Resort key-Value combination - excel

The following example just shows the pattern, my data much bigger.
I have a Table like
| Variable | String |
| V1 | Hello |
| V2 | little |
| V3 | World |
I have another table where different arrangements are defined
| Arrangement1 | Arrangement2 |
| V3 | V2 |
| V2 | V1 |
| V1 | V3 |
My output depending on the asked Arrangement (e.g. Arrangement1) should be
| Variable | Value |
| V3 | World |
| V2 | little|
| V1 | Hello |
Till now I try to realize an approach with .find and array but think there might be an easier way (maybe with dictionary?) anyone an idea with good performance?


Find cell address of value found in range

tl;dr In Google Sheets/Excel, how do I find the address of a cell with a specified value within a specified range where value may be in any row or column?
My best guess is
=CELL("address",LOOKUP("My search value", $search:$range))
but it doesn't work. When it finds a value at all, it returns the rightmost column every time, rather than the column of the cell it found.
I have a sheet of pretty, formatted tables that represent various concepts. Each table consists of
| Title |
| Sub | Prop | Name | Sub | Prop | Name | Sub | Prop | Name |
| Sub prop | value | Sub prop | value | Sub prop | value |
| data | data | data | data | data | data | data | data | data |
| data | data | data | data | data | data | data | data | data |
I have 8 such tables of variable height arranged in a grid within the sheet 3 tables wide and 3 tables tall except the last column which has only 2 tables--see image. These fill the range C2:AI78.
Now I have a table off to the right consisting in AK2:AO11 of
| Table title | Table title address | ... |
| Table 1 Title | | ... |
| Table 2 Title | | ... |
| Table 8 Title | | ... |
I want to fill out the Table title address column. (Would it be easier to do this manually for all of 8 values? Absolutely. Did I need to in order to write this question? Yes. But using static values is not the StackOverflow way, now, is it?)
Based on very limited Excel/Google Sheets experience, I believe I need to use CELL() and LOOKUP() for this.
=CELL("address",LOOKUP($AK4, $C$2:$AI$78))
This retrieves the wrong value. For AL4 (looking for value Death Wave), LOOKUP($AK4, $C$2:$AI$78) should retrieve cell C2 but it finds AI2 instead.
| Max Levels |
| UW | Table Address | | | |
| Death Wave | $AI$3 | 3 | | 15 |
| Poison Swamp | $AI$30 | | | |
| Smart Missiles | $AI$56 | | | |
| Black Hole | #N/A | 1 | | |
| Inner Land Mines | $AI$3 | | | |
| Chain Lightning | #N/A | | | |
| Golden Tower | $AI$3 | | | |
| Chrono Field | #N/A | 25 | | |
The error messages for the #N/A columns is
Did not find value '<Table Title>' in LOOKUP evaluation.
My expected table is
| Max Levels |
| UW | Table Address | | | |
| Death Wave | $C$2 | 3 | | 15 |
| Poison Swamp | $C$28 | | | |
| Smart Missiles | $C$54 | | | |
| Black Hole | $O$2 | 1 | | |
| Inner Land Mines | $O$28 | | | |
| Chain Lightning | $O$54 | | | |
| Golden Tower | $AA$2 | | | |
| Chrono Field | $AA$39 | 25 | | |
VLOOKUP(A2:A3, SPLIT(FLATTEN(D2:F4&"​"&ROW(D2:F4)), "​"), 2, ),
VLOOKUP(A2:A3, SPLIT(FLATTEN(D2:F4&"​"&COLUMN(D2:F4)), "​"), 2, ), 4))
or if you want to create jump links:
=INDEX(LAMBDA(x, HYPERLINK("#gid=1273961649&range="&x, x))(ADDRESS(
VLOOKUP(A2:A3, SPLIT(FLATTEN(D2:F4&"​"&ROW(D2:F4)), "​"), 2, ),
VLOOKUP(A2:A3, SPLIT(FLATTEN(D2:F4&"​"&COLUMN(D2:F4)), "​"), 2, ), 4)))
Try this:
), "
, 0)
Basically, cast all cells in the search range to addresses if they equal the search term. Then flatten that 2D range and filter out non-nulls.

