Alternate (also local) NuGet package sources - visual-studio-2012

I'm facing a problem with connection to the default NuGet source ( It's an issue independent from me and I can't mend it, it's some kind of network related problem.
Does anyone know alternate source(s) I can use?
There's a "..." button in source dialog - can I use some kind of HDD based package source?

If you want to create your own nuget package source. The following article could be useful.


Adding GitHub project to Launchpad PPA Package

I am trying to figure out how to add a GitHub project to my simple, working Launchpad PPA package. The GitHub project that I am try to add is I couldn't find much help online and I'm hoping that someone can help point me in the right direction on how to accomplish this. Thanks!
You need to 'debianize' your package first. The debianization depends on the package type, and the manual for a package debianization is called Debian Policy.
This wiki is also very useful. Once you have your package debianized, you should compile it using the source option (I usually do it using dpkg-buildpackage -S. Pass your key using -k<Key> also. The same one you uploaded to your launchpad account.
Once you built your source, you will find a file called package_version.changes. You basically upload it as described in your PPA information. The package will be compiled, and, if no errors are found, it will be available in the PPA. If you want to enable the build for other architectures, as IBM POWER (ppc64el) or ARM (aarch64) , you should opt in.

How to automatically create and push Nuget Package after building

We want to create nuget packages for our all products (dll) but there are several developers and want to find out the easiest way to do that.
It is possible to use console manager to do that but I am looking for a general solution. Because the projects can have dependencies or files and also the important thing is versioning. So I am looking for a tool which can create a package and push for us considering dependencies, versioning etc.
I solved the problem using TFS Build that has Nuget packager and publisher..

"Fody not properly installed" error exception. (Xamarin.forms)

I'm making app with using Xamarin.forms. (PCL Project)
Today, I added new three solution packages named SVG.Forms.Plugin.Abstractions, SVG.Forms.Plugin.iOS, SVG.Forms.Plugin.Android on workspace that downloaded from github.
I have used realm for Xamarin.
But After I added new packages, "Realms.RealmException has been thrown".
Message is "Fody not properly installed. allbX.Baby is a RealmObject but has not been woven."
Is it Fody's problem or Realm's or new packages'(SGV Control)?
And could you let me know how to solve it?
Better Answer
The check which is delivering that message is because Fody is not running.
So, they may have a RealmObject in their component but Fody doesn't get run building in your solution so weaving doesn't occur.
The easiest fix is to just use NuGet to add Fody to your main application project. That should install it in the right place for the solution.
NuGet manages dependencies so if a package relies on Realm, it will go on in turn and install Realm. Realm itself relies on Fody, for example, so will in turn trigger a Fody installation.
You can manually install Realm but it is a little fiddly, having to add a couple of lines to your csproj to specify imports. We have chosen to only document installation via NuGet at this stage.
If you want to manually add Realm to another solution without using NuGet, I suggest you take a new clean solution, save a copy, and diff with the changes made to that solution by adding Realm via NuGet. You will then see the lines to copy into your existing solution.

Xamarin Forms unable to resolve Azure storage from nuget package

I'm trying to upload a blob to azure using a shared access signature. I have the token and added the nuget package WindowsAzure.Storage to my project. I've tried both version 7.0.0 and 7.0.1-preview.
For some reason I'm unable to resolve the reference when creating an instance of CloudBlobContainer. Also I've tried to just type the using statement but no luck. All azure documentation points to a version 4.4.0-preview, is this the one I should be using?
azure doc ref
Best regards
I would just guess that the docs are outdated with the 4.4.0-preview link instead of a link to the NuGet package:
CloudBlobContainer seems to be within the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob namespace.
I would check to ensure that you actually installed the NuGet package as it may have failed silently with other projects.
Changing the PCL profile worked for me. Bizarre.
After installing the NuGet package, you actually need to change the profile on your Xamarin project. You can do this by going to the shared project -> Options -> General – > C#
Change the Current Profile to PCL 4.5 – Profile111 (I have no idea
of what this does.)
You need to retarget your NuGet packages for this new profile now.
Right click on Packages within the shared project, and you’ll have 5
options here.
Retarget will be available. Click that. (Not shown here, as I’ve
already retargeted)
Rebuild your project
How I figured this out
I stumbled across this Xamarin forum post, where someone had the exact same issue. One user pointed us towards a bug report, where PCL references were not added automatically via NuGet package installation. They recommended retargeting, and it worked! Now I can include the using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob; namespace.
I have a blog post with more info on this.

Resolve missing references using Nuget failed

I checked out a project form Team Foundation. As you can see in the picture, I used nuget to restore the missing packages. However, the reference problems are not resolved at all.
When I right click on my solution and choose Manage Nuget Packet for Solution, here is what I've got
I thought it means that I have download all the package but they are not added to my project because there are still many build errors. If I use Package Manager Console to download each package separately, the version will conflict with the original. I would like to see if there are any automatic way to resolve this problem.
Thanks in advance
Remember to check out the package folder outside the project folder.
