Difference between sh and sh -c in unix - linux

Consider I have script like given below.
echo $name
echo $age
when I execute the script like
sh demo.sh ARUN 24
Output is:
But, When I execute the script like
sh -c demo.sh ARUN 24
Output is nothing.
I know if i use sh -c arguments will be assigned starting from $0. But only file name is getting assigned to $0.
How can i assign more than one parameters when is use sh -c?
Please explain me how it works.

Use this syntax instead:
sh -c "demo.sh ARUN 24"
In your case those two arguments where passed to the sh command, not the demo.sh script. Put them in quotes to pass them trought sh to the script.
Note the easiest way would be to make the script executable and add a hashbang (#!) line to it. The scripts would then look as follows:
echo $name
echo $age
Make it executable with:
chmod +x demo.sh
Then run it as follows (without the interpreter sh, the interpreter is now gathered from the #! line):
./demo.sh ARUN 24


What kind of command is "sudo", "su", or "torify"

I know what they do. I was just wondering what kind of command are they. How can you make one using shell scripting.
For example, command like:
ignoreError ls /Home/
ignoreError mkdir /Home/
ignoreError cat
ignoreError randomcommand
Hope you get the idea
The way to do it in a shell script is with the "$#" construct.
"$#" expands to a quoted list of all of the arguments you passed to your shell script. $1 would be the command you want your shell script to run, and $2 $3 etc are the arguments to that command.
The only example I have is from cygwin. Cygwin does not have sudo, but I have this script that emulates it:
cygstart --action=runas "$#"
So when I run a command like
$ sudo ls -l
my sudo script does whatever it needs to do (cygstart --action=runas) and calls the ls command with the -l argument.
Try this script:
Call it, for example, run, make it runnable chmod u+x run, and try it:
$ run ls -l #or ./run ls -l
output of ls
The idea is that the script takes the parameters specified on the command line and use them as a (sub)command... Modify the script this way:
echo "Trying to run $*"
and you will see.

Calling shell script within a script

Below are my two script codes:
quote USER $USER
quote PASS $PASS
prompt off
mget IMS_*.ZIP
My issue is when I am running b.sh , it is not calling a.sh and using the variables defined in it to connect to ftp server.
I have seen many solutions already online but things doesn't seem to work.
Please help
You can include a.shwith the dot command:
. /xx/xxx/a.sh
You can call the script a from within b as follows:
sh ./a.sh
Make sure both the shell scripts are in same file path. Also, you can pass the value within scripts as follows:
sh ./a.sh $d $e
The values passed here can be accessed as $1 $2.
Here is an example:
sh ./b.sh $yourvalue
and I'm able to access the variable passed here in the shell script b as $1.

Unix shell scripting: pass shell options (-x etc.) to nested scripts

How can I run nested shell scripts with the same option? For example,
How can I modify parent.sh so that when I run it with sh -x parent.sh, the -x option is effective in child.sh as well and the execution of ls is displayed on my console?
I'm looking for a portable solution which is effective for rare situations such as system users with /bin/false as their registered shell. Will the $SHELL environment variable be of any help?
Clarification: I sometimes want to call parent.sh with -x, sometimes with -e, depending on the situation. So the solution must not involve hard-coding the flags.
If you use bash, i can recommend the following:
You can propagate as many times as you need, also you can use echo $SHELLOPTS in every script down the line to see what is happening and how options are propagated if you need to understand it better.
But for /bin/sh it will fail with /bin/sh: SHELLOPTS: readonly variable because of how POSIX is enforced on /bin/sh in various systems, more info here: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-bash/2011-10/msg00052.html
it's looks like a hack and seems it's not the best way.
But it will do exact what you want
One of the ways how you can do it - it's to create aliases to create wrappers for sh:
alias saveShell='cp /bin/sh $some_safe_place'
alias shx='cp $some_safe_place /bin/x_sh; rm /bin/sh; echo "/bin/x_sh -x $#" > /bin/sh; chmod 755 /bin/sh '
alias she='cp $some_safe_place /bin/e_sh; rm /bin/sh; echo "/bin/e_sh -e $#" > /bin/sh; chmod 755 /bin/sh '
alias restoreShell='cp $some_safe_place /bin/sh'
How to Use:
run saveShell and then use shx or she , if you would change -x on -e run restoreShell and then run shx or she
run script as usually
sh ./parent.sh
Other solution
replace #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/sh -x or #!/bin/sh -e with sed in all sh files before running script.

