How to create a Brunch plugin? - node.js

I'd like to build a plugin for Brunch but I don't know where to start. The Brunch plugin API documentation is the closest I've found to a How-To guide but I don't know enough to make use of it. Ideally I'd like a detailed tutorial that walks me though from the beginning but I can't find anything on Google. Does anyone have tips for building a Brunch plugin?

As noted in your question and the comments the Brunch plugin API documentation and source code of existing similar plugins are the best references for working on creating a new one.
For what you're trying to do static-jade-brunch would be a good example to start off with.


How add a new extention?

I have a simple project of viewer on NodeJs: with some basic exstention. I want to know how can I add the new extention from to my project?
ForgeFader is based on React and uses ES6 syntax, One way to get started will be taking a look at the React Boiler plates we have in order for you to start getting familiar with it.
After you are able to use this, you will be able to start checking the extension code in order to be able to use it in your project, It will require some work on your side, unfortunately this is not a plug and play extension like the ones used in the basic NodeJs tutorial.
Jeremy has done a great work documenting all his steps in the readme of the Fader repo you already have, I would suggest going over it.

Moodle Atto 'plugin not found'

I've been trying to use the Atto plugin template ( to try and create my own Atto plugin. I've made the changes outlined in the README, and got shifter to run via npm. It appears to generate the build folder that matches the other plugins.
I'm able to see the plugin in configuration, and it's showing up in the Atto Toolbar Settings, but, when I pop open a text editor, I don't get an icon, and the console logs moodle-editor_atto-editor: Plugin 'testplugin' could not be found - skipping initialisation
I've found a few references in the docs that shifter is no longer used, and grunt is the new way to go, but I can't find any actual docs on this, and no gruntfile seems to exist anywhere.
Has anyone come across this before? What am I missing?
You will need to run shifter on your YUI code for it to work - the usual way of doing that, for Moodle 2.9 and above is to use grunt - see for more details.
Not sure if this was ever resolved. The template is really helpful and it also comes with lib, db, and version PHP scripts. The string that you use as the plugin name has to be consistent throughout these scripts, as well as in your JS file. By default, it is set to atto_NEWTEMPLATE. Did you perhaps change this string to atto_testplugin in one place but not in all the others?

How to start a tower.js project?

I want to start a new project using tower.js, I did some research and I think it's very cool, but after I installed it and tried to generate a new project using tower new app I got this: Cookbook [app] not found. I know that tower changed the way the generators work and now are built from cookbooks, but I'm not really an expert on this kind of stuff, so I would like to get some recommendations about how to generate a new project?
Thanks in advance!
As mentioned in another answer, Github is the best place to resolve issues and ask questions. We're not on the IRC either.
We've been currently putting a lot of effort into the client-side of things. Thus, the cookbooks aren't finished (the same goes for the new cookbook). We'll be bringing those pieces to standard very soon.

VJET With NodeJS Modules

I have just imported a NodeJS project into Eclipse with VJET plugin. It seems nice that it understands some of the NodeJS but I don't like that it doesn't recognize Node-MySQL. Is there any documentation on how to write a project (like NodejsTL) to fill up that missing functionality? I could analyze NodejsTL one but if there is any documentation and tutorial - I wouldn't have to.
Yes there is some documentation on this topic of creating type libraries.
There is some work being proposed to help with this and we are currently looking for help to extend VJET to do this work. Here are the tickets related to this request.

kohana synapses studio project template

We started using the kohana project template from synapses studio :
It's great but the problem is that there is no real documentation for it and I haven't been able to find a good tutorial about it. Basically you need to read every modules' documentation to get an overview of it, quite a pain and complicated to accomplish.
I think what is missing here is a get-started tutorial....
Would someone know where to find info on how to start with it, like configuring the database and htaccesses etc, or maybe be able to write a simple tutorial on the first steps to get started?
Actually after some searching I found this :
This approach is a little different than the synapses studio, but it's great anyway!
Simple, self-explanatory, and already implementing i18n and Authentication, installed in 2 minutes!
