awesomium open clicked linked in user's browser - browser

I have a windows forms application that has Awesomium browser control in it.
I want if the loaded page in awesomium contains a link, to open it in the user's default browser (chrome, ff, ie...) when the user clicks it insread of loading inside awesomium itself.
Much thanks.

found the solution.
handle the URL click from your user at client side (JS).
Let JS call a AWESOMIUM C# function and pass the URL clicked.
In the C# do:
string url = args.Arguments[0];
Hope this helps someone


Google OAuth not working when a user clicks from a LinkedIn link

When a user clicks a link to my site inside their LinkedIn app it doesn't take them to Safari or Chrome, it keeps them in an internal LinkedIn browser.
If the user then tries to create an account via Google OAuth they get the following error (see image).
Is there a way to prevent LinkedIn from opening a link in their proprietary browser, and take them to Safari or Chrome automatically? Or another workaround for this issue?
Neither you can restrict LinkedIn to open your site in other browser nor to stop google to throw the error. To solve this problem, You have to write a script which will open your website in the default browser of the user's device. Whenever user hit your website then check the web browser if it's chrome, safari or any other web browser then continue the request else force the user to open website in user's default browser using the script. That's it.
Hope this suggestion will help you.

Can I preload content in a Webbrowser control?

I have a VC++ MFC dialog application with a web browser ActiveX control. I have "Next" and "Prev" buttons using which I let the user navigate through a list of pre-defined URLs, whose content are shown in the web browser control. Since I know the list of URLs at the start itself, I would like to pre-load the content in some way while the user is looking at one page, so that when they click on "Next", the content has already been fetched and can be shown to the user instead of waiting for the page to load. I did not find any documentation on how to do that so far. Does anyone have any ideas on how to achieve this? I was thinking of having a second invisible web browser control where I pre-load the next URL, but it would be tricky to handle the user clicking Next when the next URL is still loading in the other browser.

Saving a file from Chrome Extension

I am building a Browser Action type extension for chrome. The end result is that a user clicks the extension button, and starts to download a file from a known domain.
I have seen some similar answers but they all tell you how to generate the file (as I understand), whereas I have the file ready on the server.
I tried adding an A (link) element in the popup html, and having the user right click and "save as", but this option is not available in the extension popup. I have tried navigating the extension popup to the file's URL (location.href), but it shows a page not found error.
How can I just let the user download the file? Preferably when clicking the extension button but a second click inside the extension's html is acceptable solution.
Found the answer in this recent thread: CHROME ext/app - single click for image download
Just using the download manager api (I always thought it was just to access the downloads list).

access_token not showing in url in SWT browser

I am developing an Eclipse plugin where user needs to login to their Facebook account in an SWT brower. I am using the way, described here to try to get the access token from the url. It had worked well until today. The problem is that redirected uri is no longer followed by "access_token=..." any more. Then I mannually tried to get the access token from url in real browsers. It works on Chrome and FireFox, not on IE. In my progrm, the SWT browser is defined as follows:
Browser browser = new Browser(container, SWT.NONE);
I guess it must've used IE in the background and IE for some reason hides the access_token from the url. Any idea for unhiding the access token?
Any input is greatly appreciated!
The following answer refers only to the SWT part of your issue.
org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser is using a native renderer for each platform it supports.
For Windows the default happens to be IE.
Depending on your use case (i.e. OS, Eclipse versions you need to support), you can force the widget to use a different native renderer.

How to open a webpage within a BlackBerry application?

I need to open a webpage from a BlackBerry application. I don't want to use a hyperlink so that users have to navigate to the blackberry browser application.
So, I basically need a full screen where the content of that particular page can be loaded just like a browser.
Is weblinks the answer to what I need or do I need to just invoke a browser session?
For BlackBerry applications you can use
BrowserSession session = Browser.getDefaultSession();
It will automatically open the browser with the given url. It's basically invoking the browser in your application context, so pressing the back button will take the user back to your application.
