Does OAuth 1.0a "Work" When Service Provider Provides The Consumer - security

I am in the process of designing a RESTful API/web-service with the expectation that it will eventually be able to be consumed by several client web applications/consumers. As part of this service, I would like to have the first consumers be web browsers, in which the API/service provides a website that can access the API.
Is there a feasible/secure way in which OAuth 1.0a may be used for a Consumer (in this case, website) that is ultimately provided by the "same" service as the API itself?
Mainly, how can I ensure that this consumer has a valid secret Consume Key if it gets sent over the wire? Is there a way to "pre-register" an instance of the webpage, with its own Consumer Key, prior to sending?
(I plan on using HTTPS with this design.)
Any direct answers are appreciated, and any references to other online material that may answer my question(s) is also appreciated.

During further research, I have found that one of the goals of OAuth 2.0 is to factor in a use-case that handles browser-based web applications.
In Oauth 2.0, browser-based applications are considered "public clients;" the specification has an Implicit Grant workflow to handle clients of this type. Public clients are clients that cannot ensure that a client identifier or client secret be kept secret, therefore, the Implicit Grant flow does not explicitly rely on the requirement that it have a client secret. Rather, the client pre-registers a redirect-URI with the authorization server prior to gaining access tokens.
So, in short, there isn't a good way to pass a client secret "over the wire" in a browser-based application. (Or at least not a good way that I have discovered.) Rather the OAuth 2.0 Implicit Grant workflow can be used instead.


OpenID Connect: How to maintain a single sign-on experience between multiple web clients of the same umbrella application?

I'm considering how to take a fairly complex tiered application with multiple web apps that delegate back to the same application server, and migrate it to use OIDC authentication with auth code flow. I am anticipating using identity server 4.
My question is: what would be accepted best practice in terms of maintaining a single-sign-on experience between these different web client applications (i.e. user signs into one, she's signed into them all until she signs out). suggests:
Note that the audience (aud claim) of the [id token] is set to the client's identifier, which means that only this specific client should consume this token.
This suggests that I should consider my backend application server to be my single 'client', and have my web apps share that same client ID. I can imagine doing this by storing the id token browser-side in a secure cookie. seems to validate this idea:
Put into a browser cookie the ID token can be used to implement lightweight stateless sessions.
But I wonder if it's security best practice to keep an id_token in a cookie.
I wonder if there are any other approaches - like:
Considering each web application a separate 'client'
When the user logs on to a second web application, have them direct back to the OIDC provider, which would automatically create a client token for the new client based on some notion that they are still basically 'logged-on' to the OP.
It seems like this must be a solved problem. What is accepted best practice here?

Are OAuth Access Tokens confidential?

I have a web application which uses OAuth 2.0 to talk to a third-party service. I want both my server and my web app to talk to the authorized service on behalf of the user. I go through the normal authorization steps of doing the redirect, getting the auth code, exchanging it for the access token, all that jazz. Once complete, my server has the access token and can talk to the service. However, I'd like the web app to talk to the service as well so I don't have to route everything through my server.
Can I send the access token to the web app so I can achieve this? Or, is the access token supposed to be kept confidential between my service and the service, never being disclosed to the user, just just like the client secret is?
I've tried to find an answer for this in the spec and various blog posts, but haven't found a definitive answer either way. I know there is an implied auth method for client-side apps which don't involve a server-side component at all. Therefor my initial guess is that I can send the token to the client. I would like to verify this though.
The token is considered very sensitive information because it allows access to the service. Anyone could issue requests if they had this token.
This is why the token is passed in the Authorization Header, this is why it's highly recommended you make all calls over https, to protect the headers and body information. This is also why it is recommended that the tokens have s short life span so that if one is indeed compromised, it doesn't last for long.
Yes, you can share this token between your own applications and it should work, provided the receiver of the token does not store the IP addresses of the callers as well or has some other check mechanisms in place.
The ideal situation however would be for you to issue a different set of ClientID and Client Secret to each application which requires access.
Don't forget that this is the way the applications identify themselves to the receiver side and it might be important for reporting and analysis purposes.

