Cannot implement custom keyboard in u-boot - keyboard

As known, u-boot loader supports some sort of "input device system" that allows to register a set of functions (like getc, tstc, start, etc...). So I need to implement my own hardware-specific "keyboard". What should I do? Sounds simple:
1) Create at least "init", "tstc", "getc" and "start" functions in driver file.
2) In "init" call "stdio_register" to let system know about my device.
3) Call driver "init" from my custom board init code.
What the problem? Unfortunately, it doesn't work. stdio_register returns 0 (like all OK), but "start", "tstc", "getc" were never called.
I guess I'm doing something wrong, but I cannot understand: another keyboards drivers seems to not contain any additional code for keyboard registration. Can anybody tell the truth?
Or maybe I should just hack u-boot and insert polling call somewhere in main_loop? :)

It sounds like you have created a custom device driver.
struct stdio_dev kon_dev
Try something like this at U-Boot command line to switch console to the custom driver
setenv stdin kon_dev
Of course, your custom driver will have to be debugged before you get to the happy place. It may not work the first time.
Using netconsole is similar to what you're doing. With netconsole it's possible for example to keep stdout continuously on serial device, switch stdin to nc device (that is, "setenv stdin nc", enter commands through that netcat session a while, then switch stdin back to serial.


Linux program to emulate keystrokes without X

I'm writing a driver for a pda with a goal of converting UART received key numbers to keystrokes.
The way i currently have this system set up is that when a key number is received, i can exec a program. In a config it is defined what command is executed if a certain number is received by my driver. It does this by fork()ing and exec()ing. It runs at boot and immediately parses these key numbers, so i intend to use this instead of a real keyboard.
Is there any program then, with which i could simply do something like
programname KEY_SPACE 1 to press KEY_SPACE
programname KEY_SPACE 0 to release KEY_SPACE?
Such a program must work without, as well as with X. I'd also prefer this to be able to do mouse events as well, however if there is a different program to do that, that's fine by me. It can be run as root as well, if need be.
What you need is to use uinput, it allows to emulate input device from userspace. You have documentation here:
It has an example showing how to send a KEY_SPACE press event and then a KEY_SPACE release event.

Linux: calling open() on a USB device which may not be present

I have a device attached to a Raspberry Pi. The Pi is running ARCH Linux. The device communicates with the Pi via USB. The device has to be switched on and off via a pulse and I have control, from the Pi, of a relay which causes this pulse. However I can never be sure whether the device is initially on or off.
In my code I toggle the relay and then speculatively call open() on the device (with flags O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY). The problem is that if I am doing this when the device is off the open() call hangs. I have tried waiting for 1 second after the toggle, for things to settle, but that hasn't helped. I have tried calling stat() before the open() call but this always returns zero (so the device is there as far as stat() is concerned). I have tried specifying O_NON_BLOCK in the open() call but that causes it to always fail.
Can anyone suggest either (a) what I'm doing wrong or (b) a reliable way forward?
You can be certain that the device has powered if it has USB enumerated. You can use libudev to find the list of USB enumerated devices and check whether your device is on that list.
The command line "lsusb" does that. So if you need an example of how to use libudev then you can read the lsusb source code (
If you can be sure that the device will eventually turn up, the blocking open() ("hangs") may actually be what you want! The call to open() will return, hopefully with success, when your device turns up.
The stat() call simply checks if the device special file is there. It can't tell you if there is anything listening.
One possible way forward, would be to open() with O_NONBLOCK in an exponential back-off loop.
Depending on what you mean with "communicates via USB", you may want to use libusb. If it's just a USB serial port, wrapping open() yourself is probably the easiest though.
It's not clear what you have done to get a device file that survives disconnect.
The usual approach is to use hotplug+udev to create (and remove) the device symlinks, then the special file would only be there when the device is plugged in.
Courtesy of all the helpful people below, the quick answer was to include in my .rules file a "remove" action to go with the existing "add" action. So in the file where I have:
ACTION=="add", ATTRS{interface}=="Pololu Orangutan X2 Serial Adapter", MODE="7777", SYMLINK+="OrangutanUSB" give me a /dev/OrangutanUSB device, I have included a new line:
ACTION=="remove", ATTRS{interface}=="Pololu Orangutan X2 Serial Adapter", MODE="7777", SYMLINK-="OrangutanUSB" cause the operating system to remove the /dev/OrangutanUSB device when it has been powered off. This way the open() call fails correctly when the device has gone, rather than hanging.
Ultimately, what I should do is check that the device is enumerated, rather than expecting open() to fail, but that can wait until I have the time. For now my code works as originally intended.

