}, function(err, result){
if (err) // handle error
You return the response from db from that callback function.
Learn more about callback from here-
nodeJs callbacks simple example

Optimization callbacks in MeteorJS

I dont know how to ask my question correctly, but for example I have some structure like this
request("", Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
$ = Cheerio.load(body);// get HTML of
$(".someclass").each(function() {
if (!somedata_doesnt_exist_in_Mongo) {
request(nexturl, Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(error, response, body)
//... logic
Main idea is that I get data from many sites like agregator and have a lot of methods like this. And it'a a lot of time. So I have 2 questions
1 - for Meteor guys. When I use this.unblock() this ensures that my method will work without taking time with customers, like work in other thread ?
2 - How can I optimaze code stucture like above ?
Sorry if it's not in StackOverflow format but
I am waiting for any help !
this.unblock is relevant only to each client individually. It
allows subsequent method calls from client A to run without
having the previous method calls from that client A to finish.
It is like working in a new thread asynchronously in the sense that
the previous method calls are not blocking for client A for this
function using this.unblock. If you have client B, his/her
method invocation wouldn't be blocking A's regardless of whether
you use this.unblock.
I recommend using this.unblock whenever you are sure subsequent method calls will not rely on the result of the function you use this.unblock in. Sending out emails is the most common example. Subsequent method calls will not need the emails to finish sending before doing its job. For your example, I think it should be good to use this.unblock, but of course it depends on what you plan to do with the results following the execution of code after this.unblock.

node.js middleware and js encapsulation

I'm new to javascript, and jumped right into node.js. I've read a lot of theory, and began well with the practical side (I'm writing an API for a mobile app), but I have one basic problem, which has lead me to middleware. I've successfully implemented a middleware function, but I would like to know if the use I'm giving the idea of middleware is OK, and also resolve the original problem which brought me to middleware. My question is two-fold, it's as follows:
1) From what I could gather, the idea of using middleware is repeating a process before actually processing the request. I've used it for token verification, as follows:
Only one of my urls doesn't receive a token parameter, so
app.get('/settings', auth.validateToken, auth.settings);
function validateToken(req, res, next){ //code };
In validateToken, my code checks the token, then calls next() if everything is OK, or modifies res as json to return a specific error code.
My questions regarding this are: a) Is this a correct use of middleware? b) is there a [correct] way of passing a value onto the next function? Instead of calling next only if everything is OK, is there a [correct] way of calling next either way, and knowing from inside the next function (whichever it is), if the middleware was succesful or not? If there is, would this be a proper use of middleware? This precise point brings me to my original problem, and part two of this question, which is encapsulating functions:
2) I discovered middleware trying to simply encapsulate validateToken, and be able to call it from inside the functions that the get handlers point to, for example auth.settings.
I'm used to common, sequential programming, and not in javascript, and haven't for the life of me been able to understand how to do this, taking into account the event-based nature of node.js.
What I want to do right now is write a function which simply verifies the user and password. I have it perfectly written inside a particular handler, but was about to copy-paste it to another one, so I stopped. I want to do things the right way from scratch, and understand node.js. One of the specific problems I've been having, is that the error code I have to return when user and password don't match are different depending on the parent function, so I would need this function to be able to tell the callback function "hey, the password and user don't match", so from the parent function I can respond with the correct message.
I think what I actually want is to write an asynchronous function I can call from inside another one.
I hope I've been clear, I've been trying to solve this on my own, but I can't quite finish wrapping my head around what my actual problem is, I'm guessing it's due to my recent introduction to node.js and JS.
Thanks in advance! Jennifer.
1) There is res.locals object ( designed to store data local to the request and to pass them from one middleware to another. After request is processed this object is disposed of. If you want to store data within the session you can use req.session.
2) If I understand your question, you want a function asynchronously passing the response to the caller. You can do it in the same way most node's functions are designed.
You define a function in this way:
function doSomething(parameters, callback) {
// ... do something
// if (errorConddition()) err = errorCode();
if (callback) callback(err, result)
And the caller instead of using the return value of the function passes callback to this function:
function caller(req, res, next) {
doSomething(params, function(err, result) {
if (! err && result) {
// do something with the result
} else {
// do something else
// or even res.redirect('/error');
If you find yourself writing similar callback functions you should define them as function and just pass the function as parameter:
doSomething(param, processIt);
function processIt(err, result) {
// ...
What keeps you confused, probably, is that you don't treat functions as values yet, which is a very specific to JavaScript (not counting for languages that are little used).
In validateToken, my code checks the token, then calls next() if everything is OK, or modifies res as json to return a specific error code.
a) Is this a correct use of middleware?
b) is there a [correct] way of passing a value onto the next function?
Yes that is the correct way of using middleware, although depending on the response message type and specifications you could use the built in error handling of connect. That is in this example generate a 401 status code by calling next({status:401,stack:'Unauthorized'});
The middleware system is designed to handle the request by going through a series of functions until one function replies to the request. This is why the next function only takes one argument which is error
-> if an error object is passed to the next function then it will be used to create a response and no further middleware will be processed. The manner in which error response is created is as follows
// default to 500
if (res.statusCode < 400) res.statusCode = 500;
debug('default %s', res.statusCode);
// respect err.status
if (err.status) res.statusCode = err.status;
// production gets a basic error message
var msg = 'production' == env
? http.STATUS_CODES[res.statusCode]
: err.stack || err.toString();
-> to pass values down the middleware stack modifying the request object is the best method. This ensures that all processing is bound to that specific request and since the request object goes through every middleware function it is a good way to pass information down the stack.
