Sum Values Of One Column if Contiguous Value is a Pair Number - excel

First of all I apologise for my English if I made any mistake.
I've got a matrix, two columns and 100 rows
Column A: Year => 1990, 1991, 1992...
Column B: number => 45, 200, 67...
I need to get a the total amount of the sum of the values pertainig to the 'pair years'.
1990 45
1991 200
1992 67
Total = 45 + 67 + ....
I've tried many options but none of them worked. It seemed easy a first glance but I can't find the solution. I would appreciate any help or the whole solution to this problem. Thanks in advance for your help.

You can use the following with years in Column A and Days in column B
Although if possible I would prefer using a helper column in this situation.
In column C you could use the formula:
And drag it down. Then in the cell you wish to have your results you could use:


Sum of the greatest value in one column, plus the sum of the other values in another column

Consider the following sheet/table:
1 90 71
2 40 25
3 60 16
4 110 13
5 87 82
I want to have a general formula in cell C1 that sums the greatest value in column A (which is 110), plus the sum of the other values in column B (which are 71, 25, 16 and 82). I would appreciate if the formula wasn't an array formula (as in requiring Ctrl + Shift + Enter). I don’t have Office 365, I have Excel 2019.
My attempt
Getting the greatest value in column A is easy, we use MAX(A1:A5).
So the formula I want in cell C1 should be something like:
=MAX(A1:A5) + SUM(array_of_values_to_be_summed)
Obtaining the values of the other rows in column B (what I called array_of_values_to_be_summed in the previous formula) is the hard part. I've read about using INDEX, MATCH, their combination, and obtaining arrays by using parenthesis and equal signs, and I've tried that, without success so far.
For example, I noticed that NOT((A1:A5 = MAX(A1:A5))) yields an array/list containing ones (or TRUEs) for the relative position of the rows to be summed, and containing a zero (or FALSE) for the relative position of the row to be omitted. Maybe this is useful, I couldn't find how.
Any ideas? Thanks.
Edit 1 (solution)
I managed to obtain what I wanted. I simply multiplied the array obtained with the NOT formula, by the range B1:B5. The final formula is:
=MAX(A1:A5) + SUM(NOT((A1:A5 = MAX(A1:A5))) * B1:B5)
Edit 2 (duplicate values)
I forgot to explain what the formula should do if there are duplicates in column A. In that case, the first term of my final formula (the term that has the MAX function) would be the one whose corresponding value in column B is smallest, and the value in column B of the other duplicates would be used in the second term (the one containing the SUM function).
For example, consider the following sheet/table:
1 90 71
2 110 25
3 60 16
4 110 13
5 110 82
Based on the above table, the formula should yield 110 + (71 + 25 + 16 + 82) = 304.
Just to give context, the reason I want such a formula is because I’m writing a spreadsheet that automatically calculates the electric current rating of the short-circuit protective device of the feeder of a group of electric motors in a house or building or mall, as required by the article 430.62(A) of the US National Electrical Code. Column A is the current rating of the short-circuit protective device of the branch-circuit of each motors, and column B is the full-load current of each motor.
You can use this formula
Based on #Anupam Chand's hint for max-value-duplicates there could also be min-value-duplicates in column B for corresponding max-value-duplicates in column A. :) This formula would account for that
Or with #Anupam Chand's shorter and better readable and overall better style :)
The explanation works for bot solutions:
The SUM-part just sums the whole list.
The second line gets the max-value for column A and the corresponding min-value of column B for the max-values in column A and adds or subtracts it respectively.
The third line counts, how many times the corresponding min-value for the max-value occurs and multiplies it with the second line.
Can you try this ?
What we're doing is adding the max of A to all rows of B and then subtracting the min value of B where A is the max.
If you have Excel 365 you can use the following LET-Formula
MinBExclude, MINIFS(B,A,MaxA),
MaxA +sumB1+sumB2
A and B are shortcuts for the two ranges
MaxA returns the max value for A (110)
MinBExclude filters the values of column B by the MaxA-value (25, 13, 82) and returns the min-value of the filtered result (13)
sumB1 returns the sum of the other MaxA values from column B (26 + 82)
sumB2 returns the sum of the values from B where value in A <> MaxA (71 + 60)
and finally the result is returned
If you don't have Excel 365 you can add helper columns for MaxA, MinBExclude, sumB1 and sumB2 and the final result

Finding a sum from based off value from adjacent column

Bit of a silly question, but i've got a small logic problem with an excel formula
If ive got 2 rows of various values, such that it looks like:
1 101
2 150
3 200
4 50
5 70
6 20
How do I find the sum of all values under 'B' that are adjacent to a value in 'A' that is greater than 3?
So essentially it would add up only 50, 70 and 20, as those are adjacent to 4, 5 and 6.
Currently I've got:
Naturally this is going to be used with a much larger data set, of a few thousand values - so any advice would be incredibly appreciated.
Thank you!!
Try this formula:
Returns 140

