Apply label to multiple files in the same folder - visual-studio-2012

I am using VS.NET 2012 and TFS 2013. I needed to apply label to multiple text files in the same folder. But "Apply Label" is disabled when multiple text files are selected.
It looks like label can be applied to the folder or to a single file but not multiple files in the same folder.
One option I see is to edit the label and add files later. Is there other way to apply label to multiple text files in the same folder?

Using Visual Studio, labels can only be created against a single item in version control; i.e. a branch or folder (which includes all files under it automatically) or an individual file.
Using the command line you can select the files you want by supplying one or more item specs, something like this will work:
tf label MyLabel *.txt


making exe files that contains pictures and other files

I have a program that made with c# and it has include more pictures and files.
And how I make an exe that include all of images and files.
You can use Application Resources in visual studio.
Right click on Project (Solution Explorer) and Go to Properties
Select Resources tab
Add what you want (Images, Files, Strings etc.)
You can access them in your code as per below
Properties.Resources.<Resource Name>
If you added image img1 to Resources
you can use below code to use it
pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources.img1;

unable to add dimens.xml directory to values

I have to add a directory(dimens.xml) to values,since i have three dimens.xml files for different screen sizes.I cant find it even after creating it.Kindly help.
I need something like this: Image
You need to create different values folder according to the screen size and inside that put dimens.xml file. Follow this link
Android Studio automatically displays the resource folder for you, you don't actually have to create a separate folder if you're looking in Android view. Create your default dimens.xml with no qualifiers. When you create another dimens.xml (same file name), you can add qualifiers. For example, I just created two dimens.xml files, one without qualifiers and one with the Screen Width qualifier. For the one with the Screen Width qualifier, I defined the screen width as 820 (it assumes dp). Once created, in Android view, you'll see a dimens folder inside the values folder, and the two dimens.xml files, one with the qualifier in parentheses, inside of it.

Ignore files in Find results

When I do a Find in Path (Ctrl+Shift+F), I often get results under "Usages in Generated Code" in files. When I'm searching my code, I want to do just that: search my code. Not files generated by my code.
Is it possible to get the find dialog to not show any files in the results? The only results I want are those under "Found Occurrences"
Thank you!
Android Studio (like its progenitor IntelliJ) allows you to define a custom scope to help you exclude intermediates files when searching.
Here are the steps I use to set this up:
Bring up Find in Path dialog (Ctrl+Shift+F on my machine).
In the Scope area, select the Custom radio button. Then tap the "..." button on the right side of the dropdown. This brings up the Scopes dialog.
Click the "+" button on the left side of the Scopes dialog, which will bring up the Add New Scope dialog. Name it "ExcludeIntermediates".
In the Pattern field, paste in the following pattern and click OK:
This pattern excludes files and other intermediates such as layout files in exploded-aar and AndroidManifest.xml copies in filtered_manifests folders.
This pattern excludes files and other intermediates such as layout files in exploded-aar and AndroidManifest.xml copies in filtered_manifests folders.
ignores files
ignores all *.java files generated by Android Annotations (i.e. * files)
includes strings.xml, dimens.xml, styles.xml, attrs.xml, colors.xml files
includes all xml files in layout/* path
Combined from:
To search multiple modules but ignore, you could use the following mask IF you don't have any other single character file names in your project:
☑ File mask(s): ??*.*
i.e. Limit results to filenames with at least 2 characters + any extension.
If you're using Android Studio, a simple way of achieving this is to set the Scope to be Directory (rather than Whole Project) and set this directory to be your src folder - since appears under build/generated it won't appear in results there.
I use "custom scopes" in Android Studio to ignore files. Others had described how to create/save a "shared custom scope" which can later be uploaded to a git repository. I'm just gonna share my custom scope string which:
ignores files
ignores all *.java files generated by Android Annotations (i.e. * files)
includes strings.xml, dimens.xml, styles.xml, attrs.xml, colors.xml files
includes all xml files in layout/* path
You could just avoid all the generated files from your project, as Mike Evans suggest in this tweet
You just need add a scope excluding the pattern mentioned:

How to view changes after "Get Latest Version"?

When I Get Latest Version I often want to see what files have changed (and the diff). How do I achieve this with the least amount of IDE navigation?
Best thing to do is a folder comparison before you get the latest version. In Source Control Explorer, you can compare the differences between two server folders, two local folders, or a server folder and a local folder. Right click on the target folder and select Compare. Read more here.
This is only a solution to part of your question "what files have changed".
Once you GetLatest, go to View -> output window or (CTRL + W,O). This will show you the list of files that was replaced in the last GetLatest operation. Once you have the list of files you can do file comparison on each file to get the changes.

Total Commander How to feed list listbox with selected files

Just like Search result can feed the listbox (which opens new temporary tab),
is there a way to:
simply select files from one directory and feed the listbox?
select files from multiple directories and feed the same listbox?
Just to rename listbox's temporary tab and you could have favorite list of items over which you could perform more actions. This would increase productivity tremendously!
Regarding #1:
After you select the files activate:
Menu > Show > Only Selected Files
Regarding #2:
It's probably not what you were after, but you can use DiskDir / DiskDir Extended to add files (using a packer functionality, so you create an 'archive' file with extension .lst which contains a hierarchical list of the added files. You can then change source folder and then add more files. Later you just click on the .lst file and it looks no different then your normal file / folder list. Unfortunatelly you cannot rename the files, but you can launch them, with an extra confirmation.
Similar functionalitybut with 'source' renaming functionality limited to one file only (?): Virtual Panel, (File System Plugin, accessible through the Network Neighborhood 'drive'). It can launch files without a confirmation window. Rename 'source/target' file when you use it's own subbar (located here: %%COMMANDER_PATH%%\Plugins\WFX\VirtualPanel\EN\, make sure that you also have installed the AskParam addon and have paths in the right (both to AskParam.exe and VPBatch.exe). 'Regular' rename will change the file name only in the virtual panel.
URL: Virtual Panel Plugin
