Formula to Get data for a specific date - excel

Date Time Country Desc
16/04/14 8.30 am India abcd
16/04/14 9.30 am India pqrs
17/04/14 9.30 am India xyz
17/04/14 10.30 am India abcd
I wish to get all the data of 16/04/14 in another sheet using formula. Vlookup takes only the first row data as reference is 16/04/14. Is there any other way to get data.

Try this then:
Assuming you have this data in Sheet1:
And you want to get all matches of dates in Sheet2 like this:
What you need to do is use this formula:
Above is an Array Formula entered by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
Enter it in A2 then copy on the remaining cells.
For our example, I copied it until Row 10 (A2:D10).
Then you just need to type in the value you want displayed in E1 as shown in the picture.
Then all the columns will populate with the data that you need.
Hope this helps.
Important: The ranges in the formula needs to be adjusted to suit your needs.


How to generate invoice numbers with a combination of customer codes without duplicates and sequentially with VBA

Dear All Master,
How to generate invoice numbers with a combination of customer codes without duplicates and sequentially with VBA.
so the position in "C2" is the customer code.
So the "serial" will change continuously in order with the customer code. Does it need invoice numbers stored in their own sheets so that they make it easier for duplicates and sequential to occur? if necessary how?. Please recommend the best solution
in "C4" is the combination invoice number.
12 : MONTH
001 : SERIAL
Sub generatenumberinvoice()
Sheet1.Range("c3").Value = Sheet1.Range("c3").Value + 1
End Sub
This is not directly help you, but maybe you can have a look and modify it according to your case.
Make a new workbook
Rename Sheet1 into TABLE, Sheet2 into DATA, Sheet3 into FormInput
Type on each sheet exactly like in the picture below. For the time being, ignore the INPUT button which seen in the image of sheet FormInput
In the Name Manager, create a named range CustID which refers to:=OFFSET(TABLE!$A$1,0,0,COUNTA(TABLE!$A:$A),2)
Create another named range : data which refers to: =OFFSET(DATA!$A$1,0,0,COUNTA(DATA!$A:$A),4)
Create another named range : trans which refers to : =OFFSET(FormInput!$A$6,0,0,COUNTA(FormInput!$A:$A)-4,1)
Finally, copy the formula below and paste it to cell B3 of sheet FormInput =IF(COUNTIF(INDEX(data,,3),"*JS-"&TEXT($B$1,"yy-mm-")&VLOOKUP($B$2,CustID,2,FALSE)&"*")<>0,"JS-"&TEXT($B$1,"yy-mm-")&VLOOKUP($B$2,CustID,2,FALSE)&"-"&TEXT(AGGREGATE(14,6,RIGHT(INDEX(data,,3),3)/(LEFT(INDEX(data,,3),12)="JS-"&TEXT($B$1,"yy-mm-")&VLOOKUP($B$2,CustID,2,FALSE)&"-"),1)+1,"000"),"JS-"&TEXT($B$1,"yy-mm-")&VLOOKUP($B$2,CustID,2,FALSE)&"-001")
Try to type aaa (the name of customer) in cell B2 sheet FormInput. If everything above done correctly, cell B3 will show JS-22-12-10-001. Type bbb then it show JS-22-12-11-001, type ccc then it show JS-22-12-12-001. The last 3 characters always show 001 (which means this is the first invoice number of Dec-22 for whatever id), because there is no data in sheet DATA. Hence it just show 22-12 depends on the date seen in cell B1, and -10 or -11 or -12 depends on the name of the customer seen in cell B2.
Try to change the date to something like 21-nov-22. Cell B3 will show 22-11 and the CustID depends on the name seen in cell B2, and the number always show "001". Play around by changing the date of different month and change the name (aaa or bbb or ccc) so you understand thoroughly how it works.
Now, fill data in sheets DATA exactly like the image below
Back in FormInput, fill the date with Nov-22 month and fill the cust name with aaa, cell B3 will show the next invoice number: JS-22-11-10-006 because the formula read the data that the last number for id 10 in Nov-22 is JS-22-11-10-005, so the formula add 1 to the serial number in cell B3 for id 10 (customer aaa in this case).
Still in November date, type bbb for cust name. It will show JS-22-11-11-001 in cell B3 because there is no data for id 11 of Nov-22. So this is the first invoice number of Nov-22 for id 11 (customer bbb in this case).
Now change the date to December date, then type aaa for cust name. Cell B3 will show the next invoice number for id 10 in Dec-22 is JS-22-12-10-002, because the formula see that the last number in the data for id 10 of Dec-22 is "001".
Still in December date,
type ccc for cust name. Cell B3 will show JS-22-12-12-004.
type bbb for cust name. Cell B3 will show JS-22-12-11-001 which means this is the first invoice number for id 11 in Dec-22.
Play around by filling a different invoice number in sheet DATA then fill the date and the name of the cust in sheet InputForm.
The INPUT button seen in InputForm is a vba code to input the data seen in InputForm into sheet DATA. But this is another case, and if you want to know it, I think you'd better open another question.
Thank you.
Thanks to Mr. Peter_SSs, because I get the formula for cell B3 from him in this link

