I use the Cucumber framework, WebDriver and Java for auto testing. For parametrized tests I use table of parameters. And I don't know how to give whitespace as value of parameter. And I become to use keyword - WHITESPACE. My example bellow:
First method
Scenario Outline: checking of sending feedback
Given User wants send feedback
When User enters to the feedback field the following text:
And User presses on the 'Send' button
Then User should see message <message>
|| Suggestion's field is empty!|
|\n| Suggestion's field is empty!|
|\n text text text| Successfuly send!|
|WHITESPACE| Successfuly send!|
then in step definition:
#When("^User enters to the feedback field the following text:$")
public void user_enters_feedback(String textOfSuggestion) {
textOfSuggestion.equals("WHITESPACE")?" ":textOfSuggestion;
new pageSuggestion().inpSuggestion.sendKeys(textOfSuggestion)
Second method for same scenatio
Also I try to use Transformer, but it did not work.
I created class
class MyTransformer extends Transformer<String> {
public String transform(String value) {
value.equals("WHITESPACE")?" ":value;
return value;
then in step definition:
#When("^User enters to the feedback field the following text:$")
public void user_enters_feedback(#Transform(MyTransformer.class) String textOfSuggestion) {
new pageSuggestion().inpSuggestion.sendKeys(textOfSuggestion)
How I can do it better for reusing with another steps or adding new keywords?
Thanks in advance.
You dont have to do anything at all. Consider this
Scenario Outline: Something
Given I have "<param>"
| | #spaces
|| #empty
This happily prints "Empty..." when param is blank/empty
#Given("^I have \"(.*?)\"$")
public void i_have(String arg1) {
if (arg1.trim().equals("")) {
i have two jsf pages (home.jsf and employees.jsf) ,
home page has a button that navigates to employees page,
while navigating i store value in session scope
at (Managed bean)
public void putSessionAL(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
public String navigate() {
return "employees";
i want to change Label at employees viewObject from UIHints tab depending on value stored at session using the following groovy expression
and changed trustMode to trusted but it fires the following exception
oracle.jbo.script.ExprScriptException: JBO-29114 ADFContext is not setup to process messages for this exception. Use the exception stack trace and error code to investigate the root cause of this exception. Root cause error code is JBO-25188. Error message parameters are {0=Employees.FirstName, 1=, 2=oracle.jbo.script.ExprSecurityException}
at oracle.jbo.script.ExprScriptException.throwException(ExprScriptException.java:316)
at oracle.jbo.script.ExprScriptException.throwExceptionWithExprDef(ExprScriptException.java:387)
at oracle.jbo.ExprEval.processScriptException(ExprEval.java:599)
at oracle.jbo.ExprEval.doEvaluate(ExprEval.java:697)
at oracle.jbo.ExprEval.evaluate(ExprEval.java:508)
at oracle.jbo.ExprEval.evaluate(ExprEval.java:487)
at oracle.jbo.common.NamedObjectImpl.resolvePropertyRaw(NamedObjectImpl.java:680)
at oracle.jbo.server.DefObject.resolvePropertyRaw(DefObject.java:366)
One way to do it at the VO UIHint attribute label level will be programmaticaly by doing as follow :
In your VO go to the java tab and add the RowImpl java class
In the VORowImpl Add the following function
public String getMySessionLabel() {
return (String)FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get("key");
In the Label add the following EL expression :
This technique allow you more control than pure EL, if you want to do more than getting from session for example. In your case pure EL, as you did, should work as well. (Would need to check what is wrong with yours, maybe just missing the
If you attempt to get your label from a method in viewRowImpl. So this will be executed at least once for each row. I think this solution isn't fit for your case.
anyway ADF as a framework added strong policy and validations in EL in general and especially in version 12.2.x.
The solution for you case as following:
Create new class in model layer which extends oracle.jbo.script.ExprSecurityPolicy class
Override checkProperty method.
public boolean checkProperty(Object object, String string, Boolean b) {
if (object.getClass().getName().equals("oracle.adf.share.http.ServletADFContext") && string.equals("sessionScope")) {
return true;
return super.checkProperty(object, string, b);
Open adf-config.xml source and in startup tag set your class ExprSecurityPolicy property.
