Can I export a Visual Studio CodeMap (.DGML file) to Visio? - visual-studio-2012

I'm trying to get my head around a rather large solution and I find that Visual Studio's CodeMap feature to be an invaluable aid.
However I'd like to take sections of the generated Codemap and from this, generate some pretty documentation from it. Ideally it seems sensible to me that it should be possible to import the .dgml into Visio, but instead I'm manually re-created a copy of it in Visio by hand.
Does anyone know if such a thing exists?
If not, I might set my next project as writing a DGML to VSDX converter.


Can we use Android-Studio Translations Editor for Flutter?

Translations editor was very good in dealing with strings and translating it to many languages. I wonder if I could use it for flutter apps.
if(yes) {
tell me how;
tell me the best way to translate texts in flutter;
now I think we couldn't use it.
so, for now, I can use excel to make CSV file of strings and use flappy_translator package to use it in a flutter app.
if there's a way to use android studio translations editor or there's a better way, please tell me.
So you want the handy Android Studio Translation Editor, however it only works with
strings.xml in a res/values folder in native Android projects, as it seems.
But I can offer you something similar. I found the Android Studio Plugin Easy i18n
Go to File->Settings->Plugins (windows) and search for the plugin.
After Installation, you can work with JSON files, I put them in assets/translations:
And added the dependency to the whole folder in my Pubspec.yaml:
- assets/translations/
And if you open the Editor via View->Tool Windows->Easy i18n, you can edit them, very similar to the Android Studio Translation Editor:
I use the values from the JSON files with the Easy Localization plugin.
Disclaimer: I don't think the authors of Easy i18n and Easy Localization are the same team, at least as I can tell. And I am in no way related to these projects/authors. This is just what worked for me. On my journey, I stumbled across this StackOverFlow post multiple times, so I thought I'd share.

How to get XML comments to appear in Visual Studio Class Wizard decriptions

I have put XML comments in a C++ source file that IntelliSense appears to pick up and use. It creates a project xml file, and IntelliSense works when I edit the original source file (showing me comments when I'm selecting a member function or entering parameters).
But, when I go to the Class Wizard in Visual Studio 2012 Express, the entered descriptions don't appear anywhere (on the methods, for example, down at the bottom of the dialog, where description remains sadly empty). For that matter, IntelliSense only works in the original file(s), so when using a call in a separate file, none of my XML comments get picked up. Why does it only work in the original source file? What have I neglected to do?
I don't think you've neglected to do anything, unfortunately.
The Class Wizard was built long before Visual Studio supported XML doc comments, so it's more likely that no one remembered/cared to go back add support for them to the Class Wizard dialog.
In my experience, although it sounds like you've had slightly better luck, XML doc comments are not particularly well supported when using C++. For example, VS 2012 was the first version to support them in IntelliSense (and even that is incomplete). You get nothing in VS 2010 and earlier versions, despite the fact that they'll happily output a project XML file. That pathetic lack of support, combined with the angle bracket tax, drove me to switch to Doxygen when writing C++ code.

How do I expand all strings in a .resx resource file in Visual Studio 2012?

VS2012's resource designer doesn't seem to have a way to "expand" long strings of text/html.
I have to double-click each and every one line to expand it.
Knowing I have about 10,000 of these to do for this localization project, I'm going to go mad if I can't find a way to go from this: this:
If there isn't, please suggest some alternate tool, app, or method that will help me keep my sanity.
Try the Visual Studio Power Productivity Tools for some help there. I know they really enhanced it for opening and collapsing the solution folders so it might help you.
At our company we wrote a small utility to extract these resources from Visual Studio to package in the excel format that our translation company uses. It didn't take much to do that in .NET and it will certainly make your life easier in the long run.
Turns out Microsoft also has a Resource Refactoring Tool that looks like it makes it easy to pull resources out of the code and resx files into other formats. I have not tried this personally (where I have used the Productivity Tools) but it is worth looking into this option.

Visual C++ Form Designer is replacing all my "new" with "gcnew"

I have inherited a Visual C++ project with about four thousand lines of code in a single file. The code compiles great with /clr:oldSyntax but when I change anything in the designer, it updates it to the new syntax and then everything breaks.
How do I keep the designer from converting my code to the new syntax (gcnew et al)? If this isn't possible, what's the quickest way to convert the entire project at once to the new syntax?
Unfortunately, this is not possible. The Windows Forms designer stopped supporting the old managed C++ syntax back in version 2003. You'll have to either revert back to that version of Visual Studio for maintenance of this code base, or bite the bullet and convert the project to use the new C++/CLI syntax.
I don't know if you're going to find much in the way of an automated solution for converting from managed C++ to C++/CLI. You might start looking in the answers to this question.
In my personal experience/opinion, the designer is more trouble than it's worth when working in C++/CLI. I would strongly consider making the necessary modifications to your form classes by hand and not letting the designer bungle your code in the first place. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Is there a way in Visual Studio to specify what a template class (new class) is going to look like?

I'm a long time Eclipse user trying to learn to Visual Studio. I know that Eclipse had Code Templates that would allow you to build classes with certain comments and formatting already added for a class.
For example:
Auto placing the copyright for the code at the top of the file
Who created the file
Predefined Comments,
Does Visual Studio 2005 have any functionality like this?
It depends. Visual Studio has a built-in code snippets manager that lets you do things like this to at least a degree (i.e., if you insert a code snippet, it'll be formatted as the snippet specifies, but if you write the same code manually, it won't). Also note that there are limitations on the languages with which you can use code snippets.
Outside of that, most of the major add-ins for VS (e.g., Visual Assist-X) provide their own ability to store and insert bits of code, formatted as you specify. Most of these provide at least some features missing from the built-in snippets manager such as working with other languages or being easier to access (along with quite a few other things -- IMO, VS borders on completely unusable without VA-X).
I would recommend looking at item and project templates in Visual Studio, which sound like what you're looking for. But, in your particular case (C++ development), it doesn't look like this is available to you.
The following MSDN article refers to VS templates, and mentions that for Visual C++ projects, that the template architecture isn't supported. Instead, there's information on creating custom wizards for your project and classes, which may give you the flexibility that you need. Sounds like it'll do what you want it to do, but it's much more work than it would be if you could use an item template for including basic comment structure for a default class file.