Excel Index Partial match

I have Sheet1 with column A listing every single country in alphabetical order..
1 Afghanistan<
2 Albania
3 Algeria
4 American Samoa
5 Andorra
228 United Kingdom
229 United States
I have Sheet2 column A with empty cells with adjacent cells in column B listing address details
1 empty cell Unit 3, Road;London, United Kingdom
2 empty cell Building 1, Road, TX, United States
3 empty cell 8th floor, Business Park, India 1234
What I would like to know is how can I obtain the country within the address details in sheet2 column B and place them in Sheet2 column A, based on a match on the list of countries in Sheet1 column A.
Part of the problem is there is no coherent method as to how to country is placed within the address; could be at the end or in the middle of the address.
I have tried various index match formulas with no luck
any help would be appreciated.
I tried it with the reference table being in A1:B7, and lookups being A10:B10 onwards down. The formula is for these cells. You can adjust it for Sheet1/2!.
Assuming your data is in B10 onwards, and your reference data was in B1:B7, you can write this formula in A10 =INDEX($B$1:$B$7,MAX(IF(ISERROR(FIND($B$1:$B$7,B10)),-1,1)*(ROW($B$1:$B$7)-ROW($B$1)+1))). This is an array formula, so please hit Ctrl+Shift+Enter for excel to read it as an array formula.
(In the screenshot, I have pasted the table in A10:B12 as values only in D10:E12)
Text to Columns with a comma delimiter

Excel - fill in cell basd on cells enters on worksheet but only fill

I have an excel sheet that has a sheet that our sales team have to fill in. There are 31 rows and column d may have the same text in multiple lines.
I need then to take all the text from column d and have it automatically sum the total from each text in d.
Column d is a dropdown list.
I don't want it to automatically go line from line, for example,
the data entered is:
9/12/15 ABC Store $10.00
9/13/15 DEF Store $15.00
9/14/15 ABC Store $5.00
9/16/15 DEF Store $50.00
I need it to automatically, as they enter the data to do the following on a different sheet.
A1= ABC Store B1= $15.00
A2= DEF Store B2= $65.00
etc. The data they choose as the enter may vary per month so I need it to understand to pick what is entered and then combine those totals if that text is choose between rows 5:31.
I really appreciate anyone's help.
Try to use the =SUMIF()-formula. See example below.

Formula: Count text instance within table range

I want to find the instance of a text within a set range.
The following formula will work in general and produce the following info:
Helper Name
1 Bob
2 Bob
1 John
2 John
3 John
However, with this formula within a Table and insert data into a new row, you get this at the second instance of John:
Help Name
1 Bob
2 Bob
1 John
3 John
3 John
While the second instance of John should be:
Since a table will automatically fill in the formula when adding another row, is there a different way to make this formula or an option to make this work?
Sadly, the following code won't work:
Thanks for any support!
This is a known problem with tables, new rows and auto-filled formulas that use conventional cell references. If you maintain the table method of cell addressing, you can reshape the range parameter of COUNTIF with OFFSET and use a table cell reference for the adjoining cell in the Name column.
The formula in the first Helper column cell below the header is,
OFFSET is another volatile function (like INDIRECT) that recalculates on any calculation cycle; not just ones where the values that affect its outcome change. If you have a large amount of data, calculation lag will quickly become annoying.
More on this at Use structured references in Excel table formulas

Excel Find Nth Instance of Multiple Criteria

I have 3 columns of data. Col A contains Names, Col B contains a client ID, Col C contains a date.
I'm trying to figure out how to write a formula that will find the top 2 and top 3 instances of a specific Name in Col A and client ID in Col B and return the value in Col C.
Trying to avoid using VBA, but not sure if this is doable.
So for example data looks like this and I would want to return that Sam dealt with Client ABC the 2nd time around on 12/16.
Sam ABC 12/3
Adam XYZ 12/5
John DEF 12/9
Sam ABC 12/16
Adam HIJ 12/18
your headers are in A1:C1
your data starts from A3 (yes, not A2)
You enter the name in G2 & Client ID in G3 & you want the list of
dates starting from G5
Enter these formula/values:
A2: =G2
B2: =G3
C2: =0
(Formula in G5 is an array formula; confirm this with Ctrl+Shift+Enter)
Drag the formula in G5 down until you see 'End'
Value in cell G5 will always be 0 or '1/0' based on your formatting.
The list of dates corresponding to the name & client ID combination will start from G6.
Let me see if I understood your need. Correct me if I'm wrong.
You want to be able to inform a Name and a Client ID and have Excel tell you the last 3 occurrences of that combination?
By "top 2 and top 3 instances of a specific name" I'm assuming you mean the top 2 and 3 dates found for that specific name and ID.
If so, try this:
Supposing you have your example data table starting at Cell A1 and ending at Cell C6 (including column headers) and that you'll enter the name in F1 and Client ID on F2
1 Name Client ID Date
2 Sam ABC 12/3
3 Adam XYZ 12/5
4 John DEF 12/9
5 Sam ABC 12/16
6 Adam HIJ 12/18
Type this formula where you want to return the date of the last occurrence:
This should be entered as an Array Formula, so don't forget to press CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER or it'll not work.
To bring the 2nd last occurrence on another cell, just copy and paste the formula and change the number 1 to 2 (as indicated below):
If you typed 'Sam' on F1 and 'ABC' on F2, this formula would return '12/16' as the last occurrence, '12/3' as the 2nd last occurrence and a dash (-) as the 3rd last occurrence, since there isn't one.
Of course, you'll have to adjust the ranges and other cell references accordingly in your real data set.
Hope this helps.
