Pagination in Tridinad table in JSF - jsf

I am having a list of 20 rows, and i have used tr:table to list it with 10 rows per page.
In this, the first 10 rows are getting displayed, but the next rows cannot be viewed.
Is there any solution for this.


Tabulator pagination: stop groups from being cut between pages

I haved this Tabulator table with grouped rows.
Pagination is activated.
Say page size is 5.
If I have a group of 3 rows and a group of 2 rows, then I see:
the header for group 1
the 3 rows of group 1
the header for group 2
I have to go on the next page to see the 2 rows of group 2 (with no header)
How can I make sure row groups are not cut this way?
I'd like to find a way to tell Tabulator: "if a group cannot fit into a page, then start it on next page"
Of course I guess that would be a problem if a group would be larger than the page size, but then an error would be fine (or I guess I could check that before setting the page size)
This is not possible with Tabulator. When using pagination in Tabulator you define a page size in a number of rows.
This counts as the number of visible row elements, which includes normal rows, group headers and calculation rows.
The reason for this is to create a smoother user experience by ensuring that each page has the same number of visible rows and maintains the same height.
If the table changes height every page because it contains a different number of elements, it would cause the pagination buttons to move about which would be jarring for the user.

pagination for table which having rowspan

I have got a Dynamaically created Jquery table which has got two columns
First Column : Master Table
Second Column : Child Tables.
It's obviously a one to many mapping where Master table row could have a rowspan of 5 which tells us it has got five Child tables.
I need a pagination for this Table. I have tried a lot. If I wanna show first ten rows and if the ten Row has got a rowspan of 10 then it hasn't got a td:border-bottom, then in the next page first td getting the value of second td which makes last td to be empty.
Please sort me this out. I need to have a border-bottom at each every page no matter what is its rowspan and in the next page alignment of td must be in the same way as it was in the first page.

One cross tab shows values of 10 queries Cognos

I have 10 lists with queries and each of them have item called timetaken i want to show this item of the 10 lists in one cross tab in row and no coloumns show like 10 rows each for each timetkane in each of them

Richfaces DataTable - total number of pages

I've a situation where I've multiple columnGroups inside my datatable and for each record I render one or more columnGroup depending on some business logic.
Now, since the number of rows in the datatable are different from size of my records list, how do I get total number of pages in the datatable, provided that the number of rows per page is some fixed number let's say 60.
I need that number for my custom datascroller.

How can I fix number of rows in JSF Rich Table?

How can I fix the size of table
I am using below code for table in JSF
<rich:dataTable id="incompleteCases"
align="center" headerClass="content_row" rowKeyVar="row"
Where I want to fix the rows of table to exact 10
With the above code table shrinks when there are less rows than 10
How can I force the rows to remain constant?
Eg: if I have 35 rows,for 3 pages ,it will display 10 rows but on 4th page because It has 5 rows ,table will shrink .I want to add remaining 5 rows so that it wont resize table.
Rows are dynamically populated.
