azure web Code only works after a publish - azure

I am seeing some very strange behavior on my Azure site. When I publish from VS the web site opens and the code works. But when I just paste the URL in the browser the code doesn't work. The specific code is the code that calls my Azure ML API. I am baffled by this one. Anyone have any thoughts on why this would behave this way. BTW. I have the azure SDK installed but my server explorer does not show my web site so I can't debug. I am not using a custom domain.

Clear you browser cache & cookies.
To connect to azure using server explorer. Follow these steps:
Step 1:
Step 2:


Deployed REST API does not display in Azure

I'm new to Azure. I have an API that uses REST to post items to a SQL server database. My goal is to deploy it to Azure.
I have tested all day and can successfully deploy every other sort of VS project; Razor based, Blazor based, MVC based. I know they are all basically interchangable but I created unique ones anyway and they all successfully publish to Azure.
The moment I include any REST functionality both VS and Azure say the deployment was successful, there are no errors, but if you click on the link to the site, there is nothing there. No error either. I can't seem to ping the site either. I feel like I'm probably missing something obvious but I can't seem to see it.
It is not a problem that "if you click on the link to the site, there is nothing there."
There is nothing to show because you don't write a index.html web page in the root directory of your project.
Access your api:
You could access your api through your website like this: https://{yourwebname}{yourapi}

Azure Could not create Static Web App (preview)

I am trying to add a static web app for the first time in Azure. I just signed up with a free account. I have a repository ready on GitHub and now I need to create the web app using the Azure Portal. These are the steps I've taken since signing in:
Navigated to Static Web Apps (Preview) page
Clicked "Add"
After I click Add, an error appears every time:
Could not create a Static Web App (preview)
Something went wrong while creating Static Web App (preview)
Has anyone experienced this? Is this normal and I missed a step?
I had a similar problem this morning when I was creating a web app using App Service. I was using the Brave browser. I tried it with the new Microsoft Edge browser and it worked flawlessly. It might be due to a cache problem.
So my suggestions are:
Clear the cache and try again
Try it in another browser like the new Microsoft Edge or Firefox Mozilla.
Let me know if it helps!

Node js web app restart issue

js site which i deployed on Azure.
Site was working fine but i made some changes but changes not appearing on the site. How to restart or clear site cache on Azure portal.
One more thing that post methods are not working in this site as well how to enable post method in Azure ?
I already tried to restart my web app from Azure portal but not success.
Posted my issue here as well
First of all, you could restart your app by following steps below on Azure portal.
In the Azure Portal, open the blade for the web app.
Click Overview.
Click Restart button to restart your app.
Secondly, you could check the code whether it has been changed on Azure with Kudu which could be accessed via https://<yourwebsitename>
Then cd to site/wwwroot folder, you will now be able to see your application files.
By default, Azure doesn't restrict any HTTP request method. Maybe you have made a mistake in configuring web.config file, which can be found on this article. You can check this official guide if needed.

Web service migration from Local IIS to Azure

I Used Azure Website Migration Assistance to migrate my web service that was running on my Local VM's IIS. My Migration process was successful and also I was able to use this web service. But I can't find where to find the migrated source code in azure portal. All I can see is some 20Mb of data in on the dashboard graph of azure portal. If I need to changed some of my code where to do this?
What is on the Azure Web App should now match what was on your IIS server. Now, to update the web app, you can use the deployment techniques here:
The simplest method to deploy to check what content is on your web app would be to use the SCM site. This is available at: Go to Debug Console > CMD and then the site > wwwroot folder to see your web app content. You can also upload to the site via drag and drop.
Alternatively, you can download the publishing settings for your web app via the portal and then re-use the migration tool, select the site, and then upload the publishing settings. However I would suggest using the deployment techniques above first. (Disclaimer: I wrote the migration tool.)
There are multiple ways to push changes to your Azure Website/Web App. They are listed here:
One simple way is to use an FTP client like FileZilla. In the classic portal, you will find the FTP address (hostname) and the credentials in the dashboard tab. In the new portal, select your Web App and the FTP address will be displayed in the Essentials section at the top of the page. Click on Settings and Deployment credentials to set your FTP user password.
Another simple alternative is to use Dropbox. Take a look at this video for how to set instructions:

How Console in New Windows Azure Portal Works?

In the new Windows Azure Portal, how does the "Console" Window works? What really happens behind the scenes? I am curious to know how it works internally.
(I can't find that out for myself since I don't have an Azure account :-( )
I actually made this console as my internship project while at Microsoft. It was made before the xplat-cli was available, but it's still very simple and actually uses the Kudu service. Kudu is the engine behind git/hg deployments, WebJobs, and various other features in Azure Web Sites. More information on Kudu here:
When your web application is created on azure, Kudu stands up a scm website for your web application with the end point The console then takes commands that you give it, calls Kudu's REST API using the scm website as the endpoint, and then displays you the output in the console.
That console looks exacly like the Azure Cross-Platform Command-Line Interface (xplat-cli) which is based on node.js. I'm not a node.js expert, but a good guees would be, that the browser creates a node.js session und runs the xplat-cli in there.
xplat-cli in turn use the Service Management API of Azure, which are all REST-based.
You can compare the xplat-cli on your own by installing them from the Downloads page. At the bottom of this page are the download links for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
