IBM Connections 5: What is the URL to "all community forums"? - ibm-connections

I look for the URL which requests an "all community forums" view as a deep link for a given community UUID.
For ATOM, that is /forums/atom/topics?communityUuid=[communityUuid].
But for HTML, I cannot find an appropriate URL.
The URL should request and render all forums of a given community. This is a view which can be manually navigated to by displaying Forums of a Community and switching from the Topics tab to the Forums tab.

I believe you are looking for
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How to make webpage show in search results

Our company website transitioned to be hosted by google two months ago. It used to be at the top of the search results but now is not listed at all.
initially there was some problems with the website not showing at all when you type in the address which have been resolved.
Search results show links on other websites to our page.
I apologise i have no tech knowledge. I am not sure where to begin to trouble shoot this problem.
Thank you in advance.
SEO is a complex topic - I would recommend searching for Getting started with SEO and reading some of articles that come up
Some basics you will need are meta and title tags, adding your site index to Google and a decent amount of original content.

Polymer Web Components Documentation

Where can I find the documentation for web components managed by PolymerElements? I'm here:, and the page says to see the Docs, but doesn't provide a link. I just want to know what kind of api the paper-dialog has.
Where can I find the documentation for web components managed by PolymerElements?
The docs are all hosted at
the page says to see the Docs, but doesn't provide a link.
I assume you're referring to this text on the page:
Enter Polymer.PaperDialogBehavior into the search box at the top of the page, and you'll find the relevant docs:
You're seeing the Overview page. To see the API, click the <paper-dialog> text in the Elements section on the left side of the page:

How can I create pagination for a tumblr blog embedded on my personal website?

I have embedded a Tumblr blog onto my website using the script provided in the goodies section of the Tumblr website as well as added the code to limit my posts to 5 of the most recent... indicated by ?num=5 at the end of the script below:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
What I am trying to do is build pagination for the blog on my personal website so that all posts are accessible to people wanting to view all of; even the oldest posts. I want to show 5 posts per page in the pagination. Does anyone know how to do this?
I have searched through this forum, Google, Tumblr and I even sent a question to the Tumblr support team but still haven't found the answer. THeir support team suggested I use frames but I don't know how to build that.
I hope someone can help!!
Thank's in advance!!!
What you could do, as the Tumblr support suggested, is to use an iframe and simply embed the whole Tumbleblog inside. Like this:
<iframe src="" width="42px" height="42px">
<p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>
The pagination has to take place on the actual Tumbleblog, like it is by default. Biggest downside is that it will be tricky to differ the design/layout and behaviour for the one that's embedded on your blog and the direct one (because it's the same, duh).
I've created a jquery plugin for consuming your tumblr feed - I've just added pagination support.
Its called jquery-tumblr -

If I keep another webiste's link to my website via comment or foroum based facility then Is it help my site any how?

Say If I keep more number of web links of other sites on my web site then is it going to help my website in any way?
No it will help the other sites as you will be basically providing backlinks to theirs. Unless they have links going back to your site then you won't see any benefit at your end.
Maybe you are not quite clear about in-bound link and out-bound link.
What you are talking about now is out-bound link, which, according Google's PR, is a vote to other site(The linked site), not yours.
What you need, though, is in-bound link. In plain English, links of your sites on other sites.
Be warned, only putting our links on other sites that share the same themes can be counted as valid links. On top of it, do not tempted into Black Hat SEO!

ExpressionEngine wiki talk forum module

I just started using the ExpressionEngine wiki talk forum extension and it is great for creating forum topics per each wiki article but, I also need it to add discussions for wiki file pages too.
My users have the need to not only discuss wiki articles but, to also discuss uploaded files. Any thoughts on how to add this feature to wiki talk forum extension?
From my experience, this isn't a nativity available feature--you'd have to do some hacking...if I were you, I'd wait until EE 2.0 comes out--some time in December!
