Linux (Mageia): make not found /usr/bin/make - linux

I recently installed Lazarus 1.0.12 on Mageia Linux Operating System. While in the middle of bring back everything to where It was, before my computer crashed. I am running into this error which I have never seen before.
Take a look at the following image:
I found some solutions online, but they all pointed me to the fact that I need to set the correct make path within Option->>Environment->>File->>Make to /usr/bin/make
I did make the change, but it still raises same error.
What am I doing wrong?

According to the comment made by the asker, /usr/bin/make does not exist, so we need to install make first.
Try this:
urpmi make
This requires root privilege.
See URPMI and Software management.


Where can I get on Arch Linux?

I'm running arch linux and am making an attempt to run DaVinci Resolve. Initially startup said nothing, it just timed out and closed. Then I found a recommendation to run it with /opt/resolve/bin/resolve this got me an error saying cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
This has sent me on a wild goose chase trying to install on my system. I heard somewhere it is part of mesa so I sudo pacman -S mesa and I've tried to find a AUR package that might have it but no luck. Even trying variations of yay libGLU and yay libGLU-mesa, no luck so far.
Additionally find / -name 'libLGU*' returned nothing even when ran with sudo, meaning it isn't already on my system in the wrong directory.
This might unfortunately be an instance where I download the file and place it where it needs to go but that's probably not in the best interest of the long term longevity of my system.
I'm probably fairly novice when compared to most others on linux but I think I've gotten a lot of the basics down. Would love any insight you may have on this issue!
While an outdated forum post said that /usr/lib/ is owned by the mesa package, it is now currently owned by glu.
pacman -S glu ought to give you your needed library.
For future reference, you can reverse search filename->package using pkgfile, which works even if you don't have the respective files/packages locally.
$ sudo pkgfile --update
$ pkgfile
Alternatively there's the built-in pacman -F, but it's generally slower than pkgfile.

How to build libfetch in linux?

As is known for us all, source code for is not originally designed for redhat linux,and I have searched and tried many times, failed ,but I know someone has successfully made it previously.
Of course, commonly used ./confgure --parameter && make && make install will fail immediately, for the simple reason that it has no configure file(or something like that) at all!
source code download:
so, can someone of you help me ?
I was able to build libfetch on Linux Mint using the Makefile which is available from the Alpine Linux aports repo. (It is very different from the BSD Makefile which comes with the libfetch source.) All the other source code was unchanged.

Android NDK build gives make error 6

Can't get Eclipse to build my NDK/JNI project. Eclipse, or ndk-build from a command prompt, both give following output:
/cygdrive/c/android-ndk-r8b/build/core/ recipe for target `clean-installed-binaries' failed
make: *** [clean-installed-binaries] Error 6
What is "Error 6"? I can't find any doc on that anywhere. Helpfully, it doesn't say what the problem is, just giving the cryptic error code.
I found and tried inserting something to echo the command it was executing, which was simply removing some files. I copied and pasted it to the command prompt and it worked fine on its own:
rm -f ./libs/armeabi/lib*.so ./libs/armeabi-v7a/lib*.so ./libs/mips/lib*.so ./libs/x86/lib*.so
Also tried inserting a "whoami" and it matched a whoami directly from the command prompt, so it's not acting as a different user with different permissions or something.
Been stuck on this for days. Can anyone help?
PS. I'm finding Eclipse/NDK/JNI almost impossible to work with. It only seems to work for a week or two before falling in a heap again, seemingly with no change from me. This one is now unusable until I fix this error. I also have it installed on another machine, which is now also completely broken for completely different reasons. How does anyone work in this environment?
It's no miracle the actual command works: the error message comes from the make itself, which failed to generate the appropriate command!
Now what could have happened: most likely, you have some paths with spaces. Make sure that neigher eclipse, cygwin, project, workspace, nor ndk have spaces in their root paths.
Maybe, there is some problem with PATH. I refer to the environment variable in three environments: windows native, cygwin, and eclipse. Could it be that make you actually run is different from what you expect?
Note that you do not need cygwin to build with NDK 7 and higher, simply use ndk-build.cmd.

Installing perforce visual client on linux

I am from Mac background trying my hand at installing perforce client visual(P4V) on my linux box.For this I download the correct version here and untar the files.
Then I cd to the directory
I also say
chmod +x p4*
After this i try running p4v (by double clicking) but I dont see anything .The file type is shown as a "text executable" but i dont know why it is not running.
On mac i had done the same thing -just clicked on p4v and the client would show up(where I filled the server address and everything )But not sure what is going wrong here.Can someone give me directions?
FWIW i did check out this link
and I do see the desktop (so GNOME is probably installed ?) .Hence p4v should be able to run.
I know we don't like link-based answers, but there is a rather complete walk-through here:
Probably should be on Super User though.
You may have a 64bit Linux and tried to install a x86 P4V or vice versa, which is why the command doesn't run. Check that the OS and app types match.

bash.exe - entry point not found

when trying to install cygwin, I keep getting this error message:
the entry point
rl_filename_rewrite_hook could not be
located in the dynamic link library
Has anyone seen this before ?
I had the same error with cygwin1.dll. I checked in c:\cygwin\bin and noticed there were two files, cygwin1.dll and (possibly from a failed or aborted setup run?). The ".new" version was in fact newer (and slightly larger) than the existing cygwin1.dll, so I replaced cygwin1.dll with, and ran setup again. It completed with no errors.
First idea is to try reinstalling libreadline7 (or similarly named package) using the cygwin installer. Use the search field to enter readline to make it easier to find the right package.
Another option is that in the cygwin installer, change form Curr to Prev in order to switch to the previous-stable release. This means lots and lots of downloading and reinstalling. I anctually did manage to provoke my error into becoming a libreadline7 error, and switching to Prev at least got rid of the error messages. (Yay! Now bash, ssh server and git is working again! Back to work here then...)
Please check your path in WINDOWS (advanced system properties) environment. I found that C:\WinAVR\bin was coming before my cygwin path, so I moved that to the end, fixed my issue.
If you have multiple CYGWIN1.DLL files in your system, it definitely causes headaches if you're not careful.
