I am trying to access O365 site with Windows Live authentication from windows application. With Web Browser control I am able to do it. The problem is this tool runs for more than 15 hrs and within this time frame FedAuth cookies expires and I need to again refresh the cookies without bringing up the Web Browser control. And the other reason why I cannot have Web Browser control is that this application also supports windows service mode.
We have automated the ADFS authentication through Http Requests but for Windows Live authentication there are some javascript involved to actually do the login.
I have tried the SOAP approach mentioned here How to do Windows Live Authentication (RST) via SOAP, it returns the Request Security Token but it is not in the same format which ACS (Azure Control Service) returns.
Please suggest any work around or technique I can use to achieve this goal.
In our project we've built an Azure Function which launches Puppeteer in headless mode, goes to our webpage and takes a screenshot of the page which is then emailed out as pdf report. Works locally and deployed to Azure. That was the POC though. Now, we're moving to production and introduced authentication (Azure AD B2C, single tenant), will run each http request via APIM etc.
What happens now:
our Function app was registered in AD as a daemon and receives an access token.
this access token is inserted into 'Bearer ' Authorization header in Puppeteer (page.setExtraHTTPHeaders)
headless browser does not get authenticated and screenshot we receive is of the login screen (Azure SSO)
What needs to happen
we need to convince the react-msal library our FrontEnd is using to authenticate users, that the headless browser should get authenticated and allowed to render the page
The solution I've come up with so far is to replicate msal-react's logic of saving session information into Puppeteer's session storage, so that when msal-react checks for persisted session it will find it and allow headless chromium in. I'm yet to implement it. I'm curious if anyone in the community has experience building something similar.
I am Using Sharepoint2019 On-Premise
I am looking to use separate .aspx page for authenticate users for Sharepoint2019,
I tried the Form-Based Authentication(https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/office/sharepoint-server-2010/ee806890(v=office.14)) and it works for authentication but the user profiles are not getting synced from our current Active Directory, so i would like the go back to the windows authentication but instead of pop-up should i would like the .aspx
I want to Use this page for Windows Authentication :-
I Do Not Want This SIgn in pop-up
can any one please guide me to accomplish this task.
One suggestion to look at would be to use AD FS and Web Application Proxy. This solution would require you to configure Kerberos Constrained Delegation for the SharePoint Web Application. In addition, the WAP server(s) need to be joined to Active Directory. Finally, on AD FS you would set up a non-claims aware relying party.
DNS for your Web Application would be pointed at the WAP server (or load balancer routing to WAP) and users would log in there using an FBA experience but still using Windows auth on the back end.
You need an external system that can pass non-Windows auth and translate it to Windows auth. AD FS + WAP is one example of doing so. Because the back end is still Windows auth, other services that leverage Windows auth will continue to work without any changes to your farm.
See here :- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/153678/how-to-use-custom-login-page-aspx-as-link-fba-for.html
See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/identity/ad-fs/operations/create-a-non-claims-aware-relying-party-trust on how to create a non-claims aware relying party.
For TLS setup, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2012-R2-and-2012/dn383662(v=ws.11).
it is quite tricky, as Microsoft Designed in that for the windows authentication, but any how if you can use the Form Base Authentication.
Here is the Link where Microsoft posted how to implement the Form Based Authentication.
Configure forms-based authentication for a claims-based Web application
We have XF iOS app, where user logins via ADAL library to access API endpoints behind Azure AD.
We need to open url in web-view (that is also behind Azure AD) and handle authentication automatically.
Tried to use default webview control, that allows to set request headers for each request for authentication (since ADAL requires to get token for each resource): via custom NSUrlProtocol and NSUrlConnectionDataDelegate. It worked, but website is quite heavy and performed really bad in webview.
After we switched to SFSafariViewController - performance is great, but we can't handle authentication. So users need to login explicitly.
The question is: is there any way to handle authentication automatically via SFSafariViewController?
My employer has a local ADFS server. We are using o365/SharePoint Online with ADFS so when you attempt to access a SharePoint cloud site you are take to login page on our network.
I need to develop a simple ASP.NET C# website hosted locally on a server on a network.
At a high level what is entailed in using ADFS on asp.net/iis websites? And can it be set so that the same login page is used?
If I have a webpage on a local webserver authenticated by the same ADFS and Iframe that page inside a sharePoint web page authenticated by the same ADFS. Should the page with render without authenticating?
1) I'd recommend checking into Windows Identify Foundation (WIF). Although your app will need to run under TLS/SSL, you probably will just need to run the FedUtil.exe application to generate your application's metadata for ADFS to consume when creating an RP.
2) In theory this might work, but the Iframe'd page will still redirect to ADFS momentarily to get an authentication token. It is just that the login page won't be displayed.
We are using the Sharepoint.OpenDocuments.EditDocument2 ActiveX control and method.
The method is being called from JavaScript in an IE6 client on a Windows XP SP3 client (fully patched).
The server is running IIS6 on Windows Server 2003 SP1
Fronting the IIS server is Tivoli Access Manager (TAM) which proxies access to the web applications sitting behind it. Similar to forms authentication, it creates a session cookie for authentication purposes, that must be present for the HTTP request to reach the IIS server.
In front of TAM is an F5/BigIP load balancer and SSL encryption offloader, which enforces that incoming requests use the HTTPS protocol.
What is happening is that HTTP requests issued by this control do not contain any session cookies that were present in the browser. It drops the ASP.NET session cookie, the ASP.NET forms authentication cookie and the TAM cookie
Because the TAM cookie is missing the request is redirected to the TAM login page, which then shows up via HTML conversion in Word or Excel.
The API documentation at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms440037.aspx mentions nothing about security or appropriate usage scenarios for this control.
Should these controls work in an ASP.Net Forms Authentication scenario or are they only supported with Windows Authentication. If Forms Authentication is supposed to function, how do we get the control to include the necessary session cookies in its requests?
The answer as provided by Microsoft Support.
This control merely forwards the URL of the document being retrieved to the appropriate office application.
The office application attempts to negotiate authentication with Sharepoint Server (full version). If no Sharepoint, the Office application does a simple get on the URL.
Ultimately, this means that this control does not support authentication scenarios that rely on session cookies.