Sub sum the same item

I have 2 columns:
apple_type1 25
apple_type1 15
apple_type1 5
pears_type1 10
pears_type1 3
apple_type2 5
apple_type2 15
It is posible to Subsum the column B (without deleting the rows, whithout filters, without Pivot table) like:
apple_type1 0
apple_type1 0
apple_type1 45
pears_type1 0
pears_type1 13
apple_type2 0
apple_type2 20
Thank you!
If column A is sorted, then you could also use =IF(A1=A2,0,SUMIF(A:A,A2,B:B)) copied down:
This would be faster than using COUNTIF within the same formula, referring to Error 1004's answer (COUNTIF and SUMIF all need to 'look' at the range, so having two of these in the same formula will consume twice as much resources, but it has the advantage that it doesn't require column A to be sorted).
If you need to refresh the data a lot of times (new information got added for example), then I would advise sorting then using the formula I proposed.
Modify the formula and try:

In excel, I need to find the maximum date based on the employee number

I have tried to use the following formula when trying to find the max date of these columns based on the employee number in my hundreds of thousands lines of data. The formula bar gives me 'yes' when it is the max, however in my cell it says 'no'. I cannot figure out what the issue is. Thanks for the help.
Excel Max date formula Image
Formula used: =IF(AQ2=MAX(IF($C:$C=C2,$AQ:$AQ)),"YES","NO")
A B Employee Number Max?
11-Mar-13 12-Mar-13 199 NO
24-Mar-13 26-Mar-13 199 NO
1-Aug-13 6-Aug-13 199 NO
22-Dec-13 27-Dec-13 199 NO
15-Apr-13 17-Apr-13 206 NO
18-Apr-13 18-Apr-13 206 NO
8-Aug-13 10-Aug-13 206 NO
17-Oct-13 18-Oct-13 206 NO
25-Dec-13 20-Feb-14 206 YES
8-May-13 8-May-13 214 NO
You can also accomplish this without an array is all of the dates for a specific employee ID are unique--that is, you won't have two of the same date. In this case, the following formula will check that (a) the number of dates with employee ID is equal to (b) the number of dates with employee ID that are less than or equal to the current employee ID. This will only be true for the "max" date for said employee id:
If I understand your question correctly, you want to find the set of dates with the largest time span in between said dates. If this is the case, then I would recommend using two seperate fucntions, the =DAYS360 function and the =MAX function.
I have re-created your sheet and it will end up looking similar to this:
Here is the same picture of the same sheet with functions revealed, so that you can see how the functions are used:
The =DAYS360 function takes two inputs, and return the number of days in between two dates. The max function simply finds the largest number in a range. Please let me know if this helped.
EDIT: Also, if you want to see the actual word Max next to the largest date range, you can nest the Max fucntion from my column E within an If function, like this:
If I understand you correctly, do you want "YES" to appear for each employee's max date range? Assuming column AQ contains the spans between dates in columns A and B (i.e. =B2-A2 copied down), your formula should work.
This only works as an array formula, so make sure you press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER when entering the formula, then copy it down to all cells in the same column.
=IF(AQ2=MAX(IF($C:$C=C2,$AQ:$AQ)),"YES","NO"), entered in D2 using CTRL+SHIFT+ENTERand copied down produces the following:
A B C D ... AQ
11-Mar-13 12-Mar-13 199 NO 1
24-Mar-13 26-Mar-13 199 NO 2
1-Aug-13 6-Aug-13 199 YES 5
22-Dec-13 27-Dec-13 199 YES 5
15-Apr-13 17-Apr-13 206 NO 2
18-Apr-13 18-Apr-13 206 NO 0
8-Aug-13 10-Aug-13 206 NO 2
17-Oct-13 18-Oct-13 206 NO 1
25-Dec-13 20-Feb-14 206 YES 57
8-May-13 8-May-13 214 YES 0
If you are simply looking for the greatest date range, the formula =IF(E2=MAX($E:$E),"YES","NO") entered in D2 and copied down will do the trick.

Excel: Find the minimal value in a column

An Excel table consists of two columns (e.g., A1:B5):
0 10
1 20
3 30
2 20
1 59
I need to get the minimal value in column B for which the corresponding value in column A is greater than zero. In the above example it should be 20.
I tried using various combinations of INDEX(), MIN(), IF(), ROW(), array formulas, etc. - but I just can't figure out how to do it. :-( Any help would be appreciated.
Grsm almost had it
if you enter the following formula in C1 as an array (Ctrl+Shift+End)
That should do the trick.
I think you have to make an extra column..
0 10 false 20
1 20 20
3 30 30
2 40 40
1 50 50
column C : =IF(A1>0;B1)
cell D1: =MIN(C1:C5)
You need to do it in 2 stages
First use the MIN function to find the minimum
Then take that answer and use the LOOKUP function to select the row and column that you need.
Check the "Minimum And Maximum Values In A Range" example in (you can download the same as well from the same section)
This is not identical, but very similar: Excel VBA - Find minimum of list of values?
