Statistical Analysis Error? python 3 proof read please - python-3.x

The code below generates two random integers within range specified by argv, tests if the integers match and starts again. At the end it prints some stats about the process.
I've noticed though that increasing the value of argv reduces the percentage of tested possibilities exponentially.
This seems counter intuitive to me so my question is, is this an error in the code or are the numbers real and if so then what am I not thinking about?
import sys
import random
x = int(sys.argv[1])
a = random.randint(0,x)
b = random.randint(0,x)
steps = 1
combos = x**2
while a != b:
a = random.randint(0,x)
b = random.randint(0,x)
steps += 1
percent = (steps / combos) * 100
print('[{} ! {}]'.format(a,b), end=' ')
print('steps'.upper(), steps)
print('possble combinations = {}'.format(combos))
print('explored {}% possibilitys'.format(percent))
For example:
./ 100000
will returm me something like:
[65697 ! 65697] EQUALITY!
STEPS 115867
possble combinations = 10000000000
explored 0.00115867% possibilitys
"explored 0.00115867% possibilitys" <-- This number is too low?

This experiment is really a geometric distribution.
Let Y be the random variable of the number of iterations before a match is seen. Then Y is geometrically distributed with parameter 1/x (the probability of generating two matching integers).
The expected value, E[Y] = 1/p where p is the mentioned probability (the proof of this can be found in the link above). So in your case the expected number of iterations is 1/(1/x) = x.
The number of combinations is x^2.
So the expected percentage of explored possibilities is really x/(x^2) = 1/x.
As x approaches infinity, this number approaches 0.
In the case of x=100000, the expected percentage of explored possibilities = 1/100000 = 0.001% which is very close to your numerical result.


some recommendation to improve the time complexity

I'm trying to find the number of palindromes in a certain range using the Python code below:
def test(n,m):
return len([i for i in range(n,m+1) if str(i) == str(i)[::-1]])
Can anyone discover any other ways to make this code simpler in order to reduce its time complexity, as well as any potential missing conditions that my function may not have addressed?
Some recommendations to enhance the temporal complexity and mark on conditions that I haven't handled.
So here's an idea to build off of: For an n-digit number, there will be O(2^n) numbers less than n. For now, forget the lower bound. Checking each in turn will therefor take at least that long.
However, every palindrome is the repeat of a number of half that length - there can only be 2^(n/2) palindromes of length n. This is a much smaller number. Consider searching that way instead?
So for a number of the form abcd, there are two palindromes based off of it - abcddcba and abcdcba. You can therefor find all panidromes up to length 8 by instead starting from all numbers up to length 4 and finding their generated palindromes.
you can eliminate for loop and you can use recursion for eliminating time complexity
below is the code which has O(log10n) time complexity
def getFirstDigit(x) :
while (x >= 10) :
x //= 10
return x
def getCountWithSameStartAndEndFrom1(x) :
if (x < 10):
return x
tens = x // 10
res = tens + 9
firstDigit = getFirstDigit(x)
lastDigit = x % 10
if (lastDigit < firstDigit) :
res = res - 1
return res
def getCountWithSameStartAndEnd(start, end) :
return (getCountWithSameStartAndEndFrom1(end) -
getCountWithSameStartAndEndFrom1(start - 1))

Karatsuba recursive code is not working correctly

I want to implement Karatsuba multiplication algorithm in python.But it is not working completely.
The code is not working for the values of x or y greater than 999.For inputs below 1000,the program is showing correct result.It is also showing correct results on base cases.
#Karatsuba method of multiplication.
f = int(input()) #Inputs
e = int(input())
def prod(x,y):
r = str(x)
t = str(y)
lx = len(r) #Calculation of Lengths
ly = len(t)
#Base Case
if(lx == 1 or ly == 1):
return x*y
#Other Case
o = lx//2
p = ly//2
a = x//(10*o) #Calculation of a,b,c and d.
b = x-(a*10*o) #The Calculation is done by
c = y//(10*p) #calculating the length of x and y
d = y-(c*10*p) #and then dividing it by half.
#Then we just remove the half of the digits of the no.
return (10**o)*(10**p)*prod(a,c)+(10**o)*prod(a,d)+(10**p)*prod(b,c)+prod(b,d)
I think there are some bugs in the calculation of a,b,c and d.
a = x//(10**o)
b = x-(a*10**o)
c = y//(10**p)
d = y-(c*10**p)
You meant 10 to the power of, but wrote 10 multiplied with.
You should train to find those kinds of bugs yourself. There are multiple ways to do that:
Do the algorithm manually on paper for specific inputs, then step through your code and see if it matches
Reduce the code down to sub-portions and see if their expected value matches the produced value. In your case, check for every call of prod() what the expected output would be and what it produced, to find minimal input values that produce erroneous results.
Step through the code with the debugger. Before every line, think about what the result should be and then see if the line produces that result.

Why does my if function not return the proper value?

