Yammer REST API documentation: http://developer.yammer.com/restapi/
The only documentation on groups is on joining and leaving a group. But I know there are many more group-related APIs, such as listing all groups, getting all messages in a group, etc. So my question is, is it possible to modify group settings via the API? I.e. change the group name, change the description, change between Public and Private, and change who can join?
I tried the following...
I have a class Group that mirrors the group data in Yammer. So:
Group groupInfo = new Group();
groupInfo.id = groupId;
groupInfo.name = name.ToLower();
groupInfo.full_name = name;
groupInfo.description = description;
groupInfo.privacy = "private";
groupInfo.show_in_directory = "false";
using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient())
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", String.Format("Bearer {0}", AccessToken));
StringContent content = new StringContent(groupInfo.ToJSON(), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
Task<HttpResponseMessage> response = httpClient.PutAsync(quri, content);
string queryResult = response.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode = response.Result.StatusCode;
But the resulting status code was 400 (Bad Request). So I don't know if my PutAsync request wasn't formatted correctly or whether it's not possible.
It is possible to do this, but it is not supported. Group management apps create a poor experience for users of Yammer. Applications submitted to the Yammer App Directory may not be accepted if they attempt to manage groups in a Yammer network.
You are converting your group to a JSON representation. Instead of doing this specify the parameters on the URL. Only a few items can be changed like name (string), private (true or false), listed (true or false) etc.
I want to add files to salesorder line items in Acumatica using web services.
What endpoint should be used?
I want to add an image as shown in the screenshot above, using web service endpoint.
This is an old question, but I just came across this same issue while assisting a customer with a third-party integration. The third-party developers were adamant that they could only use the REST service, as they had already built the rest of their integration around it before realizing they couldn't attach files to sales order lines.
I was able to build a workaround using a customization. The issue at hand is that the way Acumatica's REST API attaches files is only accessible for Top-Level entities - which means there has to be a screen that uses the object as a primary DAC.
The workaround is to do just that, create a new custom screen that uses the SOLine object as it's primary DAC. In order to make the selectors available, I had to remove and replace a couple attributes on the key fields so that they could be visible and enabled. Here is the graph code - it's very simple, as this is basically just the bare minimum needed to be able to create a custom endpoint that uses the SOLine DAC as a top-level entity.
public class SOLineAttachmentEntry : PXGraph<SOLineAttachmentEntry, SOLine>
public PXSelect<SOLine> SOLineDetail;
[PXMergeAttributes(Method = MergeMethod.Append)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Order Type", Visible=true, Enabled = true)]
protected virtual void SOLine_OrderType_CacheAttached(PXCache sender) { }
[PXMergeAttributes(Method = MergeMethod.Append)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Order Nbr", Visible=true, Enabled = true)]
protected virtual void SOLine_OrderNbr_CacheAttached(PXCache sender) { }
[PXMergeAttributes(Method = MergeMethod.Append)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Line Nbr", Visible=true, Enabled = true)]
protected virtual void SOLine_LineNbr_CacheAttached(PXCache sender) { }
The custom screen layout should be a simple Form with just these three key fields, OrderType, OrderNbr, LineNbr. In the Screen Editor of the customization, you'll want to set CommitChanges=true in the Layout Properties tab for each field.
Once the screen is published, you can use it to create a new custom endpoint and add a single entity by selecting the SOLine view from the custom screen. I named the endpoint "SalesOrderDetailAttach", assigned the endpoint version to be 1.0, and named the new entity "SalesOrderDetail". Using those names, the file attachment request should be a PUT request with the binary file data in the request body, using the url format:
[AcumaticaBaseUrl]/entity/SalesOrderDetailAttach/1.0/SalesOrderDetail/[OrderType]/[OrderNbr]/[LineNbr]/files/[Desired filename in Acumatica]
This worked for this one very specific case, attaching a file to the SOLine object. The screen and the endpoint should really never be used for anything else, and the custom screen should not be accessible to any users other than the administrator and the API user. Ultimately I would recommend using the Screen-Based method from the other answer, but if using the REST API is an absolute must-have, this is a potential workaround.
REST API needs to reference the detail line in the body. Since the body is used to pass the binary data of the attachment REST API can't be used to attach files to detail line.