<startup ExprSecurityPolicy="model.CustomExprSecurityPolicy">
I'm looking for a way to get all the parameters that are being passed in each step before entering the actual scenario for each scenario in my feature file.
Sample feature file:
Feature: Login action
When "{login url}" is open
Scenario: Registered user provides valid username and password
Given user enters username "{username}" and password "test password"
And user clicks on "btnLogin"
Then user is logged in
Parameters I want to get:
{login url}
What I tried so far:
I have tried using a common hook that will be automatically used by all of my scenarios:
public class ScenarioHook {
public ScenarioHook() {
public void setupScenario(Scenario scenario) throws InterruptedException {
//Here I am currently watching the {scenario} object and I can see all the steps
//but I still dont know where to get the passed parameter values.
public void teardownScenario() throws InterruptedException {
The reason why I want to do this is I want to manipulate the strings (if possible). e.g. all data enclosed in "{}" will be transformed to something else before entering the actual scenario.
You can use the #Transform annotation to change the value of the parameter to the step definition.
For this you will need to create a class which contains the logic of the string modification and will return the modified value.
public class StringTransformer extends Transformer<String>{
public String transform(String value) {
return "transformed "+value;
Next you need to include this class in your stepdefinition using the #Transform annotation in front of the method argument.
#When("^Login with (.*?)$")
public void helloHere(#Transform(StringTransformer.class) String userName)
System.out.println("TEXT --- " + userName);
This should give you the new transformed string. You can use this to create objects from your initial string. (Actually that is what it is used for)
Cucumber Sceanario class will not provide you this information as I don't think all steps are actually being loaded and parsed before starting executing the scenario but parsed one by one during the scenario execution. One option I can think of is to create a background step where you will manually include all parameters involved in the scenario. For example:
Feature: Login action
Given these parameters are using within this scenario: "{login url}", "{username}", "password", "btnLogin"
When "{login url}" is open
We use Geb to run our Frontend Tests and we have some quite complex pages in our application.
Some of the pages have forms with a lot of different buttons, checkboxes and some multiselects.
I love the feature of geb/groovy that i just have to define the form in the Page Object and then can access all its elements in it.
static content = {
form { $("#form")}
But for them to be clickable and to query if they are readonly and more they need to be at least of type FormElement which does not happen with the above method. So I have to mention all these FormElements separately:
static content = {
form { $("#form")}
button1 { $("#button1").module(FormElement)}
button2 { $("#button2").module(FormElement)}
checkbox{ $("#checkbox").module(Checkbox)}
All those buttons, checkboxes... are already in the form variable, but cannot be clicked or checked if they are selected and so on. It's also not possible to apply the the module afterwards like this:
def "test something"() {
form.button1.module(FormElement).click() //error
Is there no way to automatically assign each input, checkbox, radiobutton, button,... the correct Module based on their type without the need of doing it by hand?
If someone could also point me in the right direction to understand how this "form { $("#form")}" works, that i can access all sub elements by its name by just suppying the form, that would be nice!
For your example of creating a module based on a form control you need to obtain a navigator for the control and not it's value. It's done by calling a method named the same as the control you're trying to access (it's explained in this section of The Book of Geb):
If you want to automatically create modules based on the element type then you could create a Module for the form and override method missing:
class FormModule extends Module {
Object methodMissing(String name, Object args) {
def result = super.methodMissing(name, args)
if (result instanceof Navigator && result.tag() == "input") {
switch (result.#type) {
case "checkbox":
result = result.module(Checkbox)
result = result.module(FormElement)
then you would use it like:
static content = {
form { $("#form").module(FormModule) }
I tried the samples given in github griffon-master, also I tried the samples of the guide.
I would like to use javafx and groovy.
I would like to use fxml - thought of a scenario as that: fxml to set the stage, and for changes, use the groovy (set adjustment)
It seems that is not possible. I can use ("make it run"): javafx-java, read an fxml (with loadFromFXML), and the bindings are working. If using javafx-groovy, I can read an fxml, but with the javafx-class Loader (load), and bindings are not working (or it seems so).
