I setup a virtual box in my local Windows 7 OS, the guest OS is CentOS.
I am using NAT, and I added the port forwarding rules in the Network settings.
After I started the application, I tried in the CentOS as localhost: 3000, and I can access the webpage.
However, when I tried localhost: 38888 and or in my Windows7, I can't access the application.
I tried start the nginx in the guest OS and added a rule for forwaring host's port to guest's port, and I can access it.
Does anyone know why?
I can't post the screenshot of the port forwarding rule, so I will explain at here:
I added a rule named rule which is using TCP protocal, and it is forwarding from host's port 38888 to guest's 3000
At last, I changed the MEAN.JS application's startup port as 80 (obviously this is not a good practice), and it works.
My guess is the VM's guest OS blocks the request to other port. I will go some deep investigation.
does anyone know what i'm doing wrong here? i'm trying to access my windows-server 2019 ec2 node locally so i can successful collect metrics via WMI Exporter and point this at my prometheus instance.I'm trying to access port 9182 for WMI Exporter, and can connect fine via localhost on my remote widows instance, also the IPv4 Address on the same instance.I've also tried to configure the firewall port on the windows host 9182. When I try to access via localhost this returns This site can’t be reached, if i try via public address on both i get Can’t reach this page. Ive opened port 3389 inbound and all traffic ipv4 outbound. Any help would be great. I have also tried adding RDP Ip directly to the inbound security rules, yet still have the same issue. Many Thanks
After installing windows_exporter, the installer will create an inbound rule for windows_exporter itself. However it may be not enough and cause your issue for some reasons. See this similar issue.
Try to add a new inbound rule for the Windows firewall and let any programs can access the listening port (default 9182). That works for me.
I have tried everything, this is my last hope before I give up on ever working with AWS again. My security group setting allow port 3000 which is being forwarded to port 80 already. I have rebooted, done a stop start, created a new AWS account, and allowed traffic on port 80. Does anyone know of what else this could be?
My local OS is Ubuntu 20.04.
To make port 80 accessible to a computer on the Internet (assuming that it is working on localhost):
The Amazon EC2 instance should be in a public subnet (if you can SSH to it, then this is true)
A public IP address should be assigned to the instance (again, if you can SSH to it, then this is true)
A Security Group associated with the instance should permit inbound access on port 80 from (meaning the whole Internet)
There is no need for the Inbound Rule that references port 3000 since you are wanting incoming traffic on port 80 only (I presume).
If your app is still timing-out with the above configuration, then you'll need to debug what it is attempting to do. You could, for example, temporarily open the Security Group for all ports just to confirm that it is not the cause of the problem.
local connection
Nmap scan of public ip address
Open Port Check Tool result
Virtual server configuration
I have a linux machine on a dekstop with arch linux installed that I use as a server running Apache2 (it works perfectly fine locally), and I want to use port forwarding to access it from the public ip address.
I tried using the router's virtual server service, so I redirected my local to port 2112 of my public ip address, I already used http://www.portchecktool.com/ to scan the port, and it says that the port is open whenever I enable it (I tried changing the port number many times, 443, 22, 5555...). But when I try to connect, it says 'Unable to connect'.
(Even thought the port scanner tool says the port is open on my public ip, when I scan my router's port with nmap it says it's closed)
I know I didn't provide many details, but is there something that I'm missing ?
It seems that the problem only occurs locally, which is why the nmap and port checker results are different, I asked a friend of mine to connect to my public ip address on port 2112, and he told me that it's working fine, and that he could see the page, why does this problem occur ? Why can I access it from outside LAN but not from the inside ?
There are a few parts to this answer:
To keep it simple I am going to assume a few things as you did not specify too many things.
What you have
Ubuntu Server VM running on your Windows machine
What you are trying to do
Connect to the VM (running Apache2) to view a website on the server via your public IP
If either of these are incorrect let me know
Ensure you first have port-fording setup on your main router to go to your Windows machine local IP. Open the correct port that your Appache2 server is running on.
Ensure you have opened the correct port on your windows machine firewall to allow that inbound traffic
Change the network settings for your VM to bridge the connection
Things I did so far.
my website is running on port 80.
had opened my port 80 with the help of VPN book. confirmed with canyouseeme.org.
Created an account in noip.com. Created a hostname.
using the AsusZenfone3 mobile phone and airtel 4g mobile data. getting internet to my laptop via Hotspot/Tethering using wifi from phone and laptop.
had downloaded DUC from noip and it is running fine.
had configured a device in noip.com for my host like below,
- hostname
router brand as Asus(I don't use any router/ I don't know what router is used)
-software/device as HTTP
Is there any computer running on your network? Yes
downloaded Duc
port 80 check success
my host has been successfully configured.
I also added rules to my firewall to enable TCP and UDP 80 port access.
But still, I am not able to access my website.
I tried calling my website from the proxy server, I get an empty result from the server.
Cannot say for certain, but it sounds like you opened port 80 on your router but likely did not forward that port to an address on your local LAN.
Somewhere in your router config you should be able to find a port forward option. So any traffic received on that port would need to be forwarded to the local IP of the computer running the webserver.
Your port is not forwarded through your gateway connection.
Fwd Port Forwarding app for Android phone
Hi have an ip address that has an FTP already setup on it (port 21).
When I add another FTP site in IIS with the same IP and Port it says it cannot start because of a duplicate binding already in IIS.
So I'm curious if I bind the new FTP site with the same IP but will a different port work?
If so, which other port would work or be recommended for this, i suppose i would have to open access on Windows Firewall as well, so i just want to make sure it doesn't open the server up to any potential exploits by exposing the port.
You can use any port not already in use. Running netstat from an elevated command prompt will give you a list of ports in use. People usually use port 2121 or 8021 as an alternative port for FTP.
Although some ports are more frequently scanned by hackers, no port is intrinsically more insecure than others.