I'm a little confused about install OpenNTF Domino API - xpages

I need to use FileSilo Project that require OpenNTF Domino API.
But I have some problem to install this fantastic tool.
I have follow the suggest of this blogger
So I have follow this step:
Download the last version of OpenNTF Domino API
Unzip the file
Import Database updateserver.nsf from the zip, into my UpdateSite (se the image)
Install in my Designer from my updatesite.nsf
restart HTTP task
Now I have this problems:
In my Domino Console after I restart the HTTP I see some error
In my Domino Designer I see many error
When I open FileSilo on the web I see another error
Soo am I doing wrong ?
After the #Paul Stephen Withers comment.. I've installed the correct library (updatedesigner.nsf) into my Domino Designer...now FileSilo app show only this two error:

The message on the Domino console about not finding a logging configuration file is fine. It's not an error, just information being logged out to the default log location. That just allows you to use a separate logging config file, outside of the API itself.
It looks like the key issue is the Designer install. Looking at the version number, I think you've installed the plugin from the server Update Site database into Designer.
The separate update site for Designer - updateDesigner.nsf - was needed in order to get typeahead but ensure the plugin for the server was as small as possible.
Because of the different packaging methods, you will need to uninstall from Application management before installing the newer version from updateDesigner.nsf. Note that a problem with DateTime class was identified which is fixed in "OpenNTF Domino API RC2.1.zip".
It looks like the errors on the web may be because it's been built in Designer.

I recently did a video on installing various plugins for your server and designer. Near the end I showed the install of the OpenNTF Domino API. That might be helpful to you.


issue with extension library value picker in xpages (extlib.SampleDataUtil)

I am having issue with value picker of extension library. When i use java file exitlib/pickers/SimplePicker.java system shows following errors.
i) SampleDataUtil cannot be resolved
ii) The import exitlib.SampleDataUtil cannot be resolved
I have gone through a thread on internet that in application properties advanced tab i have to check following 2 options
but these options are not available to me. Can anybody guide me where I am having issue in implementing extension library.
Thanks in advance
It sounds like things are possibly not installed correctly....
Try tell http osgi ss com.ibm.xsp.extlibx on the server console to see if it is resolved.
If not, the installation hasn't worked correctly on the server.
Another option is you haven't installed in designer?
The below is a good reference for installing on both server and client

Setting up Umbraco project with nuget in vs 2012 error

I'm trying to set up a development project in vs 2012 with nuget and Umbraco. I am aware of the several recipe's, amongst the better Umbraco for beginners: Setup Umbraco on localhost together with VS 2012 and uSiteBuilder.
When I am using this procedure I install Umbraco with nuget and build it without problems, but when I hit F5 I get the same error continously: "Could not load type Umbraco.Web.UmbracoApplication" which global.asax inherits from!
What is wrong, what am I missing here...? Thanks in advance /Finn
A bit late, but I had the same problem and the reason for that are missing dll's. Referenced libraries weren't copied to bin folder.
It is not the best or easiest way of setting the project up.
Instead of creating a WebForm project, create an empty MVC4 project and then install the Umbraco CMS from NuGet. This way you won't have to remove anything. It will also by default use IIS Express, so there is no need to change the project properties.
You don't even have to use the NuGet console. You can use the package manager and just search for Umbraco.
Well it seems like an unprofessional oversight from my point! I just forgot to give security access to the relevant folders to network service.
You might have to build and clean the solution a couple of times if you get exposed to the YSOD error: "Cannot create/shadow copy 'filename' when that file already exists" when you hit F5! This error might occur if you hit F5 too quickly after a build, in this case asp.net is probably not finished with whatever it has to complete, and the file is locked.
#Digbyswift: I do not agree with you! Whether you set up your project as an MVC or Webforms application, it doesn't matter. What is important though, is that you use empty applications, as if you don't there will probably be some references/dependencies that you have to delete in order to get the application running! And default server will be the vs dev server, which in my opinion is by far the best and easiest to use untill you are ready to deploy your application. I agree thouhg that using the package-manager from visual studio is the easiest way to come around installing Umbraco.
Following these steps and hints you should use no more than a couple of minutes from installing Umbraco untill you have the wellcome screen and is ready to set up db etc...
Cheers Finn...

Automatic start of a bundle in XPages OSGI runtime on Domino 9

Many sources noted that in Domino 8.5.4/9 should be clean way of starting OSGi bundles on HTTP startup as noted for example here http://lekkimworld.com/2011/07/08/dots_and_automatic_startup_of_bundles.html
Currently I'm still not able to find any documentation about it. Is there some extension point or other configuration that can be used for that?
In Domino 8.5.3 we did ugly hack when bundles pretend to be Dojo libraries and so they started automatically. On one of our Domino 9 test machines this probably causes troubles (every other restart server complains that No Dojo library could be found), so I wanted to cleanup our code.
Bundle is our workflow engine and since it can do some automatic processing we need to start it even when no request comes to server.
The webdav plug-in on OpenNTF has an autostart option. In this case it was linked to the Servlet extension point. That might help. Are you extending Activiti?