Is it not possible at this moment, to use javafx-groovy and read-in fxml (via loadfromfxml)?
Could you post some sample code? Here's one example that makes use of the fxml node form GroovyFX
package org.example
import griffon.core.artifact.GriffonView
import griffon.metadata.ArtifactProviderFor
import javafx.scene.control.Tab
import org.codehaus.griffon.runtime.javafx.artifact.AbstractJavaFXGriffonView
class Tab4View extends AbstractJavaFXGriffonView {
FactoryBuilderSupport builder
SampleController controller
SampleModel model
private AppView parentView
void initUI() {
builder.with {
content = builder.fxml(resource('/org/example/tab4.fxml')) {
inputLabel.text = application.messageSource.getMessage('name.label')
bean(input, text: bind(model.inputProperty()))
bean(output, text: bind(model.outputProperty()))
connectActions(builder.content, controller)
Tab tab = new Tab('Hybrid')
tab.content = builder.content
This can be done. The trick is to make your Controller actions adhere to a stringent set of rules. The tldr is to make sure they return void.
def void save() {
def save() {
The reason is found in the reflective analysis the Griffon framework uses to create its list of action targets. This list is generated in DefaultGriffonControllerClass.getActionNames(), which requires that:
Actions are subject to the following rules in order to be considered as such:
must have public (Java) or default (Groovy) visibility modifier.
name does not match an event handler, i.e, it does not begin with on.
must pass {code GriffonClassUtils.isPlainMethod()} if it's a method.
must have void as return type if it's a method.
value must be a closure (including curried method pointers) if it's a property.
The criteria defined in GriffonClassUtils.isPlainMethod() are as follows:
! isBasicMethod(method)
! isGroovyInjectedMethod(method)
! isThreadingMethod(method)
! isArtifactMethod(method)
! isMvcMethod(method)
! isServiceMethod(method)
! isEventPublisherMethod(method)
! isObservableMethod(method)
! isResourceHandlerMethod(method)
! isGetterMethod(method)
! isSetterMethod(method)
! isContributionMethod(method)
The list of action target names is subsequently used by AbstractActionManager:
private static Method findActionAsMethod(#Nonnull GriffonController controller, #Nonnull String actionName) {
for (Method method : controller.getClass().getMethods()) {
if (actionName.equals(method.getName()) &&
isPublic(method.getModifiers()) &&
!isStatic(method.getModifiers()) &&
method.getReturnType() == Void.TYPE) {
return method;
return null;
I have the current method example:
public void MethodName(string param1,int param2)
object[] obj = new object[] { (object) param1, (object) param2 };
//Code to that uses this array to invoke dynamic methods
Is there a dynamic way (I am guessing using reflection) that will get the current executing method parameter values and place them in a object array? I have read that you can get parameter information using MethodBase and MethodInfo but those only have information about the parameter and not the value it self which is what I need.
So for example if I pass "test" and 1 as method parameters without coding for the specific parameters can I get a object array with two indexes { "test", 1 }?
I would really like to not have to use a third party API, but if it has source code for that API then I will accept that as an answer as long as its not a huge API and there is no simple way to do it without this API.
I am sure there must be a way, maybe using the stack, who knows. You guys are the experts and that is why I come here.
Thank you in advance, I can't wait to see how this is done.
It may not be clear so here some extra information. This code example is just that, an example to show what I want. It would be to bloated and big to show the actual code where it is needed but the question is how to get the array without manually creating one. I need to some how get the values and place them in a array without coding the specific parameters.
Using reflection you can extract the parameters name and metadata but not the actual values :
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Program p = new Program();
p.testMethod("abcd", 1);
public void testMethod(string a, int b)
System.Diagnostics.StackTrace st = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace();
StackFrame sf = st.GetFrame(0);
ParameterInfo[] pis = sf.GetMethod().GetParameters();
foreach (ParameterInfo pi in pis)