Searching items and Paginate them in php - pagination

I am developing a website. I'm doing a system that contains a searching for 3 categories. I really don't know how to search those 3 items and paginate them. Can anyone help me for it? Can I have example of codes of how to do it?


neo4j: fulltext index on external documents and attachments

This is the situation. Don't ask why, it is the way it is.
I created a simple fulltext-index over the document-contents by grabbing the content from the document-server and adding the simple unformatted content as a new property (raw_content) to each Document-Object in the neo4jdb.
Then i created a fulltext-index like:
CALL db.index.fulltext.createNodeIndex('content', ['Document'], ['title', 'teaser', 'raw_content'])
So far so good. Search works very well.
Now I want to index the attachments. I've got Attachment-URLs for each document, which I can call by the docid.
So, before I slide into any antipatterns, I'd like to ask the community, about how to do this. I've got two ways on my mind:
similar to the way I index the raw_content - is there a way to make Lucene get and parse the URLs, that I give to it?
the batch does all the parsing and adds the content to new fields like "attachment01_content" ...
Solution 1 would be appreciated, but i did not find any documentation on this.
Solution 2 is ugly, especially because Lucene can handle with pdf, doc ...
any ideas on how to solve this?

Drupal 8 search api solr want to get all items

i´m using drupal8 with solr 7.4 and the search api module. I don´t find a way to configure the search api to get all indexed items by searching with ""(nothing an put enter) or searching by "*". How can i enable such a search behavior?
Thanks a lot
As upto my understanding on your question, You can Create Facets and configure the filters by specific taxonomy terms or content types. Before that check the fields what you are indexing into the solr.

Display Joomla search results, one by one in each module?

I am working on Joomla 3.2 with Roksprocket right now, which is a module that can display all articles in category X in "mosaic" form. So you have blocks of intro articles instead of a list.
I was wondering if anyone knows how to display search results in "mosaic" form, or if I can somehow make the search results display one module at a time via Roksprocket.
Any pointers will help!

Drupal 7 Programmatically Replace Field in Views

I have a question regarding Drupal 7 and the Views API.
I'm writing a module that replaces specific text in views. Essentially what I'm trying to do is scan text in a view (or page for that matter). Let's say the view has [special button] will be replaced with
Or whatever. Please understand this is pseudo code.
I've took a look at hook_view(), hook_node_view() ( and neither of them seem to work for me.
I've also looked at but that didn't seem to help me out.
Have you tried selecting 'rewrite the output of this field' on the field/s ?
Or alternatively Views PHP should be able to do what you want.

Is there a way to have a column in SharePoint which has multiple links?

I currently have a normal SharePoint list with about 15 columns or so. I need one of the columns to have a list of links. I know SharePoint lets you have 1 link and it also lets you have multiple lines of text... So I thought it would be there as an option, but no such luck. Anyone knows a solution for this? I wasn't able to find any info online, which doesn't happen often. I guess I wasn't looking for the right keywords? If anyone can point me into the right direction, it would be great!
Maybe a multiplelines text field, and configured it to be Enhaced Rich Text enable. It would allow you to insert your links as in a HTML page (it would be the same as to use a CEWQ)
We have a custom filed CALLed Document Link Field that enabled you to link multiple documents to a list item, maybe this is what yuo are looking for. In any case either you need a custom field, or use a multiple lines of text
Infowise Document Link Field
