Calling MS Ace Database Engine V12 or V14 to open an Excel XLSX or XLS file From VB6 - excel

I am aware of one thread on this forum about opening ACE database engine 12 for XLSX - But it is not clear whether that is called from VB6, so I am still posting my issue which I believe to be different.
As part of my app that I am writing, one section has functionality to open XLS /XLSX files in VB6. I am using MS ACE Database engine. I have tried both ACE DB engine 12 and 14 on different PCs. I downloaded the installer from here:
In my VB6 project, I tried but can't seem to set a reference to ACEOLEB.dll as this COM object can't be referenced - I get an error (and don't know what this error is : "UNEXPECTED ERROR OCCURRED IN GO FNF. ERROR IN LOADING DLL." Furthermore, I tried registering the DLL and it does not succeed as this DLL can't be registered. When I run my application and pick an XLSX file (or even an XLS file) I write the connection string as follows:
Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; DATA SOURCE=C:\DB solution\EmailAssignments.XLSX;Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0;HDR=YES\";
When I try to CONNECT, I get an error:
Error -2147467259 : Could not find installable ISAM
Finally I searched Google for this type of error, and found this article on Microsoft support forum : , which talks of a DLL MSEXCL40.DLL which has to be registered as the registration may be missing or not registered; but this file applies to Office 2003. I tried their suggestion nonetheless to no avail. My Users will be using Office 2007 or 2010 and my application is in VB6 - all of which doesn't seem to be compatible and I can't seem to open ANY Excel files.
Can anyone help me -
- Does the ACE DB engine work at all with VB6?
- if this ACE DB engine works with VB6, then can someone assist me to get it going? OR
- can someone suggest how I could find the appropriate XLSX driver in a user system and write a DSN "on thE fly" once they picked the XLSX file to use?
I would really appreciate your help. Many Thanks in advance.


Error When Installing ADF Plugin in Oracle Fusion Cloud on the Excel

We are getting following error in Oracle Excel
Error When Installing Oracle ADF Plugin: "Customized functionality in this application will not work because the certificate used to sign the deployment manifest for Oracle ADF Plug-in or its location is not trusted."
Please let me know if you have know this issue?
Or any links that could help me resolve this.
Raghu Ariga
Your screenshot does not seem to be related to the Oracle ADF Excel add-in.
You may want to uninstall this "GoToMeeting" add-in temporarily.
On the other hand, if you are really trying to get past this message, you should take the error at face value: the certificate from the add-in shown has not yet been added to the trust store.
Here's a Microsoft article on trusted publishers:

Excel TFS Add-In Crashes Connecting to TFS

We frequently use Excel to perform bulk updates of data in TFS. Up until very recently, the Team Foundation Add-In has worked very well. However, it has started failing in several ways:
It will connect to the server, but attempting to connect to any
project causes Excel to crash, producing a Watson report in the
Windows Application Event Log.
If I restart Excel, it reports that it is running into problems with
both the shim and the add-in, and offers to disable it. If I do not
disable it, I still can't connect to a project.
Eventually, the add-in refuses to load at all, until I use the
Options dialog to manually add the COM add-in back into the
application. Doing so produces the same results (Excel crashes when
attempting to load a project).
I have taken the following steps in an attempt to resolve the issue:
Removed and completely reinstalled Office.
Re-registered the add-in component.
Uninstalled and reinstalled Team Foundation Office Integration.
None of these have produced a fix to the issue.
Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?
P.S. If this is not the correct "stack" for this question, kindly point me to the correct one on the exchange. Thank you.
If you are reading the accepted answer and it still isn't working, here's an additional tip. I had the EXACT same problem and saw that same link to clear the cache from numerous sites, bit it didn't work.
Here's the thing. I don't think that article lists ALL of the places that cache can be hiding on your machine. I deleted the cache folder in two different places on my machine and had given up on that as a solution.
Then I searched my entire hard drive for any folder with "Team Foundation" in the name and found a couple more buried in other hierarchies. Deleting these FINALLY solved the problem.
Here are some folders to look for, but like I said, check the entire drive
c:\users\yourlogin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft shared\Team Foundation Server\
c:\users\yourlogin\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft\Team Foundation
The actual cache folder will be nested another level deep under a numbered folder named with something like "7.0" or "8.0" delete the cache folder from every one you find under every number.
In general cleaning the caches on your client machine will resolve such problems, including the TFS and VS caches...
To clean the caches, please see How to clear the TFS cache on client machines