How can I use an updated version of JavaMail in XPages?

I have a XPage application where I use JavaMail in one of my managed beans. Currently I have added the jar-file C:\Programme\IBM\Notes\framework\shared\eclipse\plugins\com.ibm.designer.lib.javamail_9.0.0.20130301-1431\lib\mail.jarto the build-path of the manged bean. This works well. But now I want to use a newer version of JavaMail as the Domino server uses version 1.3 but I need version 1.4.x.
I have downloaded the new JavaMail jar-files from Oracle. In Domino Designer (version 9) I add this jar-file to the new design element "Code / Jars" and remove the old jar-files from the build path.
My managed bean is still compiling and running as desired, but if I check the version the bean is using it reports still version 1.3. To check the version number I use the debug property of JavaMail and it's reporting version 1.3 to the domino server console.
Is there a way to tell the domino server to use the jar-files in the application (i.e. the nsf) and not his own? Is there another approach to update the JavaMail version?
The reason I want to use a newer version of JavaMail is as follows: I want to read mails from an imap server with ssl. To avoid the problem of importing ssl-certificates I simply want to trust all hosts. This can be be done via MailSSLSocketFactory, but this is only available since version 1.4.2. Therefore I want to use a newer version of JavaMail.
Another reason I want to use a newer version is as follows: the method "getSortedMessages" of "IMAPFolder" is only available since version 1.4.4. (and so are some other features of JavaMail).
This may be a little too late for you... I think the right approach may be to include the jar file as an OSGi plugin.
I have spent some time to figure out how to do that - and recently succeeded :-) I have described the steps to perform to make this work in two articles. The first is about wrapping a JAR into a plug-in: http://www.dalsgaard-data.eu/blog/wrap-an-existing-jar-file-into-a-plug-in/ - the second is about deployment (and there is a link in the first one).
You can solve the problem by creating an OSGi plug-in that supersedes the one that sports the JavaMail library: com.ibm.designer.lib.javamail.
In order to do that do the following:
Create an OSGi plugin whose id is com.ibm.designer.lib.javamail (Dalsgaard's tutorial on how to do it)
Set its version to a higher number than the one the Domino server is shipped with (to know the version type tell http osgi ss com.ibm.designer.lib.javamail). As of now using 9.0.1.qualifier should be fine
Deploy the plugin either through an update site or by directly copying it under the domino\workspace\applications\eclipse\plugins folder.
Restart the HTTP service. The higher version - the one you created - will now be used
I've got the same problem here, but found a solution. Be warned, this is not the best answer but it will work. Simply download the latest javamail jar here and rename the jar file to 'mail.jar'. Just replace the current file in IBM\Notes\framework\shared\eclipse\plugins\com.ibm.designer.lib.javamail_9.0.0.20130301-1431\lib\mail.jar with this file. Quit the http task and restart it. The code will now work with the latest version.

Runtime error: "Cannot find the library com.ibm.xsp.extlib.library" (browser)

I just created my first Xpage application, and I now wanted to port it to a simple mobile application, using the mobile controls in the Xpages Extension Library. Notes/Domino 8.5.3 Upgrade Pack 1 are installed on both client/Designer and server.
The Xpage application works fine in both client and browser.
I created a new Xpage, called "mobileMainPage", and simply add a Single Page Application control to it, save the file and attempt to open it through a browser (Safari first, then IE 9 just to test). In both cases I get the following error message:
Unexpected runtime error
The runtime has encountered an unexpected error.
Cannot find the library com.ibm.xsp.extlib.library, required by the application /Contacts.nsf.
I am opening the database on the server (entering the URL of the .xsp file in the browser). I am not using the preview browser feature of Domino Designer, but is calling the page like a user would.
How do I fix this? I even tried to install Upgrade Pack 1 once more. Still getting the same error message.
It really sounds like the library is not installed on the server.
type tell http osgi ss com.ibm.xsp.extlib on the server console and verify that the plugin is installed, that command should return a list of the extlib plugins and fragments and if they have been correctly resolved or not.
in your Domino console type:
tell http xsp diag com.ibm.xsp.extlib
also try:
tell http xsp diag com.ibm.xsp.extlib.mobile
This will tell you whether or not the plugin is resolved. If the plugin is not found it means the plugin is not installed the to correct location (domino/data/domino/workspace/applications/eclipse/plugins).. If a plugin that extlib depends on is not resolved it will show in the console.
Chapter 3 of the XPages Portable Command Guide goes into this in great detail :-)
Let me know the results of the above command
Make sure to tell your app that it should use the extension library. Open the Application Properties and go to the Advanced tab. Here, verify that the 'com.ibm.xsp.extlib.library' is checked.
I just encountered a similar issue when firing up a new server in a virtual machine (was testing out an issue with different server version). I included notes.ini setting OSGI_HTTP_DYNAMIC_BUNDLES and pointed it to a updatesite database I hastily replicated over from another server.
I am not certain for sure, but once I added my new server to the updatesite and restarted http, it took.