How to secure an API when the consumer uses claims authentication

I'm building a .NET MVC enterprise web application that must have the ability to authenticate users from different companies. One of the major requirements was to ensure that users don't need to create and remember new credentials to use the application, instead they should continue to use whatever credentials they use to access applications within their company intranet.
Since the application will be hosted on the extranet and needs to handle authenticating against multiple domains (i.e. multiple Active Directories), we are expecting each client to set up a security token service (AD FS) that the application can interface with to implement claims authentication.
The MVC application will check if the user is authenticated, and if not, start the workflow that ends with the MVC application being given a SAML claim being associated with the user.
At this point, the user is authenticated and given access to the MVC application. However, the application itself is a modern day web application that uses quite a bit of JavaScript to consume a .NET Web API that handles most of the business logic. My main question is how I can secure this API. I want to make sure the only requests being sent to this server are being sent from a valid source, and that the user consuming the service has permissions to do so.
Current Solutions
There are two approaches I can take to consume the API:
Straight from JavaScript (Preferred solution)
Route the request through the MVC server, which will then forward it to the API.
In order to pick an approach, I first need to find a way to secure the API.
HMAC Authentication
The most straight forward solution I've found is HMAC Authentication - However, this approach requires all API requests to come directly from the MVC server, since the secret key will need to sit on the MVC server.
OAuth 2.0
The second approach I can implement is some flavor of OAuth 2.0. The flavors I'm familiar with can be found here
Authorization Code
Resource owner credentials
Client credentials
Authorization Code Grant
This is not the approach that I want to take. The MVC application has already received claims for the user - they shouldn't have to do it again just because the API needs the claim. (I have a followup question asking if I can simply pass the claim to the API server)
Implicit Grant
I like the way this approach sounds, since I will be able to execute API requests in the client (i.e. JavaScript code), however it suffers from the same problem as the first approach.
Resource Owner Credentials Grant
This approach is out of the question - I don't want either the MVC application or the API to ever hold onto the user's credentials.
Client Credentials Grant
This approach is the only reasonable OAuth approach listed - however I fail to see a major difference between this approach and HMAC authentication detailed above.
Have I correctly set up the MVC application's authentication structure? Specifically, in this context is it appropriate to have AD FS handle authentication and respond with SAML tokens representing user claims?
I plan to store user data in the server's session. Can I also store the user's claim in the session, and then somehow send that up to the API for authentication?
If I can pass the claim from the MVC server to the API server, and the API server can correctly authenticate the request, is it safe to pass the claim to the client (browser / JS code) so that consuming the API can bypass the MVC server?
Is the HMAC Authentication approach the best way to go?
Yes, using ADFS or any IdP products as an IdP for your application is a good way to implement SSO. Doing this way help you delegate all the federated access management as well as claim rules to ADFS.
Yes, you can store claims in session and somehow send them to the WebAPI. Please note that if you are using WIF, it already stores claims in Thread.CurrentPrincipal as a ClaimsPrincipal object. Another thing is that I assume you only want to somehow send the claims only, not the whole SAML2 token.
I would say it is as safe as the mechanism you use to protect the token on the client side. Check and for more details.
I can't say if it is best for you, but it seems to be a viable way, given that you have control over the WebAPI too. However, it also seems that using JWT token would be easier: Talking about JWT token, you can also ask ADFS to issue it for you:

Application token/secrets when creating an OAuth API

Background: I am using node.js and express to create an API. I have implemented OAuth in my API server in a standard consumer/user key/secret fashion (the same way Twitter, Facebook, etc. do). I expect 3rd parties to connect to my API, again in the same manner as these common APIs.
Normally, a client would connect with an application token/secret (eg, you create a Facebook app as a Facebook developer and these are given to you). However there are times when the client cannot provide a secret for the application because the code is implemented in an insecure fashion. Specifically, I am referring to Javascript libraries. Eg, developers do not want to expose their application secret in Javascript code because it is plaintext and could be read by malicious users.
I've noticed that Facebook avoided this problem. The developer needs to provide only an application token (not secret) to the Javascript library. I do not understand how to provide a similar option for my API without fundamentally making my library insecure. Namely, if requests are being made by a Javascript client library to an API without providing a well-secured token/secret, how are those requests authenticated by the OAuth API?
Intellectually, the best solution I could think of would to have some sort of token handoff between the Javascript client library and the API server via a HTTPS connection, in order to return a secret for the library to use. I'm not quite sure how I'd secure this handoff to prevent spoofs, though.
In most cases it is better to follow the standards than to implement some custom way. OAuth2 specifies 4 methods in the latest draft (28) to do the Authorization Grant flow. The implicit flow is the one you saw on Facebook.
As the standard says for that:
When issuing an access token during the implicit grant flow, the authorization server does not authenticate the client. In some cases, the client identity can be verified via the redirection URI used to deliver the access token to the client. The access token may be exposed to the resource owner or other applications with access to the resource owner's user-agent.
Implicit grants improve the responsiveness and efficiency of some clients (such as a client implemented as an in-browser application) since it reduces the number of round trips required to obtain an access token. However, this convenience should be weighed against the security implications of using implicit grants, especially when the authorization code grant type is available.
it has some security drawbacks.
But as far as I can see, the other methods don't work for you, as they are exposing secrets to either the client (third-party website owner) or the resource owner (user), so you should stay with this.

