My system will auto create an image file for captcha. I want the captcha to have a default owner of "my_username apache" when it was created.
currently it was created with owner such as this "apache apache"
I am using Fedora.
Kindly tell me what is the linux command for that.
sudo chown apache:apache chaptcha_file
For default permissions for owner check umask here
I tried creating vsftp server on Rhel 8 and centos. My ftp Users can login into server but only sed list of directory's and are able to navigate to any directory.
User cannot create directory or file
User cannot see any files in any directory.
I chnage chmod 777
And changed ownership but nothing works
It was selinux config I had to change under /etc/selinux/config
changed enforcing to disable
I am very new to this stuff and do not have much experience with linux - any help would be highly appreciated.
I am unable to login as root - I seem to be getting the following error when I sudo su root:
sudo: effective uid is not 0, is sudo installed setuid root?
It seems the permissions on the sudo executable has somehow been changed to full permissions, ie. 777
How can I change the permissions on this as we do not know the root password?
Is there some sort of default root password or any other way to change these permissions?
I've downloaded 2.0.4... I can't get pass the "can't create cache directory" cause of permissions problem...
I've tried chmod 777 -R symfony
-- to all folders, still can't create cache dir
I've tried setfacl but it says unrecognized -m option....
My system does not support chmod +a
I've done chown -R myuser:apache symfony
-- still nothing
I've tried umask(0000) and umask(0002) in console.php/app_dev.php/app.php
-- still nothing
When I refresh the page to http://localhost/symfony/web/app_dev.php, I get a SElinux alert... is this causing something? I'm not sure... all symfony content is word writable.
I'm not sure if it's me... but it's driving me nuts, maybe I just should stop using symfony2.
I'm using Fedora 13.
It seems that you will need to switch SELinux to Permissive state. You can do so executing as root user:
setenforce 0
PHP's umask may have no effect when default apache umask is different.
Originally I used to use setfact, but this adds overhead for deployment.
What worked for me on ubuntu servers is:
Set default apache umask.
Edit /etc/apache2/envvars and add this line in the end of file:
umask 0002
Reload apache service
Add your deploy user to www-data group, add www-data to your deploy user group.
adduser www-data `whoami`
adduser `whoami` www-data
Logout or restart server for this to take effect.
Remove app/cache, app/logs dirs
Try to load page in browser, notice how app/cache dir is created by www-data user and has write group permission. Try to clear cache in console and verify that no errors occurred.
Remove app/cache, app/logs dirs
Run cache:clear, notice how app/cache dir is created by user deploy user and has write group permission. Try to load page in browser, and verify that no errors occurred.
Now you can forget about cache and logs permissions on this particular server for all subsequent projects.
I want to install and use prestashop but now it only works correctly when I set permissions to 777 (I can login to the server via shell with root privileges). While installing I get this error "recursive write permissions for apache user on..." and only works for permissions set to 777. I don't like this idea because after installation I can't even change back to 755 or 775. I also get problem partly solved when I change the user ownership to apache but then I can't do anything with my ftp client with that folder.
The user owner is ftp and the group owner is psacln? How should I change the membership of the folders so I can work both through ftp and allow apache to do things with presta files? (and of course have the permission set not higher then to 775). BTW, do I have to restart a server when adding or removing user's membership of the group?
This should fix your problem.
ssh root#ip_address
chown -R www-data:ftp /var/www/prestashop
You don't need to restart the server.
Optional :
service apache2 reload
I created a shared folder using samba in ubuntu to enable windows machines can access it with the following command:
$ sudo net usershare add documents /home/developer/documents "Developer documents" everyone:F guest_ok=y
I give 777 permissions to the folder:
$ sudo chmod 0777 /home/developer/documents
And then I check what I've done
$ sudo net usershare info --long
When I want to see if the folder is visible from all windows machine, you can see. However, you cann't access that folder and get error of: "Permission Denied"
The message in: /var/log/samba/log.ip-domain is:
process_usershare_file: stat of /var/lib/samba/usershares/backuparsac failed. Permission denied
Then, I try to add some rules to my smb.conf
comment = Documents for Developers
path = /home/developer/documents
browseable = yes
writable = yes
read only = yes
guest ok = yes
directory mask = 0777
but the error of Permission denied keeps coming. Is there anything else I need to do? I need this folder can be accessed by all windows machines.
NOTE: I use Ubuntu 14.04
The cause is that Samba does not synchronize its users with the system.
This solved the issue in my case, on Kubuntu 14.10:
sudo apt-get install libpam-smbpass
sudo service samba restart
If you don't want to synchronize users with PAM, simply add a user to Samba's password database:
sudo smbpasswd -a <user>
After that, the user will be able to open shared folders on the Samba machine.
Your configuration file seems to be fine.
I reckon there might be a permission issue in your parent folder.
I suggest you check /home and /home/developer both have 755 rather than 750 permission.
Then check sudo -u nobody ls /home/developer/documents.
If ls is successful, the samba is likely to work as you expected as well