Shell scripting shell inside shell

I would like to connect to different shells (csh, ksh etc.,) and execute command inside each switched shell.
Following is the sample program which reflects my intention:
echo $SHELL
echo $SHELL
echo $SHELL
Since, i am not well versed with Shell scripting need a pointer on how to achieve this. Any help would be much appreciated.
If you want to execute only one single command, you can use the -c option
csh -c 'echo $SHELL'
ksh -c 'echo $SHELL'
If you want to execute several commands, or even a whole script in a child-shell, you can use the here-document feature of bash and use the -s (read commands from stdin) on the child shells:
echo "this is bash"
csh -s <<- EOF
echo "here go the commands for csh"
echo "and another one..."
echo "this is bash again"
ksh -s <<- EOF
echo "and now, we're in ksh"
Note that you can't easily check the shell you are in by echo $SHELL, because the parent shell expands this variable to the text /././bash. If you want to be sure that the child shell works, you should check if a shell-specific syntax is working or not.
It is possible to use the command line options provided by each shell to run a snippet of code.
For example, for bash use the -c option:
bash -c $code
bash -c 'echo hello'
zsh and fish also use the -c option.
Other shells will state the options they use in their man pages.
You need to use the -c command line option if you want to pass commands on bash startup:
# We are in bash already ...
echo $SHELL
csh -c 'echo $SHELL'
ksh -c 'echo $SHELL'
You can pass arbitrary complex scripts to a shell, using the -c option, as in
sh -c 'echo This is the Bourne shell.'
You will save you a lot of headaches related to quotes and variable expansion if you wrap the call in a function reading the script on stdin as:
local script
ksh -c "${script}"
# Write shell script on stdout,
# for instance by cat-ting a here-document.
cat <<'EOF'
echo ${SHELL}
prepare_complicated_script | execute_with_ksh
The advantage of this method is that it easy to insert a tee in the pipe or to break the pipe to control the script being passed to the shell.
If you want to execute the script on a remote host through ssh you should consider encode your script in base 64 to transmit it safely to the remote shell.

Concatenate strings inside bash script (different behaviour from shell)

I'm trying some staff that is working perfectly when I write it in the regular shell, but when I include it in a bash script file, it doesn't.
First example:
m=`date +%m`
echo $m_1
This gives me the value of the last month (actual minus one), but doesn't work if its executed from a script.
Second example:
echo m
This returns "6t" in the shell (concatenates $m with "t"), but just gives me "t" when executing from a script.
I assume all these may be answered easily by an experienced Linux user, but I'm just learning as I go.
Thanks in advance.
Re-check your syntax.
Your first code snippet works either from command line, from bash and from sh since your syntax is valid sh. In my opinion you probably have typos in your script file:
~$ m=`date +%m`; m_1=$((m-1)); echo $m_1
~$ cat > foo.sh
m=`date +%m`; m_1=$((m-1)); echo $m_1
~$ bash foo.sh
~$ sh foo.sh
The same can apply to the other snippet with corrections:
~$ m=6; m=$m"t"; echo $m
~$ cat > foo.sh
m=6; m=$m"t"; echo $m
~$ bash foo.sh
~$ sh foo.sh
Make sure the first line of your script is
rather than
Bash will only enable its extended features if explicitly run as bash. If run as sh, it will operate in POSIX compatibility mode.
First of all, it works fine for me in a script, and on the terminal.
Second of all, your last line, echo m will just output "m". I think you meant "$m"..
