Why doesn't InstallShield Limited Edition remove AppDataFolder during uninstall? - installshield-le

I have successfully created an ISLE setup for my C# WPF app. The app needs to create XML files on the user's hard drive.
These are placed in the AppDataFolder and everything works great in my testing.
However when I test the uninstall it leaves the AppDataFolder behind.
I googled on this and there seems to be scripting capabilities in the full edition but I do not want the full edition just to have my app's AppDataFolder removed on uninstall.
I would imagine that many apps need to create and read/write to an AppDataFolder so it only stands to reason that uninstall would remove these.
I have added the folder structure that my app creates dynamically to the Install Shield, "Application Files" under the [AppDataFolder] section of the Destination Computer treeview. This shows the identical folder structure that my app creates successfully on the users hard drive.
So is it me or is it ISLE?


How to pack code and folder become a installer

I creating an windows forms application to configure IIS website application and also copy folder to selected location by user using visual c# 2010 express.
I want to pack the folder and application to become an executable file, like installer.
I can't find the setup template in Visual C# 2010 express.
Is there any way to pack the folder and the application to become an executable file?
One of the method that i found is use winrar. It can pack files/folder that the application needed to run into an executable file.

Error installing tizen studio on windows 10

No matter which of the three tizen studio 2.0 installers I try they all don't work as they won't accept any path. The CLI installer gives the most detailed description:
** The directory you specify is not allowed to install the Tizen Studio. Some tools of the Tizen Studio will not properly work in the directory with administrator privilege or read-only access rights for your account.=> path
I have tried starting the installer with admin rights and owning the destination folders. Additionally, I switched from JDK 9 to 8.
Still, there seems no way to get the installer running. Any ideas what the reason could be? Thanks!
I managed to install tizen studio and the SDK using the %appdata% path.
If anyone else has the problem, try e.g.
This is definitely a flaw Samsung should take care of!
I've successfully installed the IDE version with the following method:
Download Tizen Studio Web IDE installer
Open installer with 7-zip archive manager
You should find tizen-sdk.zip archive
Open it and extract it into the C:\tizen-studio folder
Create C:\tizen-studio-data folder
Create sdk.info file inside C:\tizen-studio folder
Put following lines into this file
You can download packages with C:\tizen-studio\package-manager\package-manager.exe
You can start IDE from C:\tizen-studio\ide\TizenStudio.exe
This worked for me, hope this helps...
#Henry was almost correct and his scenario works on CLI/IDE installers.
And here are actual restrictions on Win10x64 tizen-studio 2.0 installation I've found:
pointed SDK location needs to be in your user directory. For example:
Data location could be anywhere, but in case of CLI installation, it will be near SDK folder.
CLI installation actually does unzip only and all further system configuration needs to be done manually. So, if you need only CLI, you could unzip "web-cli_Tizen_Studio_2.0_windows-64.exe" with 7zip or any other proper archiver where you want and do further manual configuration. (See here https://developer.tizen.org/development/tizen-studio/web-tools/cli)
Probably, if you login under Administrator you will be able to install SDK anywhere. Just "Run as administrator" doesn't work, at least for me.
My system params:
Win10 Pro x64
Oracle JDK 1.8.0_152
Have a fan ;)
I solved this problem that way:
create folder (eg Tizen_Studio)
inside created folder create new (tizen_studio and tizen_studio_data)
add all permissions for that folders for your windows account user
select folders in installation proccess
The regular way which Samsung provides is working for me:
Make sure you have enough disk space (Tizen Studio needs about 700 MB
on Win10)
Create an empty folder with 2 empty subfolders (e.g. Tizen_IDE->studio (subfolder #1) -> data (subfolder #2)
The important part on Windows 10 is to navigate to YOUR users directory:
For example your user name is Bob. Go to C:\ -> Users -> Bob.
Then create there the empty folder "Tizen_Studio" with the 2 mentioned subfolders.
Check with right-clicking on the Tizen_Studio folder -> Properties -> Security if your Username (here Bob) is listed in groups and users. Click on your profile there in the security tab and look if the folder has full access rights inside the checkboxes (btw this should be automatically set if you choose the right described environment).
Now in the installer dialog you can choose the studio folder for the ide/sdk and the data folder for the installing data request path.
Thats it! Just important to install it inside your username folder!
I had this problem as well (on my Windows 8.1 machine), and ended up using the previous version of Tizen Studio Installer (version 1.3)
It even does not work for me in %APP_DATA% and also not running the installer with Administrative privileges.
But I finally found a solution which worked for me:
Create a new and folder somewhere
disable all inherit privileges on this folder
grant explicit all privileges for your users to this folder
remove all other privileges, especially these for Administrator
Use this folder for Installation
Write useful sofware for tizen ;-)
How bout removing 32 bit Java client and installing 64 bit on win 10?
Worked for me, no one seemed to notice that Installer opened in 7zip has an installer.jar which needs to be run with java client.
Thanks for the advises on opening installer with 7zip.

