setupcon use a variant as default - keyboard

I'm building my complete debian system configuration,
so I'm modifying the keyboard and console setups.
I prefer not to modify the base files to keep a maximum
commpatibility and modularity. So I want to use VARIANT
(see setupcon (5)) and load them at init.
But not sure I'm doing it right.
Desired Architecture
I will only use keyboard file for the following example.
There is the base file /etc/default/keyboard
And two possible custom files (according to setupcon (5))
It provides a custom behaviour per $HOME (user)
A global and default keyboard setup
I would like to use the three at a time.
The daemon calling setupcon are console-setup and console-setup-mini
(according to the coments in their initd scripts). They are started
before login shell, so won't know ~/.keyboard.
setupcon needs to be called
setupcon variant
or, looking at the sources, with a variable $VARIANT
What is the best solution to adopt, saving a maximum modularity.
Thank you,


Can I alter Python source code while executing?

What I mean by this is:
I have a program. The end user is currently using it. I submit a new piece of source code and expect it to run as if it were always there?
I can't find an answer that specifically answers the point.
I'd like to be able to say, "extend" or add new features (rather than fix something that's already there on the fly) to the program without requiring a termination of the program (eg. Restart or exit).
Yes, you can definitely do that in python.
Although, it opens a security hole, so be very careful.
You can easily do this by setting up a "loader" class that can collect the source code you want it to use and then call the exec builtin function, just pass some python source code in and it will be evaluated.
Check the package . It allows to overcome certain raw edges of plain exec. Also it may be worth to check Dynamically reload a class definition in Python

Where/How to save a preferences file in a *nix command line utility?

I am writing a small command line utility. It should hopefully be able to run on OSX, UNIX and Linux.
It needs to save a few preferences somewhere, like in a small YAML config file.
Where would one save such a file?
Language: Python 2.7
OS: *nix
Commonly, these files go somewhere like ~/.rc (eg: ~/.hgrc). This could be the path to a file, or to a directory if you need lots of configuration settings.
For a nice description see
I would avoid putting the file in the ~ directory only because it has gotten totally flooded with crap. The recent trend, at least on ubuntu, is to use ~/.config/<appname>/ for whatever dot files you need. I really like that convention.
If your application is named "someapp" you save the configuration in a file such as $HOME/.someapp. You can give the config file an extension if you like. If you think your app may have more than one config file you can use the directory $HOME/.someapp and create regular-named (not hidden) files in there.
Many cross-platform tools use the same path on OS X as on linux (and other POSIX/non-Windows platforms). The main advantage of using the POSIX locations isn't saving a few lines of code, but saving the need for Mac-specific instructions, and allowing Mac users to get help from the linux users in the community (without any need to translate their suggestions).
The other alternative is to put them in the "Mac-friendly" locations under ~/Library instead. The main advantage of using the Mac locations is basically "Apple says so"—unless you plan to sandbox your code, in which case the main advantage is that you can do so.
If you choose to use the Library locations, you should read About the OS X File System and OS X Library Directory Details in the File System Programming Guide, but here's the short version:
Almost everything: Create a subdirectory with your app's name or bundle ID (unless you're going out of your way to set a bundle ID, you'll get org.python.python, which you don't want…) under ~/Library/Application Support. Ideally you should use APIs like -[NSFileManager URLForDirectory:inDomain:appropriateForURL:create:error:] to get the path; if not, you have to deal with things like localization, sandbox containers, etc. manually.
Anything that can be easily re-created (so it doesn't need to be backed up, migrated, etc.): An identically-named subdirectory of ~/Library/Caches.
Preferences: Use the NSUserDefaults or CFPreferences APIs instead. If you use your own format, the "old" way of doing things is to create a subdirectory under ~/Library/Preferences named with your app's name or bundle ID, and put your files in that. Apple no longer recommends that, but doesn't really recommend an alternative (short of "use CFPreferences, damnit!"); many apps (e.g., Aquamacs) still do it the old way, but others instead pretend they're not preferences and store them under Application Support.
In Python, this works as follows (leaving out the error handling, and assuming you're going by name instead of setting a bundle ID for yourself):
from Foundation import *
fm = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
appsupport = (fm.URLForDirectory_inDomain_appropriateForURL_create_error_(
NSApplicationSupportDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, None, True, None)[0].
appname, True))
caches = (fm.URLForDirectory_inDomain_appropriateForURL_create_error_(
NSCachesDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, None, True, None)[0].
appname, True))
prefs = NSUserDefaults.persistentDomainForName_(appname)

InstallShield: How can single custom actions be tested?