Below is a screen based API snippet that creates a new master/detail document and attach images to the detail line. If you choose to use the screen based API you will need to adapt the snippet for sales order ASMX screen and fetch sales order with expanded details SOLine. The pattern to attach file will be the same:
string[] detailDescription = "Test";
List<string> filenames = "image.jpg";
List<byte[]> images = new byte[] { put_image_binary_data_here } ;
ServiceReference1.Screen context = new ServiceReference1.Screen();
context.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer();
context.Url = "http://localhost/Demo/Soap/XYZ.asmx";
context.Login("admin#CompanyLoginName", "admin");
ServiceReference1.XY999999Content content = PX.Soap.Helper.GetSchema<ServiceReference1.XY999999Content>(context);
List<ServiceReference1.Command> cmds = new List<ServiceReference1.Command>
// Insert Master
new ServiceReference1.Value { Value="<NEW>", LinkedCommand = content.Document.KeyField},
new ServiceReference1.Value { Value="Description", LinkedCommand = content.Document.Description},
// Insert Detail
new ServiceReference1.Value { Value = noteDetail[0], LinkedCommand = content.DataView.Description },
// Attaching a file to detail
new ServiceReference1.Value
Value = Convert.ToBase64String(images[0]),
FieldName = filenames[0],
LinkedCommand = content.DataView.ServiceCommands.Attachment
var returnValue = context.PP301001Submit(cmds.ToArray());
Graph API Paging explains that the response would contain a field #odata.nextLink which would contain a skiptoken pointing to the next page of contents.
When I test the API, I'm getting a fully-qualified MS Graph URL which contains the skiptoken as a query param. E.g. Below is the value I got for the field #odata.nextLink in the response JSON.
Is it safe to assume we'll always get the full URL and not just the skiptoken? Because if it's true, it helps avoid parsing the skiptoken and then concatenating it to the existing URL to form the full URL ourselves.
EDIT - Compared to MS Graph API, response obtained from Azure AD Graph API differs in that the JSON field #odata.nextLink contains only the skipToken and not the fully-qualified URL.
if you would like to have all users in single list, you can achieve that using the code that follows:
public static async Task<IEnumerable<User>> GetUsersAsync()
var graphClient = GetAuthenticatedClient();
List<User> allUsers = new List<User>();
var users = await graphClient.Users.Request().Top(998)
while (users.Count > 0)
if (users.NextPageRequest != null)
users = await users.NextPageRequest
return allUsers;
I am using graph client library
Yes. In Microsoft Graph you can assume that you'll always get the fully qualified URL for the #odata.nextLink. You can simply use the next link to get the next page of results, and clients should treat the nextLink as opaque (which is described in both OData v4 and in the Microsoft REST API guidelines here: https://github.com/Microsoft/api-guidelines/blob/master/Guidelines.md#98-pagination.
This is different from AAD Graph API (which is not OData v4), which doesn't return the fully qualified next link, and means you need to do some more complicated manipulations to get the next page of results.
Hence Microsoft Graph should make this simpler for you.
Hope this helps,
The above code did not work for me without adding a call to 'CurrentPage' on the last line.
Sample taken from here.
var driveItems = new List<DriveItem>();
var driveItemsPage = await graphClient.Me.Drive.Root.Children.Request().GetAsync();
while (driveItemsPage.NextPageRequest != null)
driveItemsPage = await driveItemsPage.NextPageRequest.GetAsync();
I followed Tracy's answer and I was able to fetch all the messages at one go.
public List<Message> GetMessages()
var messages = new List<Message>();
var pages = Client.Users[_email]
// Fetch the emails with attachments directly instead of downloading them later.
while (pages.NextPageRequest != null)
pages = pages.NextPageRequest.GetAsync().Result;
return messages;
This is my first SO question so please let me know if this question is not very clear or if I am missing anything.
FYI SO prevented me from attaching links, so sorry for all the bad formatting.
I'm trying to read (and write) the "Actual work" for a resource in Project Server Online by using the CSOM library available by Microsoft. Reading and writing the assignments and Actual work is working perfectly, as long as I am reading the assignments for the currently authenticated user. If I attempt to read this for another resource, I receive a GeneralSecurityAccessDenied error.
I've done this in the past using Impersonation, which is supposed to be called transparently in the background if the user has the StatusBrokerPermission, but it doesn't seem to be working for me. Impersonation has been removed in 2013+, so that's no longer an option.
Problem summary
The CSOM is supposed to transparently enable statusing extensions to allow status updates to be made for resources other than the currently authenticated user (as long as the user has the status broker permission). This works fine for adding new assignments, but does not work when trying to update actual TimePhased hours via the TimePhased assignments. The assignments cannot be queried, and thus, we cannot call SubmitAllStatusUpdates to submit the hours.
