Unsuccessful ndk build of my 2.6.7 Vuforia project in new Vuforia 3.0 SDK - android-ndk

I tried to run my ImageTargets 2.6.7 version in a new computer which runs new Vuforia SDK 3.0, android ndk 10 and all updated software according to Vuforia's Development Guide that I installed now, but I can't build successfully my C++ libraries, having the following error in Cygwin:
Android NDK: ERROR:jni/Android.mk:QCAR-prebuilt: LOCAL_SRC_FILES points to a missing file
Android NDK: Check that jni/../../../build/lib/armeabi/libVuforia.so exists or that its path is correct
/cygdrive/c/Development/Android/android-ndk-r10c/build/core/prebuilt-library.mk:45: *** Android NDK: Aborting . Stop.
I updated all system paths in Environment variables, I made all alterations according to this link (https://developer.vuforia.com/resources/dev-guide/migrating-your-android-sdk-project) in my project, but the problem still remains.
What can I do please?
Your response is really important for me

Looks like the path of the libVuforia.so file is not correct. To eliminate the doubt - use a full path to the file (not ../../../). That can be configured in your jni/Android.mk file.


Building OpenH264 library with android NDK19 fails

I need to build openh264 library for android. I downloaded from official webpage(https://github.com/cisco/openh264).
I'm following the same steps. It's working with android ndk15, not working with latest ndk19. Because they have removed the stlport from new ndk19. using ndk15 build library is not working for latest android OS. so I need to build with ndk19.
while building with ndk19, its giving the error like,
Android NDK: APP_STL stlport_shared is no longer supported. Please
switch to either c++_static or c++_shared. See
https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/cpp-support.html for more
information. . Stop. build/platform-android.mk:51: *** Compiler
not found, bad NDKROOT or ARCH?. Stop.
can anyone please help me out of this issue?

Android Studio 3.0.1 NDK fatal error: stdint.h: No such file or directory

My Application having native code was running perfect with previous Android Studio version. I just Updated to 3.0.1 and getting this error
fatal error: stdint.h: No such file or directory
I checked the directory, stdint.h file is there in the mentioned path. Should i need to set something to get that file accessed?
Note: I am using MacOS
I just remove the ndk-bundle (latest version 16) folder from the SDK folder and put there older NDK version (15c). I downloaded the previous ndk version here.
It seems to be problem with the latest NDK. So far, this is the hack for me to proceed.
The error says, that the cross-toolchain (e.g. gcc) cannot find the STL (aka libstdc++6) headers.
A closer look into Android Developer Blog reveals why.
The file in ~/Library/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.9.x/include/stdint.h redirects to a platform header and is not the actual header file.
Here's how to use the new unified headers replacing the platform headers.
And some further information about this topic.

fatal error: QCAR/QCAR.h: No such file or directory

I want to run a Vuforia sample project, in android studio.
Android NDK is ready to use and i can build NDK samples.
Vuforia Image Target sample app is imported and Vuforia.Jar library added as dependency.
But when i build the project, i see this:
fatal error: QCAR/QCAR.h: No such file or directory
Can anyone help me? Why this error appears?
Make sure the installation location of Vuforia SDK is correct.
From the official website of Vuforia:
The Vuforia SDK is distributed as a ZIP package for the following
platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
To start developing with the Vuforia SDK:
Download the Vuforia SDK (you need to accept the license agreement before the download can start)
Extract the contents of the ZIP package and put it into
Adjust the Vuforia Environment settings in Eclipse
Once extracted, the SDK package reveals a directory structure in your
Android development environment. This structure ensures that sample
apps can be easily built and deployed using the Android NDK and the
Eclipse Java developer environment.

Cannot remove NDK support from Android project

I am unable to remove NDK support from my Android project. I have gone through all the workspace and project settings, including CDT builder, C/C++ build paths, etc. I have cleaned my workspace and relaunched Eclipse. However, my project will not build as Eclipse complains about this error:
Program "/home/eazyigz/adt-bundle-linux-x86/android-ndk-r8c/ndk-build" not found in PATH
I really don't know what to do, as I don't even have ndk-r8c downloaded, and it's an outdated version of ndk anyway! I am on Ubuntu Linux.
Anybody knows?
Well, I reinstalled Eclipse. Then I deleted my project and re-imported it into the workspace. Now I don't get that error anymore. Problem solved.
If you have a C/C++ aspect to your code which references the Android NDK plugin for Eclipse, you need to have the NDK location set in the NDK plugin preferences:

Rhodes setup and installation for Android in Windows

I am trying to install Rhodes for Android application development. I installed rhodes gem (version 3.2), Android SDK latest release and Android NDK (latest). I run "rhodes-setup" and gave the installation path of Java, Android SDK and NDK. When i try to run "rake run:abdroid" for a sample rhodes applocation, it shows as
"WARNING!!! Path to Android NDK contain spaces! It will not work because of the G
oogle toolchain restrictions. Move it to another location and reconfigure rhodes."
I moved to another location and tried a another version of NDK ( revision 6 and 6b). But still having error. Could please point out what i am doing wrong?
Thank u.
Make sure there are no spaces in the path, like the error message suggests.
Bad NDK Path
C:\Program Files (x86)\android-ndk-r4\
Good NDK Path
Update the path to the NDK in the Rhodes build configuration files. Try running "rhodes-setup" again and pointing it to your new NDK path.
Just move your NDK folder to your root folder. I have it like this:
Remember to configure rhodes setup after you have made this change and before running your program. You do this by running:
$ rhodes-setup
on the command prompt while in your app folder.