API Keys vs HTTP Authentication vs OAuth in a RESTful API

I'm working on building a RESTful API for one of the applications I maintain. We're currently looking to build various things into it that require more controlled access and security. While researching how to go about securing the API, I found a few different opinions on what form to use. I've seen some resources say HTTP-Auth is the way to go, while others prefer API keys, and even others (including the questions I found here on SO) swear by OAuth.
Then, of course, the ones that prefer, say, API keys, say that OAuth is designed for applications getting access on behalf of a user (as I understand it, such as signing into a non-Facebook site using your Facebook account), and not for a user directly accessing resources on a site they've specifically signed up for (such as the official Twitter client accessing the Twitter servers). However, the recommendations for OAuth seem to be even for the most basic of authentication needs.
My question, then, is - assuming it's all done over HTTPS, what are some of the practical differences between the three? When should one be considered over the others?
It depends on your needs. Do you need:
Identity – who claims to be making an API request?
Authentication – are they really who they say they are?
Authorization – are they allowed to do what they are trying to do?
or all three?
If you just need to identify the caller to keep track of volume or number of API Calls, use a simple API Key. Bear in mind that if the user you have issued the API key shares it with someone else, they will be able to call your API as well.
But, if you need Authorization as well, that is you need to provide access only to certain resources based on the caller of the API, then use oAuth.
Here's a good description:
API Keys or even Tokens fall into the category of direct Authentication and Authorization mechanisms, as they grant access to exposed resources of the REST APIs. Such direct mechanisms can be used in delegation uses cases.
In order to get access to a resource or a set of resources exposed by REST endpoints, it is needed to check the requestor privileges according to its identity. First step of the workflow is then verifying the identity by authenticating the request; successive step is checking the identity against a set of defined rules to authorizing the level of access (i.e. read, write or read/write). Once the said steps are accomplished, a typical further concern is the allowed rate of request, meaning how many requests per second the requestor is allowed to perform towards the given resource(s).
OAuth (Open Authorization) is a standard protocol for delegated access, often used by major Internet Companies to grant access without providing the password. As clear, OAuth is protocol which fulfils the above mentioned concerns: Authentication and Authorization by providing secure delegated access to server resources on behalf of the resource owner. It is based on access Tokens mechanism which allow to the 3rd party to get access to the resource managed by the server on behalf of the resource owner. For example, ServiceX wants to access John Smith's Google Account on behalf of John, once John has authorized the delegation; ServiceX will be then issued a time-based Token to access the Google Account details, very likely in read access only.
The concept of API Key is very similar to OAuth Token described above. The major difference consists in the absence of delegation: the User directly requests the Key to the service provider for successive programmatic interactions. The case of API Key is time based as well: the Key as the OAuth Token is subject to a time lease, or expiration period.
As additional aspect, the Key as well as the Token may be subject to rate limiting by service contract, i.e. only a given number of requests per second can be served.
To recap, in reality there is no real difference between traditional Authentication and Authorization mechanisms and Key/Token-based versions. The paradigm is slightly different though: instead of keep reusing credentials at each and every interaction between client and server, a support Key/Token is used which makes the overall interaction experience smoother and likely more secure (often, following the JWT standard, Keys and Tokens are digitally signed by the server to avoid crafting).
Direct Authentication and Authorization: Key-based protocols as a variant of the traditional credentials-based versions.
Delegated Authentication and Authorization: like OAuth-based protocols, which in turn uses Tokens, again as a variant of credential-based versions (overall goal is not disclosing the password to any 3rd party).
Both categories use a traditional identity verification workflow for the very first interaction with the server owning the interested resource(s).