Usage scenarios for the CSOM: https:// msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/jj163082(v=office.15).aspx#pj15_WhatTheCSOM_UsageScenarios
Impersonation Deprecated: https:// msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ee767690(v=office.15).aspx#pj15_WhatsNew_Deprecated)
Picture: Supposed to read on behalf of another user...
People with the same problem # 1: https:// social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/projectserver/en-US/dccdb543-18a1-4a0e-a948-5d861305516e/how-to-get-resource-assignments-summary-view-data-project-server-online-2013?forum=projectonline)
People with the same problem # 2: http:// uzzai.com/ZB43wp95/ps2013-app-how-to-read-and-update-timephased-data-with-jsom-javascript-csom.html
People with the same problem # 4: https:// social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/Sharepoint/en-US/be27d497-e959-44b6-97cb-8f19fe0278fe/csom-how-to-set-timephase-data-on-an-assignment?forum=project2010custprog
Other things I've tried
Using the CSOM with the MsOnlineClaimsHelper to retrieve the FedAuth cookies for a user (and assigning them using the CookieContainer).
Using the REST/OData API.
a) https:// URL.sharepoint.com/sites/pwa/_api/ProjectServer/EnterpriseResources('c39ba8f1-00fe-e311-8894-00155da45f0e')/Assignments/GetTimePhaseByUrl(start='2014-12-09',end='2014-12-09')/assignments
Enabling the "StatusBrokerPermission" for the user
Unchecking the “Only allow task updates via Tasks and Timesheets.” Option within the server settings screen (Task settings and display).
Creating a SharePoint-hosted app and using JSOM code equivalent to the CSOM code above.
a) The code we wrote was JavaScript being executed from within SharePoint app, so we did not need to provide authentication. The user who was logged in had the StatusBrokerPermission.
Using a Provider-hosted SharePoint app and using the CSOM code above. We tried using all authentication methods for CSOM above, with an additional test:
a) using Fiddler to view the FedAuth cookies being set by the SharePoint app authentication, and overriding the WebRequest to manually insert the FedAuth/rtFA cookies: webRequestEventArgs.WebRequestExecutor.WebRequest.CookieContainer = getStaticCookieContainer();
Using timesheets to submit time phased data.
a) We can only create a timesheet for the currently-authenticated user, and cannot populate timesheet lines with projects / assignments not available to him (or a GeneralItemDoesNotExist error is thrown).
Manually issuing a “SubmitAllStatusUpdates” CSOM request using fiddler, as a different user.
a) The purpose of this test was to determine if we can write time phased data, even if we can’t read it.
Making sure the project was checked out to the current user.
Using administrative delegation for a resource.
Setting all available options within project permissions.
Using the Project Web UI to enter the TimePhased data for other resources.
Using SharePoint permission mode instead of Project Permission Mode.
The code
See failing code screenshot here
using System;
using System.Security;
using Microsoft.ProjectServer.Client;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
namespace ProjectOnlineActuals
static class Program
const string projectSite = "https://URL.sharepoint.com/sites/pwa/";
private const string edward = "c39ba8f1-00fe-e311-8894-00155da45f0e";
private const string admin = "8b1bcfa4-1b7f-e411-af75-00155da4630b";
static void Main(string[] args)
private static void TestActuals()
Console.WriteLine("Attempting test # 1 (login: admin, resource: admin)");
TestActuals("admin#URL.onmicrosoft.com", "123", admin);
Console.WriteLine("Attempting test # 2 (login: admin, resource: edward)");
TestActuals("adminy#hmssoftware.onmicrosoft.com", "123", edward);
private static void TestActuals(string username, string password, string resourceID)
using (ProjectContext context = new ProjectContext(projectSite))
DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
DateTime endDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
Login(context, username, password);
context.Load(context.Web); // Query for Web
context.ExecuteQuery(); // Execute
Guid gResourceId = new Guid(resourceID);
EnterpriseResource enterpriseResource = context.EnterpriseResources.GetByGuid(gResourceId);
context.Load(enterpriseResource, p => p.Name, p => p.Assignments, p => p.Email);
Console.Write("Loading resource...");
Console.WriteLine("done! {0}".FormatWith(enterpriseResource.Name));
Console.Write("Adding new resource assignment to collection...");
enterpriseResource.Assignments.Add(new StatusAssignmentCreationInformation
Comment = "testing comment - 2016-02-17",
ProjectId = new Guid("27bf182c-2339-e411-8e76-78e3b5af0525"),
Task = new StatusTaskCreationInformation
Start = DateTime.Now,
Finish = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2),
Name = "testing - 2016-02-17",
Console.Write("Trying to save new resource assignment...");
Console.Write("Loading TimePhase...");
TimePhase timePhase = enterpriseResource.Assignments.GetTimePhase(startDate.Date, endDate.Date);
Console.Write("Loading TimePhase assignments...");
Console.WriteLine("done! Found {0} assignments.".FormatWith(timePhase.Assignments.Count));
Console.WriteLine("Updating TimePhase assignments...");
foreach (var assignment in timePhase.Assignments)
Console.WriteLine("Updating assignment: {0}. ActualWork: {1}".FormatWith(assignment.Name, assignment.ActualWork));
assignment.ActualWork = "9h";
assignment.RegularWork = "3h";
assignment.RemainingWork = "0h";
timePhase.Assignments.SubmitAllStatusUpdates("Status update comment test 2016-02-17");
Console.WriteLine("Success (retrieved & updated {0} time phase assignments)!".FormatWith(timePhase.Assignments.Count));
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex.ToString().Contains("GeneralSecurityAccessDenied"))
Console.WriteLine("ERROR! - GeneralSecurityAccessDenied");
private static void Login(ProjectContext projContext, string username, string password)
var securePassword = new SecureString();
foreach (char c in password)
projContext.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(username, securePassword);
static string FormatWith(this string str, params object[] args)
return String.Format(str, args);
Can anyone help??
