Add a field to the merge function view - dynamics-crm-2011

How do I add fields to the view when merging records?

All fields on the last used form are used for merge function, you don't have to do anything specifically other than making sure they are on the form.
The fields are always filtered and only shown if one or other of the merged records contains a value - this avoids wasting time and screen real estate asking users to select between two blanks, so they more easily see the fields that are different. Bit fields (two options) are included since they always have a value of 0 or 1.
See this page for some practical tips as well:


populating multiple fields with same label via DocuSign API

We have several templates that take advantage of using same named labels to populate the data entered in one field to others with the same label throughout envelope documents.
According to API method Envelopes::EnvelopeRecipientTabs, in order to make this work via the API, I needed to add \\* (two back slashes) prior to the label name so that data pushed to a field would populate all and not just the first occurrence of a field with that label.
example: "tabLabel": "\\*Contract_Number"
This seemed to do the trick.
However, now I'm finding this works like a wild card. I have another field labeled "existing_contract_number" and the data for \\*contract_number populates this field.
I know I can change the name of the field so that the ending doesn't match, but there are many fields and many templates I will need to sift through to see if this is an issue elsewhere AND to fix this particular occurrence.
Is there something I am missing? Can I get the data to populate in all fields that exactly match the tabLabel without using essentially a wildcard?
Thank you.
I suggest listing the template's tabs or the envelope's tabs using a method such as EnvelopeRecipientTabs::list -- Note its include_anchor_tab_locations query parameter if you're using anchor tabs.
Once you have the entire list of tabs, update the values of just the desired tabs.
This may be more work than changing the template but will probably be a more generalized solution for your app.

Sharepoint 2013/2016 Calculated Column stops calculating

I have a calculated column in SharePoint On-Premises that shows the number of days till a due date which works perfectly for a day or so then stops calculating, but if I go to the list settings and click the column and click ok then it calculates again?
Has anyone experienced an issue similar to this. I had this issue in both 2013 but within a few weeks moved to 2016 and still the same issue.
I've tried " " blank and also "" empty so not sure if that is causing the issue??
Is it a problem with the formula?
Here is the formula:
=IF(ISBLANK([Due Date])," ",
IF(ISERROR(DATEDIF(NOW(),[Due Date],"d"))," ",DATEDIF(NOW(),[Due Date],"d")))
Calculated columns cannot contain volatile functions, which includes those that depend on the current date.
The values in SharePoint columns--even in calculated columns--are stored in SharePoint's underlying SQL Server database.
The calculations in calculated columns are not performed upon page load; rather, they are recalculated only whenever an item is changed (in which case the formula is recalculated just for that specific item), or whenever the column formula is changed (in which case the formula is recalculated for all items).
If you need to show a dynamic value that changes with the passage of time, you have a few alternatives.
Client-Side Rendering
Consider using client-side rendering which lets you use JavaScript to dynamically determine how records in a list view are displayed. This JavaScript runs upon page load, so it can handle current time-dependent values much better than a calculated column.
To use client-side rendering, you create a JavaScript file that controls how the view displays. You upload that file to somewhere on SharePoint where people will have at least Read access to it, then edit the list view web part that you want to display differently and set its "JSLink" property to point to your JavaScript file.
Check out this answer for an example of using a JSLink file to spoof a dynamic date field.
Microsoft also provides some documentation here but I think they do more work than is necessary (creating an entire new list definition project in Visual Studio for their example instead of just creating a JSLink JavaScript file for an existing list).
Other Options
A few other options are mentioned in the older question linked above:
Conditional Formatting: You can apply conditional formatting to highlight records that meet certain criteria. This can be done using SharePoint Designer or HTML/JavaScript.
Filtered List views: Since views of lists are queried and generated in real time, you can use volatile values in list view filters. You can set up a list view web part that only shows items where Created is equal to [Today]. Since you can place multiple list view web parts on one page, you could have one section for today's items, and another web part for all the other items, giving you a visual separation.
A workflow, timer job, or scheduled task: You can use a repeating process to set the value of a normal (non-calculated) column on a daily basis. You need to be careful with this approach to ensure good performance; you wouldn't want it to query for and update every item in the list if the list has surpassed the list view threshold, for example.
To expand on the Filtered List Views option, you can have a view that shows only items that are due within a certain number of days. For example, you can display all the items due within 7 days by filtering where the Due Date field is less than [Today]+7 and Due Date is greater than or equal to [Today]. You could also sort the view to show the items with earlier due dates closer to the top.

