Excel - return value based on two inputs - excel

I have two input values, that I want to use to return a third value.
Input 1: Y (lets say "Y" is in cell B1)
Input 2: 15 (15 in cell B2)
In another database sheet the input 1 values are sorted in the top row, the input 2 values are listed in a column in front of the wanted values.
| | X | Y | Z |
|16| a | g | k |
|15| b | h | l |
|14| c | i | l |
Fx. X,Y,Z are in row 3 and column 2,3,4.
I want a formula that returns "h" from the two inputs, Y & 15. How is this possible?

In your example above:
=INDIRECT(B1&B2) will return the value in [Y15] which is "h"

Assuming 16 is in Row4, please try:

Here's a formula for you:
MatrixRange = whatever the range of your data matrix is (in entirety) so if your data matrix starts in A3 and ends in D20 this would be replaced with A3:D20
RowInput = whatever cell you are getting search value for to find the row of appropriate data (This is Input 2 on your example)
MatrixStartColumn = Whatever column (or range) your Matrix data index starts in (these would be the numbers in your example). If the numbers on the left side of your data example are in Column A, this would be changed to A:A or A1:A50 (or wherever the last value is). The important thing for this is to use a range from the start of the column otherwise your row count will be off. If you must use a sub-range to avoid matches outside of the matrix, be sure to add the appropriate number to the end of the Match statement. For example if you are specifying MatrixStartColumn as "A3:A44", you will need to add +2 for the first 2 rows being skipped (A1 and A2). So the Index statement becomes (MatrixRange,MATCH(RowInput,MatrixStartColumn,0)+2,...
ColumnInput = whatever cell your column search value is in (your Input 1 data)
MatrixStartRow = Same as StartColumn above but for the header index of your matrix (the XYZ letters in your example). Just as above, if you must use only the range of the matrix, be sure to add your offset numbers so you get the right column.

Assuming that your inputs are at B1 (row), and B2 (Column) here is your formula:
Here is how the formulas work:
INDEX(area with values, row , column) returns value based on row and column you provide.
MATCH(value to find, range to search) returns row/column where value was found.
Note that Match will accept only one row or column for 'range to search'.


String compare value and pull exact value of cells from other columns and copy to new cell

I am trying to make a statistics table for a set of data and would like a formula that would find exact matches in string values in a particular column and pull the data from another column of that row if there is a match.
Basically, if "Name_1" appears in column X, copy the value of column Z from that row and paste it to a new cell.
I have multiple conditions that I would like the formula to check first before pulling the data.
If the cell in column N contains the name & if column O contains "HE" THEN,
copy value of cells found in column O (without repetition).
I am keeping track of the number of times (for example), CH appears in column N and the string value of the cell in the next column O. So I have a counter that counts every time CH appears - and the type of human error that has occurred (which is data in Column O).
Example of expected output:
Here, total count for CH is 3, with 2 involving HE1 and HE2 and 1 involving ABC (based on example).
Count for KL is 2 involving HE1, HE2 and HE3
Count for LT is 2 involving HE1, HE2 and HE3.

Auto Increment the value of a cell based on an adjacent sell value plus search last number increment by 1

Ok I have 2 excel columns
1st column A "Workstream", is a data list with three numbers as a dropdown. 1,2,3
2nd column B "ID", would like to auto-populate based on the selection made from the left adjacent cell + perform a lookup to get the MAX number in the current column and ADD by 1.
For Example:
So when a user selects from the drop-down in column A then Column B auto-populates with something like this
However, in order to complete the value, it needs to do the following:
="W"&A:1&"-" Search for the Max Record in Column B that starts with 1 or whatever value was entered into Column A, then include the next number based on the MAX value selected in Column A
So in the above example, let's say I Enter "2" in column A, then the value that auto-populates in column B would be
| 2 | W2-003
or if I selected 1 from column A given where we left off then the value that would auto-populate in column B would be:
| 1 | W1-006
If I am understanding correctly and you want the format to be "W" followed by number of the workstream (as inferred from the text of your question) try:
="W"&A2&"-"&TEXT(COUNTIF(A$2:A2, B2), "000")
If instead you want the output exactly as shown in the picture you provided, it's even easier:
="W1-"&TEXT(COUNTIF(A$2:A2, B2), "000")
EDIT: You might consider pre-dragging the formula to all the rows that you think have the possibility of being impacted so that you don't have to drag the formula each time you add a row. In that case, try:
=IF(A2="","", "W"&A2&"-"&TEXT(COUNTIF(A$2:A2, B2), "000"))

