How to Change the Name of a Windows Phone 8 Project in Visual Studio - visual-studio-2012

I have just run into an issue with my app name already being reserved in the Store. I have chosen another similar app name to reserve, but now I need to change my actual application solution name to match. I want to be sure that the name I chose in the store matches the name of the solution that a user will see on his or her device once downloaded and installed. How can I properly accomplish this? My previous experience has always resulted in many errors by simply changing the solution name within the solution explorer. Please help.


microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0 provider is not registered even already install

i just want to ask about Visual studio doesn't detect my microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0..
last month i write a code to import from excel into database using VB.NET and it worked..
but after a month i open back my coding and try the system but it said that "microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0 provider is not registered" even though i already install microsoft access database engine 2010 before..
i never change a little bit of my coding..i just left it but now it doesn't work like before
is there any particular update or something that make it doesn't work??
thank you
Try changing your target cpu in your project properties. go to solution explorer<properties<Compile uncheck the prefer 32-bit or change to x64. It works for me, if it doesn`t work try searching a bit more iirc that question is already answered but i cant remember if it is in stackoverflow or other website, which has many suggestions
The Access engine can be installed as either 32-bit or 64-bit. As the other answer notes, it is important to make sure that your application matches the bitness of Access. You can check on installed OleDB providers by checking the Windows registry; you would need to search on all of the keys in HKCR/CLSID (under Wow6432Node for 32-bit), looking for entries with a value named OLEDB_SERVICES. Keys with this value will have the provider name as the default value. This (obviously) isn't practical to do manually, but it should be fairly straightforward to do programmatically.

Access Core Data from extension without provisioning profile on macOS?

I'd like to add a Quick Look extension to my program, but in order to be useful, it would have to access the Core Data stack, which seems to require me to add an App Group and a provisioning profile to the project.
Until now, it has been possible for anyone to download the project from Github and compile and run it out of the box. All project targets are set to Team: None and Sign to Run Locally. If I add my provisioning profile to the project, this will no longer work. They will have to create and add their own provisioning profile and change the Signing & Capabilities settings on each of the 26 targets (there seems to be no way to do them all at once). And the profile will have to be renewed every year.
My question is, is there any way around this? Is such a major change really necessary for what amounts to accessing a file inside the program's own bundle (and another in its Application Support folder?)
EDIT: As was pointed out to me on the Apple Developer forum, you don't need a provisioning profile as long as you prefix the group name with the development team identifier. This still won't make it build out of the box, though. You will still need a developer account and set a team on every target.
I had missed that you are supposed to have a team identifier as the prefix for the group name. That still doesn't solve the problem that my project will no longer build out of the box for anyone who downloads it from Github, but it answers the question asked in the subject line.

Lost files for my app, but still have key. Can I still update my app?

I have an app on the google play store that's getting around 3k downloads a day. Recently I tried sharing my files through google drive and they all got screwed up and won't work in Android Studio when I open them. Is it possible for me to start from scratch and submit that update to the listing I already have? All I'd like to do is place some ads into the app
I still have the key for the file I believe.
Thanks for any help in advance!
You can still sign a new version of the app so long as you have the original key and passcode (if you used one).
Submitting successfully will also require you to have the same package name and a version number higher than your last release.
Was able to find the answer! Turns out I can create a new android studio project with the same package names and sign with the old key.

Team Foundation Server: Multiple Identities Found

Up until yesterday, my connection to Team Foundation Service was working perfectly.
A separate requirement caused me yesterday to rename my computer. After that, there were some errors about the workspace which I was able to fix with the TF command, but I can't find anything about this new error, which arose after I renamed the workspace:
Please note that the blacked-out email addresses are all three identical.
I have no idea how to "specify one of the following workspace specs" from a MessageBox! Any ideas?
TFS for years has been among the worst user experiences I've ever seen.
For me it helped to just sign out from TFS via the "Configure Team Projects" window, and then log in again.
Connect to TFS DB and refer DefaultCollection db.
[dbo].[tbl_Workspace] this table is used to store workspace info
[tbl_WorkspaceMapping] this table is used to store mapping created above.
[dbo].[tbl_WorkingFolder] this table is used to store working folder mapping.
Exit your tfs client and perform below steps.
delete your workspaces causing issue from table [dbo].[tbl_Workspace] and [tbl_WorkspaceMapping] and start accessing your tfs client by configuring new workspace.
I had to guess at a "tf" command line argument set, but, I found that the workspace carried the same name as the computer, after renaming both. So I did this to myself.
After using "tf" to change the workspace name from "WIN8DEV" to "WIN8DEVWORKSPACE" this particular problem vanished.

Azure Compute Emulator will not start

I have recently upgraded to the new Azure SDK (September 2011 v 1.5).
Ever since I have not been able to start the compute emulator. Consequently I can't debug the services on my local machine.
I have seen a suggestion that the problem lies with the fact that my user account has a space in it, so I renamed my account but that didn't make any difference. It may be that the problem is that my user profile path has a space in it. Changing the account name has no effect no the profile path.
On the msdn forums it was suggested that I remove *:808 binding in IIS Manager for Default Website. See MSDN Forums
Anyone have any other ideas?
Another option:
So, given the "rename your user account/regedit doesn't work for you, you may want to look at this MSDN article, which suggests you can just set an environment variable and run the emulator without mucking with the registry... not sure if setting the environment variable globally would let you run automatically within VS.NET without manually starting up the emulator the first time, but it is certainly easier.
Yes, the space(s) in your profile path are the issue, and this appears to be a regression for a bug that was found in a previous version of the emulator (the only reason I even thought to try logging in with a different account in the first place). I was literally just putting together a quick blog post here describing the same issue. You'll need to do some registry editing to fix all the references to your old profile path if you want to fix it, or just create a new user if you can deal with re-installing software (I love the Web Platform Installer, but I found out during this exercise that it doesn't do a good job installing for "all users").