Visual Studio Web Installer installing to local source control folder instead of inetpub?

I'm using the VS2013 Installer extension to build a web service installer.
The problem I'm having is that after installing this service, if I go to the inetpub folder, I find no reference to the service I just installed, and the service is evidently installed in the local source folder instead.
This behaviour is consistent regardless of where the installer is run from on the HDD.
If anyone has any insight on this, I'd appreciate it. I assumed that the installation directory would be determined based on the inetpub folder used by the Default Web Site, but it doesn't appear to be.

Creating Content Project on Monogame

I am trying to use Monogame for the first time.
I found creating a content project is impossible on Visual Studio 2012,
so I would like to know if I can create some .xnb (contents) files from another PC and move it in my PC that Visual Studio 2012 is installed.
This is because I failed to install Windows Phone SDK in my PC for some reason.
My OS was Windows 7 so I could not install Windows Phone SDK.
So, is it possible to create a content project on another PC and move it into my PC? Or, can I copy the .xnb files to my PC?
Thanks in advance for your help.
You can create the xnb files from whichever system you want by using an XNA game project.
The steps to follow would be:
Create a new XNA Game project (it needs to be a game and not a content project).
Add the assets you want to port into the content project of the game.
Go to the output folder and copy all the xnb files.
In your monogame project, add the existing xnb files to the project's Content folder.
Change their properties to: "Content" for "Build Action" and "Copy if newer" for output directory.
You can find a tutorial (written by me) explaining exactly how to use sounds and spritefonts in Monogame here. This can be helpful given that these files need to be created from an external project as Monogame was not able to used them without being in xnb format; and was also unable to create this format for itself.
One last thing, it is also possible to install XNA in VS 2012/2013 and Windows 8/8.1 without any problem by using XNA Refresh. This may help you in avoiding the need to use another computer for this process.

Azure cloud publish not uploading new files

I've recently copied my visual studio 2010 website project from my windows 7 PC to a new PC running windows 8. That all went relatively smoothly. When I now publish or package the cloud project it only packages files that were originally on the windows 7 PC. Any files that I have created on the windows 8 PC are ignored. The solution builds fine and I can run and debug the project fine. Any ideas?
Not sure why that would be, but here's something to try: In Visual Studio Solution Explorer, right-click the solution and choose Clean Solution. Then try to package/publish again.
When you say files do you mean images/JavaScript?
What is the setting of the "Copy to Output Directory" ? for the files/content that is not making it...make sure it is NOT set to "Do not copy"
Are you using the new v1.8 of the SDK? (did you upgrade your project?)...this can happen if you are using an old SDK from a previous computer and then try to build stuff using a "fresh installation".
The issue was that somewhere along the way the cloud project got disassociated with the web project so wasn't actually updating the file list for publishing - it was just using the file list that had already been generated on my old PC.
The fix was to scrap the cloud project and start over with a new one, then add a new web role to it and then convert that web role into a web application project and then move my whole existing website into that...