SSIS + Excel Vs_needsnewmetadata error

I'm working in a project to load data from sqls erver into an excel file.
When working in my local machine, the package I'm working on is working perfectly.
However when I do a deployment I'm getting the error : failed validation and returned validation status "vs_neednewmetadata"
I'm using SSIS 2012 and Excel 2016
Any help will be appreciated
Thank you
This issues is always very complex to figure out.
Still when you have like this issue try to find if your sources or destinations have changed but not your deployed package. Indeed, when you update your connection tables DB or files please be sure that you deploy again
Also, you have to be carefull when you work with script component do not copy/past this component from others packages otherwise you will get the metadata error and you cannot resolve it.
In my case, the issue I had was related to destination Excel file. I have changed this file like erasing some lines, but I do not change its structure and I missed to copie this one in the server.
That mean event the changes are minor and do not affect the structure of the destination file, you have to update your server version file with the one you use in dev.

MS Access database require newer version

relating to MS Access, currently i'm suffering with this error every time i open the access accdb file. It says "The database you are trying to open requires a newer version of MS Access".
I am fully understand that based on that i have to update it. But the question is, everything just fine before or never happened before whenever i use this file. So it doesnt make any sense if i have to update.
My assumption so far:
it happened because some error in ODBC connection between access and excel that impact the database. because i use this access to be a database for my excel pivot.
Anyone has same experience?
Your help means a lot for me, because if i can't open this then i have to re-coding from scratch :( (the back up also has the same issue, but other access file can be opened smoothly)
Thank you,
The solution is just simply install access 2010.
Yes, it is funny that I am reinstalling the older one but it works..
This worked for me when I was making C# application and it was connected to MS Access DB.
Go to MS Access DB -> File -> Info -> Compact and Repair.
This will downgrade the version and fix this issue.

error while exporting data in an ssis package to an excel destination

I just moved my ssis package from my desktop to my server.The package exports data from sqlserver to an excel sheet. I see the following error when I try to run the package. The error occurs in the excel destination of the dataflow task.
Error at Package [Connection manager "Excel Connection Manager"]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDB_NOPROVIDER_ERROR. The requested OLE DB provider Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 is not registered. Error code: 0x00000000.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040154 Description: "Class not registered".
Error at Data Flow Task [Excel Destination [16]]: SSIS Error Code
[Excel Destination [16]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC020 9302. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
I also made the following changes as I had errors before and the package wouldnt even run .
Set the delay validation to false on the data flow task.
set the Run64bitruntime under the project properties to true
Can anyone tell me what I need to do ?
PS : I am running the package on the server and MS excel is not installed on it . Could that be causing the error ?
PS : I am running the package on the server and MS excel is not
installed on it . Could that be causing the error ?
I did also find another thread describing a solution:
HOW TO: FIX ERROR - "the 'microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine
Which does not involve installing the full version of Office:
NOTE: this DOES work for office 2010 even though it is for 2007
office, dont ask me why it just does :)
download and install this:
in VS click add data source, follow the wizard and enjoy! :)
They are using Visual Studio but I imagine you should be able to run your SSIS package without having to "add a data source" as it's looking for the COM componetmicrosoft.ace.oledb.12.0 which should now be registered.
I ran into this once and had to save the excel sheets as .csv and use a flat file connection manager:
an alternative is using 32bit option in SSIS project.
Right Click on Solution and select Properties > Select Debugging and specify FALSE for option Run64Bitruntime