Recursively add prefix to file names and moving these files from all subdirectories to a specified directory (linux environment)

I'd like to rename the files with the unique sample name (which is the title of the subdirectory 2 levels above the files).
Here is a snippet of the directory structure:
| |-Sample1
| | |-cufflinks
| | | |-genes.fpkm_tracking
| | | |-skipped.gtf
| | | |-isoforms.fpkm_tracking
| | | |-transcripts.gtf
| |-Sample2
| | |-cufflinks
| | | |-genes.fpkm_tracking
| | | |-skipped.gtf
| | | |-isoforms.fpkm_tracking
| | | |-transcripts.gtf
There are about 1000 files like this. I'd like to be able to see something like this:
| |-Sample1_genes.fpkm_tracking
| |-Sample1_skipped.gtf
| |-Sample1_isoforms.fpkm_tracking
| |-Sample1_transcripts.gtf
| |-Sample2_genes.fpkm_tracking
| |-Sample2_skipped.gtf
| |-Sample2_isoforms.fpkm_tracking
| |-Sample2_transcripts.gtf
I'm working in a Linux environment and have very basic knowledge on file management with this language. Any advice/suggestions for resources on this type of work, that would be great! I'd like to learn this so I can be more independent with this. Thank you!

VBA - Using criteria list select and clear or select an replace values

Alright, I'm back. This time I'm trying to quickly select all of the values in a range which match values in a separate list, my first iteration will be to clear the contents of voided IDs, my second iteration will be to select those values and then replace them with corresponding new values.
I asked another question about VBA and was pointed in mentioning that I've tried to teach myself and find resources to work through these issues before but people seem to get pissed that I'm asking, if you could at least direct me to somewhere that I can learn about these matters (or even a place I can learn basic logic and have a list of usable functions without having to go through all the "How to make your first Excel VBA for some problem that nobody cares about" I would appreciate it)
Anyway I tried to watch a few videos and then hack together something but it seems pretty clear that the function they were using cannot be adapted for other uses. This is what I have at the moment:
Sub FilterElim()
finalRow = Range("g2").End(xlDown).Row
Range("A1").ClearContents _
Action:= xlClearContents, _
CriteriaRange: Range("Sheet4!B1:B10"), _
Unique:= False
End Sub
So based on some helpful questions I am making an edit to include an example and desired end
Example set:
Desired end result:
I presume I may need to perform a selection of some sort based on the Criteria before the ClearContents but I wasn't finding anything helpful on how to go about that. PLEASE and thank you.
| Contractor ID | Cont Name | Proj 1 | Proj 2 | Proj 3 | | | Old ID | Reconciliation |
| C1001 | Boba Fet | P1120 | | | | | P1001 | Void |
| C1003 | Jules Winnfield | P1031 | P1045 | | | | P1002 | P1010 |
| C1002 | Dom Cobb | P1001 | | | | | P1005 | Void |
| C1010 | Patrick Verona | P1020 | P1224 | P1251 | | | P1020 | Void |
| C1007 | Matt Damon | P1008 | P1005 | P1300 | | | P1045 | P1100 |
| C1004 | Ned Plimpton | P1002 | | | | | P1224 | P1300 |
| C1020 | Derek Zoolander | P1020 | P1290 | | | | | |
| C1009 | Charles Marlow | P1002 | P0090 | | | | | |
| C1011 | Robert Jordan | P1119 | | | | | | |
| C1015 | Perrin Aybara | P1200 | P1224 | | | | | |
| C1005 | Fuzzy Dunlop | P1005 | | | | | | |
| C1008 | Thomas A Anderson | P1001 | P1000 | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
What makes you go for a VBA solution ?
Hard to do much without a glance of you data and expected result.
Non VBA option:
For a VBA option, you can try:
Option Explicit
Sub update_id()
Dim D1 As Object: Set D1 = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
Dim R1 As Range: Set R1 = Range("A2:A32")
Dim R2 As Range: Set R2 = Range("E2:E15")
Dim Rtmp As Range
For Each Rtmp In R2
D1(Rtmp.Value) = Rtmp.Offset(0, 1).Value
Next Rtmp
For Each Rtmp In R1
If D1.exists(Rtmp.Value) Then Rtmp.Offset(0, 1) = D1(Rtmp.Value)
Next Rtmp
End Sub
Working on the following set up :
Again, without a better understanding of your data and your issue, its hard to be more precise.