Concatenated SQL fields in selector and/or custom PXDimension

We have a set of BLC/DAC for a customization that has multiple tables with the given relationship
Table1 - T1ID (int-autoincrement), T1CD (char-substitute key)
Table2 - T2ID (int-autoincrement), T2CD (char-subsitute key), T1ID (reference to T1ID)
where the records in Table2 are unique for each given T1ID selected.
The initial design specification was for the users to select first the Table1 value, then the Table2 value (UsrTable1Value, UsrTable2Value respectively) in the data entry screens.
The users have recently asked if it's possible to combine these into one field simular to a Dimension selector so that there is one field resulting in "Table1-Table2" stored as T2ID.
My first thought was to simply create a subclassed dac with a concatenated property for T1CD-T2CD and base the substitute key off that however performance is a problem when that is done (1.6 million records). The delay is in the framwork side as it appears it processes the entire recordset when generating the concatenated substitute key.
Based on that I thought perhaps instead to simply generate a PXDimension configuration for this however I can't find any reference to make Dimension 2 rely on the value of Dimension 1.
I know i could always create a view that does this but i'd prefer to keep it within the framework if possible.
That basically brings me to two questions
1) Outside of a view, is there way to concatenate fields in the BQL so the lifting is done on the SQL and not with a calculated property?
2) Does anyone have or know of a sample of custom Dimensions where the values in level 2 depend on the value in level 1?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Out of the box, dimension selectors are designed to work only with Segmented Keys and won't be able to handle values from multiple tables. In theory, it can be possible to populate segment popup from different tables within a custom DimentionSelectorAttribute. However, this will additionally require to store each T1ID/T2ID pair in a separate table with some other column declared as a key (same concept used in the Sub table to store sub accounts: SubID is a key and SubCD stores values composed from multiple segments).
My personal opinion, the effort is just not worth it. Going one step further, I would check with the customer on how they expect navigation buttons (first, prev, next, last) to work with their segmented input control? If following standard Acumatica UI design with separate input created for every key field, no additional effort is needed to properly handle both data entry and navigation.

How to create a view using a count of certain field

I am trying to create a categorized view of all Notes documents that have a field with exact same value, i.e. there is a field for Contractor Name and I want to create a view that lists each Contractor and the documents that relevant to each. How do I do this? I have tried view formulas like the following but no success as yet
SELECT #IsAvailable(Contractorid) & #Count(Contractorid) > 1
SELECT #Count(#IsAvailable(Contractorid)) >1
Nsf databases are no relational databases. The count of different documents with a unique value in a specific field cannot be used to build a view selection formula.
You could write an agent, that runs through all documents and counts them and puts all with count > 1 in a folder, but this is quite a lot of LotusScript code and needs some advanced knowledge.
The other possibilit would be to categorize the view by ContractorId and add one column before that categorized column: simply use 1 as column formula and select "display totals" in the column properties as well as "hide details".
Then at least you have the information, how much documents are in each category, but unfortunately you cannot filter by it and you cannot sort by this column.
A third possibility would be to use an xpage interface, but that is even more work to do and a completely different story developmentwise.
This is similar to view to identify duplicates. My approach is to use folder.
Make a new folder with design of your view. Instead of (not working) selection formula use short LS code as an action, or QueryOpen event (make sure only one user runs the script).
The code should cooperate with another (hidden) view sorted by Contractorid. Make a ViewNavigator for that view and traverse through it with simple logic - if previous entry has the same Contractorid as the current one, put both documents into folder**. That way you will get list of all documents with duplicate Contractorid. Make sure to wipe all the current content from the folder at the start.
** This can be optimized further by slightly more complicated algorithm to handle first duplicate diferently - for more than two duplicates this algorithm makes extra calls of PutInFolder method.

SharePoint List Pre-Population

I have two lists, each on different tabs (sub-sites) of the site. I would like users enter data on the first tab and somehow copy a portion of that data over to the second list automatically (like a pre-population of several of the fields on the second list). What would be involved in making this happen? Of the ideas I have come up with, none seem too pragmatic.
An item receiver on the first list would allow you to insert data into another list at the time of creation.
Depending on your situation it may be worth trying list look ups (one to many).