I'm quite new at Python programming so forgive me if it seems like a stupid question. This is my code with the given results:
def Stopping_Voltage(Frequency, Phi):
x = (4.14E-15) * Frequency ##The value of (h/e) multiplied by frequency
y = Phi / (1.602E-19) ##The value of Phi/e
Energy = x * (1.602E-19)
String = 'No electron is emitted'
if Energy > Phi:
Voltage = x - y
Stopping_Voltage(10, (6.63228E-33))
What we're asked to do is if the energy is less than or equal to phi, return the string but when testing it with the given variables, it should return the string but it is still giving me a quantitative result. I initially tried using "else" rather than "elif" but it still gave me the same thing (if that matters). When I printed the value for Energy and Phi, the energy value has a lot of zeroes after the decimal (with 1 following after all the zeroes). How do I fix this to give me the string?
Your code is fine! It does return the string, if Energy is <= Phi. It's just that your Energy in this particular example is really bigger than your Phi :) This is the scientific notation of a number, so e means 10^exponent like 2e-5 is equal to 2*10^-5. You can check it by adding print(Energy > Phi) which will print you either True or False e.g. before the if-else block.

math.sqrt function python gives same result for two different values [duplicate]

Why does the math module return the wrong result?
First test
A = 12345678917
print 'A =',A
B = sqrt(A**2)
print 'B =',int(B)
A = 12345678917
B = 12345678917
Here, the result is correct.
Second test
A = 123456758365483459347856
print 'A =',A
B = sqrt(A**2)
print 'B =',int(B)
A = 123456758365483459347856
B = 123456758365483467538432
Here the result is incorrect.
Why is that the case?
Because math.sqrt(..) first casts the number to a floating point and floating points have a limited mantissa: it can only represent part of the number correctly. So float(A**2) is not equal to A**2. Next it calculates the math.sqrt which is also approximately correct.
Most functions working with floating points will never be fully correct to their integer counterparts. Floating point calculations are almost inherently approximative.
If one calculates A**2 one gets:
>>> 12345678917**2
Now if one converts it to a float(..), one gets:
>>> float(12345678917**2)
But if you now ask whether the two are equal:
>>> float(12345678917**2) == 12345678917**2
So information has been lost while converting it to a float.
You can read more about how floats work and why these are approximative in the Wikipedia article about IEEE-754, the formal definition on how floating points work.
The documentation for the math module states "It provides access to the mathematical functions defined by the C standard." It also states "Except when explicitly noted otherwise, all return values are floats."
Those together mean that the parameter to the square root function is a float value. In most systems that means a floating point value that fits into 8 bytes, which is called "double" in the C language. Your code converts your integer value into such a value before calculating the square root, then returns such a value.
However, the 8-byte floating point value can store at most 15 to 17 significant decimal digits. That is what you are getting in your results.
If you want better precision in your square roots, use a function that is guaranteed to give full precision for an integer argument. Just do a web search and you will find several. Those usually do a variation of the Newton-Raphson method to iterate and eventually end at the correct answer. Be aware that this is significantly slower that the math module's sqrt function.
Here is a routine that I modified from the internet. I can't cite the source right now. This version also works for non-integer arguments but just returns the integer part of the square root.
def isqrt(x):
"""Return the integer part of the square root of x, even for very
large values."""
if x < 0:
raise ValueError('square root not defined for negative numbers')
n = int(x)
if n == 0:
return 0
a, b = divmod(n.bit_length(), 2)
x = (1 << (a+b)) - 1
while True:
y = (x + n//x) // 2
if y >= x:
return x
x = y
If you want to calculate sqrt of really large numbers and you need exact results, you can use sympy:
import sympy
num = sympy.Integer(123456758365483459347856)
print(int(num) == int(sympy.sqrt(num**2)))
The way floating-point numbers are stored in memory makes calculations with them prone to slight errors that can nevertheless be significant when exact results are needed. As mentioned in one of the comments, the decimal library can help you here:
>>> A = Decimal(12345678917)
>>> A
>>> B = A.sqrt()**2
>>> B
>>> A == B
>>> int(B)
I use version 3.6, which has no hardcoded limit on the size of integers. I don't know if, in 2.7, casting B as an int would cause overflow, but decimal is incredibly useful regardless.

Python 3.3.2 - Calculating the Carrying of Numbers

Remember back in primary school where you learn to carry numbers?
+ 127
You carry the 1 from 3+7 over to the next column, and change the first column to 0?
Anyway, what I am getting at is that I want to make a program that calculates how many carries that the 2 numbers make (addition).
The way I am doing it, is that I am converting both numbers to strings, splitting them into individuals, and turning them back into integers. After that, I am going to run through adding 1 at a time, and when a number is 2 digits long, I will take 10 off it and move to the next column, calculating as I go.
The problem is, I barely know how to do that, and it also sounds pretty slow.
Here is my code so far.
numberOne = input('Number: ')
numberTwo = input('Number: ')
listOne = [int(i) for i in str(numberOne)]
listTwo = [int(i) for i in str(numberTwo)]
And then... I am at a loss for what to do. Could anyone please help?
Some clarification.
This should work with floats as well.
This only counts the amount of times it has carried, not the amount of carries. 9+9+9 will be 1, and 9+9 will also be 1.
The numbers are not the same length.
>>> def countCarries(n1, n2):
... n1, n2 = str(n1), str(n2) # turn the numbers into strings
... carry, answer = 0, 0 # we have no carry terms so far, and we haven't carried anything yet
... for one,two in itertools.zip_longest(n1[::-1], n2[::-1], fillvalue='0'): # consider the corresponding digits in reverse order
... carry = int(((int(one)+int(two)+carry)//10)>0) # calculate whether we will carry again
... answer += ((int(one)+int(two)+carry)//10)>0 # increment the number of carry terms, if we will carry again
... carry += ((int(one)+int(two)+carry)//10)>0 # compute the new carry term
... return answer
>>> countCarries(127, 123)
>>> countCarries(127, 173)