(I'm using InstallShield2012 V.18)
In setup.rul I defined a function per prototype declaration, included the file with the function definition and compiled it successfully (InstallShield compile).
Now I'd like to test this function (only).
I don't want to run the whole installation, not even test (Ctrl-T) because I want to avoid a complete re-build which takes too long time to do it often.
Is there a way to test only the custom function in InstallShield or per command line?
Not really although I can give you some tips.
Create a dummy feature with a release flag of DEVONLY.
Create a dummy component for that feature.
Create a ProductConfiguration that builds a single MSI with no EXE and a release flag of DEVONLY.
Building this production configuration will be very fast. A couple seconds on my laptop with an SSD. You can selectivly include other features through the use of release flags if you need certain components in order to setup the test environment for your CA.
Another strategy is to develop your CA in a test harness project and then transplant the code into your real installer when you know it all works.
Christopher, thanks for this fast reply. I have to put my answer here because commenting was restricted, because too long.
I also thought about using such a workaround but first wanted to avoid it if possible.
But ok, now I tried these steps, 1 and 2 no problem, but 3: InstallShield didn't allow me to configure a Product Configuration without Setup.exe in my .ism file (although we have IS2012 Pro).
Then I tried to do it in a Basic MSI Project (is that what you meant?), which really builds in very short time. And now I can see my scripting during Test Release, yeah :-)
To "transplant" my script now to the main ism I'm missing an export function for .rul files as it exists for custom actions, but there is only a import. So I will have to copy-paste while switching between ism files, but never mind.

Match a pid to an application desktop schema on Linux

All standards compliant applications in Linux store a desktop schema in /usr/share/applications/. In my particular use case, I have a WnckWindow data structure and I can get a pid from that. Using this pid, I can extract the command line from the proc.
Unfortunately, it seems that the proc command line entry does not match the desktop schema launch parameters. For example, the 'thunderbird' application is launched via /usr/bin/thunderbird but this is just a shell script which activates the real executable: /usr/lib/thunderbird-8.0/thunderbird-bin.
The real executable cannot be launched directly as it is dependent on the library paths configured in the /usr/bin/thunderbird script. Does anyone have any advice on how to match process id numbers to the appropriate desktop schema without getting caught by the issue I've described?, Thanks.
Ok, well, it appears that there's no nice way of solving this using the pid, however, it is relatively easy to match the Wnck windows class to application desktop schemas. The Wnck windows class needs to be preprocessed a little first to ensure that the filter works but it's pretty trivial stuff. Once you've got a good set of target strings, eg 'Thunderbird' or 'Google' + 'Chrome', you can use the system application menu API to zero in on a likely candidate, for example, by using garcon on Xfce.

Application to accept arguments while running

I am using visual studio 2008 and MFC. I accept arguments using a subclass of CCommandLineInfo and overriding ParseParam().
Now I want to pass these arguments to the application while running. For example "test.exe /start" and then to type in the console "test.exe /initialize" to be initialized again.
is there any way to do that?
Edit 1: Some clarifications. My program starts with "test.exe /start". I want to type "test.exe /initialize" and initialize the one and only running process (without closing/opening). And by initialize I mean to read a different XML file, to change some values of the interface and other things.
I cannot think of an easy way to accomplish what you're asking about.
However, you could develop your application to specifically receive commands, and given those commands take any actions you wanted based upon receiving them. Since you're already using MFC, you can do this rather easily. Create a Window (HWND) for your application and register it. It doesn't have to be visible (this won't necessarily make you application a GUI application). Implement a WndProc, and define specific messages that you will receive based on WM_USER + <xxx>.
First and obvious question is why you want to have threads, instead of processes.
You may use GetCommandLine and CommandLineToArgvW to get the fully formatted command line. Detect the arguments, and the call CreateProcess or ShellExecute passing /watever to spawn the process. You may also want to use GetModuleBaseName to get the name of your own EXE.
