How to build libfetch in linux? - linux

As is known for us all, source code for is not originally designed for redhat linux,and I have searched and tried many times, failed ,but I know someone has successfully made it previously.
Of course, commonly used ./confgure --parameter && make && make install will fail immediately, for the simple reason that it has no configure file(or something like that) at all!
source code download:
so, can someone of you help me ?

I was able to build libfetch on Linux Mint using the Makefile which is available from the Alpine Linux aports repo. (It is very different from the BSD Makefile which comes with the libfetch source.) All the other source code was unchanged.


Can't run NodeSchool workshops in Git Bash. "TypeError: process.stdin.setRawMode is not a function"

From the research I did for the topic, I saw some recommendations to install tty.js with npm, but it wouldn't install as well - some sort of python exe missing from the system error.
I am able to run the program from Git CMD but it is all confusing for me because I am familiar with unix based consoles :(
The way I installed node.js and npm : All was doen with the installer provided by node.js.
Any insights? Thank you in advance!
I have installed tty.js in a linux enviroment and it works great, you should some building essentials installed, such as:
As well as Python 2.7. When installing using npm, it will look for all the dependencies and as I understand it will compile some C code that does the magic behind the scenes. I haven't tried it on Windows, but what I have seen there is the C code designed for windows, so it probably will run.
Maybe I will be of more help if you copy what you get on the npm installation.
have you tried using Git Bash? That is what I used for the most part as well and acts more unix like. If you're on a PC, an alternative is using ConEMU as they give you a shell that is unix like. Just wanted to give you some options if you're still running into trouble, I know this is super late :)

Linux (Mageia): make not found /usr/bin/make

I recently installed Lazarus 1.0.12 on Mageia Linux Operating System. While in the middle of bring back everything to where It was, before my computer crashed. I am running into this error which I have never seen before.
Take a look at the following image:
I found some solutions online, but they all pointed me to the fact that I need to set the correct make path within Option->>Environment->>File->>Make to /usr/bin/make
I did make the change, but it still raises same error.
What am I doing wrong?
According to the comment made by the asker, /usr/bin/make does not exist, so we need to install make first.
Try this:
urpmi make
This requires root privilege.
See URPMI and Software management.

"bmake: no system rules (" when trying to build OS161 on Mandriva

I'm TAing an Operating Systems class, and I'm trying to get a working install of Harvard's OS161 set up on our Mandriva lab machines.
I've got the toolchain set up, but when I try to build the source with bmake, I get the following error:
"bmake: no system rules ("
Does anyone know how to fix this? I'm fairly sure it's a problem with the bmake install, not with the source itself.
try to set the bmake flag manually
$export MAKESYSPATH=~/os161/tools/share/mk/

How to install something on Linux without Makefile (lessc in this case)

I am relatively new to the Linux world so forgive this question if it is simple. I have cloned the lessc repo from this url:
However I cannot find a way of installing it. Am I missing something or is there a manual way to install things setup like this. I have encountered this problem several times and would appreciate any input you could offer. Thanks!
You don't have to install lessc with make install.
It is not a binary program, it's a javascript, so you jut have to copy in the correct position of your website.
Unlike programs, which have a specified position where they have to be installed, files that have to be served by webserver do not have an install script, because there's not fixed position in the filesystem where a website is stored.

My busybox does not execute non-applet utility commands

I installed the latest busybox to my new embedded project. It runs OK until I try to put dropbear in my application. The busybox shell complains that dropbear is not found although "which dropbear" command gives me the correct answer "/sbin/dropbear". If I change its mode to RW, it complains that dropbear is not executable. I have tried other non-bosybox commands and it complains the same. It must be a setup issue. Can anyone help me out? Thank you very much.
Perhaps you're missing the necessary libraries? Some environments don't print helpful messages when this happens. Check what libraries it wants to link against.
ldd or objdump -x <file> |grep NEEDED are helpful.
You probably want to do this from your build machine, as it sounds like the embedded shell environment is pretty broken.
Eric Seppanen's answer is true,any missing dynamic library dependency will cause the cryptic "not found" message for the binary in question. Linux will also give this error if it cannot find in the /lib64 directory, or for 32bit binaries, the corresponding 32bit ld-linux*.so in /lib.
