Unity3d- crossdomain.xml policy file not found when trying to register to a database server - azure

I am having this problem for about two days now and I tried all the solutions that I could find online, but still no luck.
what's happening is that in my game, when I press a specific button I am supposed to register to a private database server of mine that is hosted in azure.
when running the build on IOS or Android I have no problem with registering, but in the Unity web player build I get a "Rejected because no crossdomain.xml policy file was found" error, even though I made sure that the file is located in the root of my server and is formatted ASCII, as written in the Unity sandbox guide.
I am only using the WWW class and no socket.
When I try registering from my localhost and from the unity editor i have no problems, but only when i upload the html file to an online host, such as dropbox, and access it through a URL the problem occurs.
if anyone can help me find the problem it would be amazing. I have finished my game and it works perfectly on all platforms except the web player, so it is the only thing that is holdin me back. thanks allot

In the docs on unity webplayer sandbox it gives you the reason for this. A quick fix is to add a file accesable on http://yourdomain/crossdomain.xml with the contents:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<allow-access-from domain="*"/>


Azure Service Editor config changes are not applicated

I have a problem with my QnA Bot App. I made some changes to basic responses (No answer found, Hello and Goodbye) in Azure Service Editor. I have also changed a default HTML webpage. Changes made in a HTML website were made instantly, but the config files with new welcome responses were not.
I am sure that I once watched a tutorial that provided information that after you change some stuff in configs files you need to commit them using Kudo Console. I tried restarting the app but it did not work.
I am beginner. Does anyone remember what is the command?
I tried searching through my whole browser history but I still cannot find it.
I used command deploy and it worked.

don't show photos after production in next.js

I made an application with Next.js and used node.js in the api part. I had no problems using it on my own computer, but when I run it on my server in digitalocean, the photos I uploaded from the administration panel are not shown. When I check the database and directory, there is no problem. The photo is being recorded there. section is correct when I enter the site and check it. When I wear path / file.jpg it gives 404 error.
There is no problem in the previous recordings and it shows the photos. The photos do not show after running on the server.
I made folder permissions 777, but nothing else came to my mind. I didn't add code because I didn't think there was a problem with the code.
I solved the problem as follows: It started to work after defining express static files into the API.

RoboVM: App not loading on iPhone

To begin, the app is working on the iPhone simulators. The problem is the difficulty in creating the signing identity, cert, ect. Here are the steps I am taking and I would be grateful if someone could point out something I am doing in error!
Here is my setup for my Certificates, Identifiers, & Profiles:
App ID-
Provisioning Profile-
Also, here are other important screenshots for this application-
I am not necessarily getting any errors in any part of this process, but whenever I move the created IPA file over from iTunes onto the phone (iPhone6), it begins to load and initialize before it stops and disappears. Thanks for the help!
EDIT: My robovm configuration is in the Project build.gradle file, under section:
I have figured out the reason for this. Everything was fine except for in the robovm.properties file. I had:
and what I needed was
The wildcard at the end was necessary, and I am sure the actual name would work as well. Thanks for the help Saret
Select your attached device and the right signing identity and provisioning profile. Also be sure that your device is enabled in the apple developer console with your certificate.

Directory Listing Denied in Orchard

I have a new Orchard site which successfully runs the setup and database configuration when running locally. But when I tried to deploy it to the actual server and point a browser to the site, I get a "Directory Listing Denied" error.
Anyone seen this and fixed it?
I figured it out. Running on a shared web server, if IIS is configured for my site to use the default app pool, Orchard is precluded from reading its own files. (Remember that Orchard uses libraries and needs deep read/write access to subdirectories).
So the solution was simply to configure the site to run in its own isolated application pool.
Looks like this on my site's control panel:
Hope this solution helps someone down the line.
My guess is that you deployed the whole source code instead of src/orchard.web.

deploying a winform application using clickonce and iis fails

I'm trying to deploy a winform application with IIS and ClickOnce. I can access the publish.htm page and the install even starts when I click on the provided link.
However I get this error during the installation process:
Downloading http://MyWebSiteUrl/.../Interop.SHDocVw.dll did not succceed.
The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
Can anybody help me out on this ?
I found out that I needed to check "use .deploy file extension" (under properties>Publish>Options>Deployment
[Answering this old question because it comes up as the best match in my case and the accepted answer was of no use to me].
Background, in an IIS hosted ClickOnce scenario, the downloadable components are itemized in a manifest file at the root of the deployment (that's how you can specify a single download link and deploy all the supporting components).
I was converting a tested application from a WiX installation to a lightweight version with ClickOnce and received the HTTP 500 error without anything else in the logs. Naturally, I failed to think it through and instead found myself getting dragged down the rabbit hole on the internets, with instructions for detailed logging, magic spells, etc.
Upon more sober reflection, the problem was simple and I should have been able to tell immediately from the IIS log: a 500 followed by a 0 is shorthand for 'you're an idiot, the content isn't where you said it was' and it had almost nothing to do with ClickOnce.
I had copy/paste/edited an existing download link template in MVC that was in use for simple apps and it happened to cater to only two levels of subfolders in the manifest. When I ported a more complex project structure, I ended up leaving items in a Resources sub-sub-subfolder that looked fine in the manifest but the path was being truncated in MVC so that the related item could not be found.
Moral of the story - if you get a 500 error always check first to make sure your non-functioning appliance is plugged into a working outlet...