Use SUBTOTAL only where column contains a value

I am currently using the following subtotal SUBTOTAL(9,b:b) to cat a total on my filtered data.
Column A contains a year of either 16,17,18 or 19.
I would like to only count the subtotal if column A contains 16 so
=if(a:a = 16, SUBTOTAL(9,b:b) or something simular
We can "fake" the SUBTOTAL() function. Say we have data like:
and we want to filter the data and only add values in column B that correspond to 16 in column A. In C2 enter:
and copy downward. Then filter column B for positive only:
The cool thing about column C is that it is 1 if the row is visible and 0 if the row is hidden. Therefore:
will yield the same result as =subtotal(9,b:b) and:
will apply the column A restriction.

Conditional subtraction from multiple cells

A |B |C |....|K |L |M |
Tom |0 | |....|Tom |Jim |Dave |
Jim |1000 | |....|15000|14000|12000|
Dave |3000 | |....| | | |
Using Google Sheets for this one. I would like the values in columns K, L, and M to read from column B, detect if the corresponding cell from A reads one of 'Tom', 'Jim', or 'Dave' for example, and then subtract the amount from the correct column to reduce a running total. I've had some trouble figuring it out and tried to use conditional formatting to solve it but can't seem to quite get there. Is there a formula I can use that will read column B and subtract the amount shown from the correct column based on the name in column A?
So to pseudo-code it:
read(column B cell);
if(column B cell - 1 column = "Tom")
column K - (value of column B cell)
else if(column B cell - 1 column = "Jim")
column L - (value of column B cell)
Is there a simple method I can use to generate this result? Also thought about changing the formatting of a cell based on the name in the cell next to it and subtracting the value of any cell with that colour but this becomes unwieldy if names are added. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
would there be a way to constrain the formula to a single cell so I can have the total in a single location rather than down the columns? My plan is to have the total boxes scroll with the sheet and always be visible.
Let's assume that Columns A and B continue on down the sheet, with further name + amount entries. You want to have a single row of balances for each of the people.
The balance is then some initial value less the sum of amounts for that person. Say the amounts you've shown in row 2 are the initial values; here's how you could have row 3 reflect the remaining balance for each person (This is for "Tom", copy for the others):
Alternative solution
This doesn't do exactly what you want, but it is more appropriate for a running total scenario, so others may find it useful to adapt to ledgers, etc.
The IF() function can be used to decide whether or not a value in Column B applies to one of the "total" columns, K to M.
Use this formula in K3, copy to the rest of the range:
This example is in Google Sheets, but the same formula works in Excel and other "compatible" offerings.
What you do is put the formula in each column.
Column K subtracts value of column B if column A = "Tom"
Column L subtracts value of column B if column A = "Jim"

Excel matching multiple cells for duplicates

I need to populate a cell where the result is either valid or an error based on the following criteria. I'm not sure if using Match, Lookup formulas will work for this problem.
1 | IntRef | Value | Result
2 |-----------|-----------+----------
3 | r01 | Value 123 | Success (because B4 matches B3)
4 | r01 | Value 123 | Success (because B3 matches B4)
5 | r02 | Value ABC | Failed (because B6 differs from B5)
6 | r02 | Value XYZ | Failed (because B5 differs from B6)
Success Criteria
Scan each IntRef (A) column for all duplicate keys. Where they match
on a row check the Value column (B). Where all matching cells have
the same value set their result cell (C) to Success.
Failed Criteria
Scan each IntRef (A) column for all duplicate keys. Where they match
on a row check the Value column (B). Where all matching cells have a
different value set their result cell (C) to Failed.
I am sure there is a formula that can be entered into each cell of column C which will do a lookup for each IntRef cross referencing the contents of column B where the match occurs. This is going beyond Excel formula knowledge.
Is it possible to create and help formulate the calculation of the success/failed criteria (Column C)?
This appears to do the trick...
Note that that's an array lookup formula (meaning you need to hit Ctrl+Shift+Enter when entering it).
This formula basically counts the number of times the A and B column values appear together and compares this to the number of times the A column value appears. If the two counts match, you have success.
Try this formula:
Assuming you have your data like this:
Formula is entered as Array Formula in C2 by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
Then just copy on the remaining cells.
I just added and changed the position of some data for testing.
Hope this works for you. Change the Range to suit your data size.