Linux low level driver - how to receive multiple commands for a device

I had written a linux scsi low level driver for cdrom. Am able to receive commands one by one from application and am testing it using sg3-utils.
Now I want to receive more than one command while serving the first one.?
for this I tried changing the struct scsi_host members can_queue and cmd_per_lun to some big values like 40, even though not able to receive multiple commands.
Is there any way to test multiple command reception in existing drivers like scsi_debug ?
Please give a little more information ... when you say "receive commands" that implies you are a target. Maybe you mean "sending commands".

"cat" command killed when reading from a Linux device driver

I have an assignment in my Operating Systems class to make a simple pseudo-stack Linux device driver. So for an example, if I was to write "Hello" to the device driver, it would return "olleH" when I read from it. We have to construct a tester program in C to just call upon the read/write functions of the device driver to just demonstrate that it functions in a FILO manner. I have done all of this, and my tester program, in my opinion, demonstrates the purpose of the assignment; however, out of curiosity, inside BASH I execute the following commands:
echo "Test" > /dev/driver
cat /dev/driver
where /dev/driver is the special file I created using "mknod". However, when I do this, I get a black screen full of errors. After I swap back to the GUI view using CNTRL+ALT+F7, I see that BASH has returned "Killed".
Does anyone know what could be causing this to happen? I am confused since my tester program calls open(), read(), and write() with everything functioning as it should.
If I need to show some code, just ask.
The function in your device driver that writes to the buffer you are providing it is most likely causing this issue.
To debug, you can do the following:
First, make sure the read part is fine. You can printk your internal buffer after you read from input to ensure this.
Second, in your write function, printk some information instead of actually writing anything and make sure everything is fine.
Also, make sure the writer makes it clear that the write has ended. I'm not particularly sure about device drivers, but you either need to return 0 as the number of bytes written when called a second time, or set an eof variable (if that is one of the arguments to your function)

Serial port determinism

This seems like a simple question, but it is difficult to search for. I need to interface with a device over the serial port. In the event my program (or another) does not finish writing a command to the device, how do I ensure the next run of the program can successfully send a command?
The foo program runs and begins writing "A_VERY_LONG_COMMAND"
The user terminates the program, but the program has only written, "A_VERY"
The user runs the program again, and the command is resent. Except, the device sees "A_VERYA_VERY_LONG_COMMAND," which isn't what we want.
Is there any way to make this more deterministic? Serial port programming feels very out-of-control due to issues like this.
The required method depends on the device.
Serial ports have additional control signal lines as well as the serial data line; perhaps one of them will reset the device's input. I've never done serial port programming but I think ioctl() handles this.
There may be a single byte which will reset, e.g. some control character.
There might be a timing-based signal, e.g. Hayes command set modems use “pause +++ pause”.
It might just reset after not receiving a complete command after a fixed time.
It might be useful to know whether the device was originally intended to support interactive use (serial terminal), control by a program, or both.
I would guess that if you call write("A_VERY_LONG_COMMAND"), and then the user hits Ctrl+C while the bytes are going out on the line, the driver layer should finish sending the full buffer. And if the user interrupts in the middle of the call, the driver layer will probably just ignore the whole thing.
Just in case, when you open a new COM port, it's always wise to clear the port.
Do you have control over the device end? It might make sense to implement a timeout to make the device ignore unfinished or otherwise corrupt packets.
The embedded device should be implemented such that you can either send an abort/clear/break character that will dump the contents of its command buffer and give you a clean slate on your client app startup.
Or else it should provide a software reset character which will reset the command buffer and all state.
Or else it so be designed so that you can send a command termination (perhaps a newline, etc, depending on command protocol) and possibly have an error generated on the parsing of a garbled partial command that was in its buffer, query/clear the error, and then be good to go.
It wouldn't be a bad idea upon connection of your client program to send some health/status/error query repeatedly until you get a sound response, and only then commence sending configuration or operation commands. Unless you can via a query determine that the device was left in a suitable state, you probably want to assume nothing and configure it from scratch, after a configuration reset if available.