Combining only specified data into a single csv file

I am familiar with combing csv files using cat. I also am familiar with doing so while specifying rows.
What I need to know though is how to combine only specified columns that start a specified row in the csv files. The csv files I am using are kinda wild but they are all the same format. I have no control over their output and am forced to figure out how to combine a couple hundred files (hopefully not manually).
Example of the data:
| Column1 | Column3 | Column4 | Column5 | Column6 | Column7 | Column8 | Column9 | Column10 | Column11 |
| garbage data | | garbage data | garbage | | | | garbage | | |
| garbage data | | garbage data | | | | | | | |
| garbage data | | garbage data | | | | | | | |
| garbage data | | garbage data | | | | | | | |
| garbage data | | garbage data | | garbage | garbage | | | | |
| garbage data | | garbage data | | good data 1 | | | | good data 1 | garbage |
| garbage data | | garbage data | | good data 2 | | | | good data 2 | garbage |
| garbage data | | garbage data | | good data 3 | | | | good data 3 | garbage |
| garbage data | | garbage data | | good data 4 | | | | good data 4 | garbage |
| garbage data | | garbage data | | good data 5 | | | | good data 5 | garbage |
| garbage data | | garbage data | | good data 6 | | | | good data 6 | garbage |
| garbage data | | garbage data | | good data 7 | | | | good data 7 | garbage |
| garbage data | | garbage data | | good data 8 | | | | good data 8 | garbage |
| garbage data | | garbage data | | good data 9 | | | | good data 9 | garbage |
| garbage data | | garbage data | | good data 10 | | | | good data 10 | garbage |
EDIT: The desired output would be row 6 where "good data" begins down (files are 1000 to 2000 rows each) from Columns 6 and 10.
EDIT 2: Desired Output
| Column10 | Column6 |
| good data 1 | good data 1 |
| good data 2 | good data 2 |
| good data 3 | good data 3 |
| good data 4 | good data 4 |
| good data 5 | good data 5 |
| good data 6 | good data 6 |
| good data 7 | good data 7 |
| good data 8 | good data 8 |
| good data 9 | good data 9 |
| good data 10 | good data 10 |
All feedback is most welcome.
If they really are CSV files,
awk -F, 'FNR>5 {print $6,$10}' *.csv > BigBoy.csv
Use sed and cut:
sed '1,6d' file | cut -f6,10
sed '1,6d' will remove all lines up to the sixth
cut -f6,10 will extract the needed columns (using tab as the delimiter)
To process all csv files in one go:
sed '1,6d' *.csv | cut -f6,10 > output.csv

Excel if statement to display if anything is in the row

I don't really know how to search for this question or an appropriate title, so I hope that this will make sense.
I'm trying to construct an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of functions of a software that are currently have tests made for them. The spreadsheet looks something like below where A-F are placeholders for the tests and 1-5 are placeholders for functions.
| | A | B | C | D | E | F |
| 1 | X | | | | | X |
| 2 | | | | | | |
| 3 | | X | | | | |
| 4 | | | X | | | |
| 5 | | | | X | X | |
I would like to have another column at the end that would do something like this:
| | A | B | C | D | E | F | Tested? |
| 1 | X | | | | | X | Yes |
| 2 | | | | | | | No |
| 3 | | X | | | | | Yes |
| 4 | | | X | | | | Yes |
| 5 | | | | X | X | | Yes |
where the final column is an if statement that will display a conditional string base on if there are any entries in the row. I know that Excel's IF statements work something like this =IF(A1=10,"YES","NO") but I can't think how I would construct an IF statement that would print YES or NO based on whether there are any entries at all in the row.
EDIT: To add a little more detail. I've thought about constructing an IF statement like this: =IF(SUM(C3:AI3)>0, "YES", "NO") and this works essentially if I use 1s or 0s instead of X or O but I'd rather use the latter. Or really I'd just rather use strings instead of integers.
You can use following formula:
You're looking for the ISBLANK function.
Your solution should be something like this:
=IF(ISBLANK(A1:F1), "Yes","No")
