NSIS MUI - how to write custom text to install log? - nsis

When copying files, I am doing few things with them... is it possible to notify user what is going on during installation in textbox that shows copied files? I was tryting to find that information in internet, but without luck... not sure what to look for...

I will answer it myself, as someone may be looking for it:
DetailPrint "Some text"
Thank you.


InstallShield for Outlook Add In: INSTALLDIR replaced with wrong path

I have created a outlook addin for outlook 2013. No i need to create a wrapper.
First off if some one has a tutorial it would be great. Next am trying to create a new registry in which the path should be where i install the VSTO file.For this am using the following line in regsitry editor
However during install the [TARGETDIR] is replaced with J: which is just another drive. Not sure what am doing wrong please help. Also i have selected Primary Output to be the only thing that needs deploying. Howver am not able to find the VSTO file. Can someone shed some lights on this issue
First off if some one has a tutorial it would be great.
Here it is: Deploying an Office Solution by Using Windows Installer
Not sure what am doing wrong please help.
Are you creating Basic MSI type of project? Looks like you are messing with different values "INSTALLDIR" vs. "TARGETDIR". Please read on the difference: INSTALLDIR vs. TARGETDIR. Basically if you would follow the instructions from the tutorial, you should be fine. Take a time and read it through.

Can I use the VS2012 Quick Launch to open a file from my solution?

VS2012 added a new Quick Launch edit box in the title bar. Is there a key sequence I can use to open an arbitrary file from the solution?
I want something:
keyboard only
that doesn't care where in my solution the file lives
I think the answer is "no" but I found a different way to do the same thing: ctrl-;. This does "search in Solution Explorer". It incrementally searches files and symbols.

add "bookmarks" in Dreamweaver CS4?

Does anyone know a way to "bookmark" a line of code, for easy reference later on?
It would be very helpful if i could mark a line of code maybe such as "need to fix this someday" or "XYZ variable set here", etc...
Currently i just scroll through code looking for comments or use the Find functionality but some of my projects have so many JS files included that it can become time consuming.
According to this and other posts on the Adobe forums, there is no bookmark feature in Dreamweaver. Apparently it has been added to the requested feature list.

Change the button label in MUI_WELCOMEPAGE with NSIS

I want to change the button label on the installers welcome page, that says "Install".
Since it's more of a downloader (downloading the actual installerfile), the "install" button might be confusing for customers.
I searched the web, but didn't really find something.
I use MUI (not MUI2!)
I hope you guys have an idea, it would be pretty cool to solve this.
Ah I finally found the solution:
InstallButtonText "String"

Non-blocking Dialog box in Applescript

I have to write a small script to deploy a patch for our Application. The patch
will replace a couple of files in the application.I decided to depploy the patch using Applescript. The files to be copied are quite large and it takes some time for the files to be copied. I wanted to know if there is any way I can get a dialog box which doesn't block the execution of the script so that I can display some message like Updating.. etc while the patch is applied and then close the dialog box after wards.
There's a scripting addition called Akua Sweets (oldy but goody) that has a display progress command. Get it at osaxen.com. it's in the 'most popular' section at the top of the page.
Oh, bugger, that's only for OS9. It was really useful back in the day, I remember using it a lot (of course everything took a lot longer in those days so progress bars were more in demand).
another edit
You got me inspired, there's a couple of scripts I use that need progress bars, so I went looking and found this scripting addition at http://osaxen.com/files/extrasuites1.1.html
and again
here's a basic tutorial for how to do it in interface builder. I think that's probably the right way to do it.
I myself ran into the same problem. Unfortunately applescript doesn't provide an easy way of implementing a progress bar.
I ended up using the stop loop example found here to build an application. This guy has a bunch of applescript studio xcode projects to download and mess around with. It's some really great sample code if you aren't too familiar with applescript studio.
