Always show horizontal scrollbar in JavaFX-2 TableView - javafx-2

I have a TableView in JavaFx-2 that's inside a SplitPane and I would like to always show the horizontal scrollbar for the TableView.
The TableView has multiple columns that are wider than the width of the entire table. When the TableView has at least one row filled, the scrollbar is displayed and I can scroll across the table. However, when the table is empty, the scrollbar does not appear and I'm stuck on whichever columns were last visible.


Get the vertical scrollBar object of certain column in pyqt's QColumnView class

There is a QColumnView class as shown belown. I use QFileSystemModel as its data model.
As you can see, there are four columns and three vertical scroll bars and a horizontal scroll bar.
It's easy to get the horizontal scroll bar by using self.ui.columnView.horizontalScrollBar().
But when I use self.ui.columnView.verticalScrollBar() to get the vertical scroll bar, it doesn't work properly.
So I would like to know how to get certain column's scroll bar.
When I connect a function to the horizontal scroll bar's valueChanged event by self.ui.columnView.horizontalScrollBar().valueChanged.connect(self.sync) and I move the horizontal scroll bar, the self,sync is executed.
But when I use self.ui.columnView.verticalScrollBar().valueChanged.connect(self.sync), whatever vertical scroll bar I move, the self.sync cannot be executed.

Is it possible to add horizontal scrollbar on top and bottom of table in Tabulator?

I have created a tabulator with rows greater than 300 also virtual Dom set to false, Need to change scrollbar position to top of table holder than at the end. is there a way in Tabulator V4.9

How to display bokeh DataTable with vertical scroll bar at the top

Currently when I render datatable on bokeh, it always has the scroll bar at the bottom to show the last bit of data. How can I change it to display top data with scroll bar at the top.

react-virtualized List component extend height of last row

I have a List component from react-virtualized where I am using the height prop to set its row height. However, the horizontal scrollbar is overlapping with the last row, making it hard to see the text content of the last row. Is there a way to increase the height of the last row so that the horizontal scrollbar doesn't overlap with the text. Doing this dynamically in code messes things up when one is dealing with a dynamic List growing in real-time. I tried using the last-child selector but had no success. Any insight would be appreciated.
The react-virtualized Grid component accounts for horizontal and vertical scrollbar size to avoid this problem. (You can see this on the Grid demo page.) However it's expected that the List component will not scroll horizontally so it will only account for the vertical scrollbar size.
If your UI needs to scroll horizontally, you may have better luck using a 1-column Grid.

Add fixed positioned Combobox inside FlowPane

I have a FlowPane which will hold many panels which are based on BorderPane.
I want to create ComboBox which will be used to filter the Panels by type. And the panels will be scrolled by ScrollPanewhen they exceed the visible area.
I want the combo box to scroll along with the FlowPane inside the ScrollPane. I want to get the result which is displayed into the picture. Can you tell me how I can get the desired result. I can very easy create BorderPanes and insert them into the FlowPane and the challenge is how to position the Combo Box and keep it always at this position.
Why don't you simply use another border pane?
Add your combobox to the top ( or additional flow pane with combobox on
Add your Flowpane to the Center
Then scroll the whole border pane using the scrollpane?
What could be simpler?
Here's how you'd do it:
StackPane with 2 layers:
layer1: your ComboBox panel.
layer2: your ScrollPane with your FlowPane inside*.
*The trick is: just make your combobox panel background opaque, and some initial top inset on the flowpane so that it starts at the right place.
