One cross tab shows values of 10 queries Cognos - cognos

I have 10 lists with queries and each of them have item called timetaken i want to show this item of the 10 lists in one cross tab in row and no coloumns show like 10 rows each for each timetkane in each of them


Creating a Table Showing All Pair Combinations of Values in 1 Column Based on Values in a Different Column - Excel / Power BI

I have this table showing the names of the employees who worked on jobs where each job can be worked on by more than one employee:
Table 1
And I would like to create a new table comparing the names of the employees who worked on the same job so we could eventually compare their answers, two employees at time. It should look something like this:
Table 2
So if a job was answered by 4 people, then I should end up with 6 rows for the job (4C2) and if it was answered by 16 people, then I should have 120 rows (16C2).
Is there any way I could do this in Excel or in Power BI?
In Power Query:
Select the Employee 1 Name and Employee 2 Name columns and then Unpivot Columns
Select the Job and resulting Value columns and then Remove Duplicates
Remove the Attribute column

Multi Column records keep last version

Hello I am trying to use Excel Power Query to do the following.
I have multiple columns
Order / Item / Version / Qty / Price
I have multiple versions of Order Items so want to keep the last version of the record
I'm thinking keep order item where version is max.
snapshot of what I want to keep
I tried using list.max but not sure the syntax. I played around with grouping columns and conditional column. I think I am on the right track but just not sure how to generate the functions I need.
It is hard to tell if you want the max version of [Order & Item] or [Order] or [Item]
I am going to assume you want to only keep the highest version number of the combination of Order & Item
Load the data into powerquery. Data .. from table/range....
Click select Order and Item columns, right click, Group By
Set up the group like below image . Column Count / Operation Max /on Version column, and column Data / Operation All Rows
use arrows atop the new column to expand all the columns [x] except the ones you used in the initial group; here we just need to [x] version column
Add column .. custom column ...
= if [Count]=[#"CHANGE_VERSION_NUMBER"] then "keep" else "remove"
Then use the drop down in that column to unitick and filter out [x] the remove word
Right click and remove any extra columns
file.. close and load .... your data back into excel

MVC 5 related to views settings for grid acc. to view indexing

I have a list where I am getting all data approx. 50 columns with foreign key tables data through a model.
my second list where I am getting only columnname in rows approx. 10 columname,it can be more acc. to condition ,
now I want to bind a table using 2nd table column name and data will come from first list..because that columns are available in 1st I want only those column name using mvc.. is it possible ?
note : I am using this things for viewsettings acc. to diff. diff. view which we are creating please tell me how can I map rows of 2nd list with column of 1st list using mvc query...

Pagination in Tridinad table in JSF

I am having a list of 20 rows, and i have used tr:table to list it with 10 rows per page.
In this, the first 10 rows are getting displayed, but the next rows cannot be viewed.
Is there any solution for this.

add an item to a pivot table

I have a pivot table in Excel with groups.
But I later realized I wanted to add another item to that group.
How do I add an item without causing another dropdown subgroup?
I am working with about 800 items (job descriptions), but most are designer descriptions (head software engineer, head of software development, etc) so I want to group them all as "Tech," and so on. But with 800 items, I may group catch 50, but them later see 4 more. And don't want layers and layers of nested items.
As of now, it looks like
Group 1
item 1
item 2
item 3
added item 4
instead I want
Group 1
item 1
item 2
item 3
added item 4
If you're using a recent version of Excel, Calculated Items might be the way to go to quickly group and ungroup row labels.
Follow the tutorial here to see how these work: PivotTables: Calculated Items
