Resharper change default go to type for ctrl - resharper

currently when I hit ctrl and press mouse btn on type I got to type for example to interace , how can I change it to go to implementation ? I tried by tools, keyboard but can't change it key to ctrl + Left click.

You can't rebind the action that happens on ctrl+click. However, pressing alt+ctrl+click, you'll go to implementation. And ctrl+shift+click will open the result in the Peek Definition window.


Android Studio Documentation is always showing

enter image description here
When I press ctrl+q, the documentation is always shown.
I want the documentation to be auto hidden
How can I do this? Thank You
Keep pressing ctr + q to cycle between different views for the documentation window. You'll get the one you want eventually.
Ctrl-Q toggles between doc window states (when using the default keymap).
Possible states:
-Shown to the side of the auto-complete list
-Docked as one of the tabs
If you have a different keymap, you can search for this action in Settings -> Keymap. The action is called "Quick Doc".
Once the auto-completion window is open, you can cycle through the states of the documentation window by pressing Ctrl+Q. The last doc window state will be remembered for next time the auto-completion window opens.

Visual Studio enable "Ctrl + Click"

How do you enable the CTRL + Click option. For example if you make a new object from a class and you CTRL + Click on the class name you go to that class, or the same with a method?
This setting is controlled through Visual Studio - Go To Definition:
Text Editor category
General subcategory
Check (or uncheck) Enable mouse click to perform Go to Definition
Just click on the class name or whatever and press F12.

JavaFX + Scene Builder Mnemonics

I've added Mnemonics to a menu bar using JavaFX 2.2 and Scene Builder, but it doesn't work 100% well.
This is my menu:
When I press Alt, it looks like this, which is correct:
Then I press "D", and the menu opens, but the Mnemonics inside the menu are not underlined:
The lines do appear when I press Alt again; however, then the line under the "D" of "Datei" disappears:
So it seems to be some kind of buggy toggling function in JavaFX.
Anyway, I want the Mnemonics to be underlined all at once, just like when I click the menu:
When you click the menus with the mouse and then press Alt all Mnemonics are correctly underlined at once. Pressing Alt again will toggle between underlined and not underlined. This is the normal, expected behavior.
So I think when opening a menu via Mnemonics, the Oracle guys just forgot to call some kind of "underlineMnemonics()" method for the submenu. Does anybody know what method that is, so I can call it myself when opening a menu? Or does anyone have another workaround?
For example, I know that you can make the underlines of the main menu bar visible via CSS:
.mnemonic-underline {
-fx-stroke: -fx-text-base-color;
But I failed to make this work on the submenus. (Also, this would not be an ideal solution, because this way the underlines couldn't be toggled off again.)

What is the shortcut for the little auto suggest blue bar in Visual Studio 2012

In Visual Studio, when you type in a Class name or property that Intellisense doesnt recognise a little blue bar show up underneath the first letter of the word with options like suggestion the namespace to import and refactor etc.
Does anyone know the shortcut to open that window with having to mouse over it? I can't for the life of me find it on Google, probably because I can't find out what the function is called.
I use the Ctrl + . (period) shortcut to open that menu when the blue bar is showing.
Press Alt + Shift + F10 to bring up the context menu.
The commands in this menu are also available in Edit + IntelliSense + Generate. Only the Generate Method has a predefined shortcut key: Ctrl+K, M. You could use Tools + Options, Customize, Keyboard to assign additional ones.

WPF Screen should show hotkeys alltime without pressing Alt key

I want to show the hotkeys for label, button on screen without pressing Alt Key. For example
Alt + N opens new dialog where N is hot key so I want underline always appears below N.
I am not sure how we can achieve this without Pressing alt key. After pressing Alt Key hot key is shown but we want to show the corresponding hot key all the time till the screen is open.
I answered in this nearly identical question that
If you have any control over the operating system on which the program is being deployed, apparently you can force the underlined shortcut letter to always be displayed by going to Control Panel -> Display -> Appearance -> Effects -> Hide underlined letters for keyboard navigation.
If you can't do that, some of the other answers mentioned using a System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys class.