we need to search email from outlook.com and to achieve this we are using Exchange Web Service (EWS) but getting 407 error a the time of calling FindItem method of service.
Here is the code which we are working on -
List<SearchFilter> searchFilterCollection = new List<SearchFilter>();
searchFilterCollection.Add(new SearchFilter.ContainsSubstring(ItemSchema.Subject, "Test"));
//searchFilterCollection.Add(new SearchFilter.ContainsSubstring(ItemSchema.Body, "homecoming"));
SearchFilter searchFilter = new SearchFilter.SearchFilterCollection(LogicalOperator.Or, searchFilterCollection.ToArray());
ItemView view = new ItemView(50);
// Identify the properties to return in the result set and the additional properties that are returned for each item.
view.PropertySet = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly, ItemSchema.Subject, ItemSchema.DateTimeReceived);
//Order the search results by the DateTimeReceived property. The sort direction is in descending order.
view.OrderBy.Add(ItemSchema.DateTimeReceived, SortDirection.Descending);
//Set the manner by which the search filter traverses the target folder. In the following example, the search filter performs a shallow traversal. Shallow is the default option; other traversal options are Associated and SoftDeleted.
view.Traversal = ItemTraversal.Shallow;
string userEmailAddress = "username#outlook.com";
string userPassword = "OutlookPassword";
ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010);
service.Url = new Uri("https://outlook.office365.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx");
service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(userEmailAddress, userPassword);
FindItemsResults<Item> findResults = service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, searchFilter, view);
Getting error at last line of code.
Can you please guide what need to be correct to resolve it?
Thank You!
As you may know, MOSS 2007 offers functionality to synchronize Active Directory properties to SharePoint UserProfile Properties. You can map AD properties to userProfile properties in
Shared Services > User Profile and Properties > View Profile properties (all the way at the bottom).
I'm currently investigating the possibility to synchronize modifications on userProfiles back to AD.
I'm new to SharePoint and struggling my way through its API's, but what I dug up so far, is that you can iterate to UserProfile changes and find out timestamps, old values, new values, etc.
string siteUrl = #"http://[siteUrl]/";
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite spsite = new Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite(url);
Microsoft.Office.Server.ServerContext serverContext = Microsoft.Office.Server.ServerContext.GetContext(spsite);
Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager userProfileMgr = new Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileManager(serverContext);
var collection = userProfileMgr.GetChanges();
List<ProfilePropertyChange> changes = new List<ProfilePropertyChange>();
foreach (Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileChange change in collection)
if (change.ObjectType == Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.ObjectTypes.SingleValueProperty)
var singleValue = change as Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileSingleValueChange;
string oldValue = singleValue.OldValue;
string newValue = singleValue.NewValue;
var profileProperty = singleValue.ProfileProperty;
DateTime modificationDate = singleValue.EventTime;
However, what I'm currently unable to discover, is programmatic access to the so called "Mapped Attribute" (the original property name in AD).
Can anybody point me to the SharePoint API that will reveale this information for me?
Many thanks
Steve Curran was kind enough to address my question on the MSDN forum:
Using the PropertyMapCollection you
may be able to look up the mapped AD
attribute given the Userprofile name.
DataSource ds = upcm.GetDataSource();
PropertyMapCollection pmc =