Linux Kernel - Can I lock and unlock Spinlock in different functions? - linux

I'm new to Kernel programming and programming with locks.
Is it safe to lock and unlock a spinlock in different functions? I am doing this to synchronize the code flow.
Also, is it safe to use spinlock (lock & unlock) in __schedule()? Is it safe to keep the scheduler waiting to acquire a lock?
Thanks in advance.

Instead of spinlock, you can use a semaphore or a mutex. You should use spinlock in the same function for the littlest set of operations.

A good reason of NOT using spinlock / unlock from different function isn't so obvious.
One big and a very-very good reason not to to it it's the fact that when you spinlock on it sets a flag ATOMIC in a scheduler struct - and your kernel becomes ATOMIC context from this moment and up to moment you unlock the spinlock. Try it with the kernel compiled with debug flags - you'll see a lot of BUG messages in your klog.
Good luck.

If you design your code correctly, there is no harm in acquiring and releasing the same spinlock from multiple locations, in fact, that's pretty much the point of it; you can use a single spinlock to implement a set of functions that are similar to the Linux atomic operations but with whatever additional internal complexity you need. As long as within each function you acquire and release the lock around the shared resource(s), it should work just fine.
The main considerations are:
keep the code between each claim/release pair as brief as possible - it's an atomic context
this will work fine on a single core system and scale to pre-emptive SMP
you still need to consider what type of code you are implementing and what context(s) it might be running on, and use the correct type of spinlock for that
As long as you treat spinlocks with care - keeping in mind the potential for deadlocks - and understand that anything you do within the spinlock can affect system latency, then they are a very useful tool.
If you know that all the areas in your code where you've claimed the lock always complete and release quickly then you can be equally sure that any other bit of your code won't ever be spinning for ages waiting on the lock. This is potentially much more efficient that using a mutex.
The other value of taking the spinlock is that it acts as an implicit memory barrier, so by taking a lock around manipulating some resource (e.g. a member of a structure) you can be sure that any other thread through your code which also takes the lock before reading/writing that resource is seeing the current state of it, and not some out-of-date value due to cache coherency issues.
It's a potentially complex subject but hopefully that explanation helps a bit.


Terminology question: mutex lock, spin lock, sleepable lock

All over StackOverflow and the net I see folks to distinguish mutexes and spinlocks as like mutex is a mutual exclusion lock providing acquire() and release() functions and if the lock is taken, then acquire() will allow a process to be preempted.
Nevertheless, A. Silberschatz in his Operating System Concepts says in the section 6.5:
... The simplest of these tools is the mutex lock. (In fact, the term mutex is short for mutual exclusion.) We use the mutex lock to protect critical sections and thus prevent race conditions. That is, a process must acquire the lock before entering a critical section; it releases the lock when it exits the critical section. The acquire() function acquires the lock, and the release() function releases the lock.
and then he describes a spinlock, though adding a bit later
The type of mutex lock we have been describing is also called a spinlock because the process “spins” while waiting for the lock to become available.
so as spinlock is just a type of mutex lock as opposed to sleepable locks allowing a process to be preempted. That is, spinlocks and sleepable locks are all mutexes: locks by means of acquire() and release() functions.
I see totally logical to define mutex locks in the way Silberschatz did (though a bit implicitly).
What approach would you agree with?
The type of mutex lock we have been describing is also called a spinlock because the process “spins” while waiting for the lock to become available.
Maybe you're misreading the book (that is, "The type of mutex lock we have been describing" might not refer to the exact passage you think it does), or the book is outdated. Modern terminology is quite clear in what a mutex is, but spinlocks get a bit muddy.
A mutex is a concurrency primitive that allows one agent at a time access to its resource, while the others have to wait in the meantime until it the exclusive access is released. How they wait is not specified and irrelevant, their process might go to sleep, get written to disk, spin in a loop, or perhaps you are using cooperative concurrency (also known as "asynchronous programming") and passing control to the event loop as your 'waiting operation'.
A spinlock does not have a clear definition. It might be used to refer to:
A synonym for mutex (this is in my opinion wrong, but it happens).
A specific mutex implementation that always waits in a busy loop.
Any sort of busy-waiting loop waiting for a resource. A semaphore, for example, might also get implemented using a 'spinlock'.
I would consider any use of the word to refer to a (part of a) specific implementation of a concurrency primitive that waits in a busy loop to be correct, if a more general term is not appropriate. That is, use mutex (or whatever primitive you desire) unless you specifically want to talk about a busy-waiting concurrency primitive.
The words that one author uses in one book or manual will not always have the same exact meaning in every book and every manual. The meanings of the words evolve over time, and it can happen fast when the words are names for new ideas.
Not every book was written at the same time. Not every author is the same age or had the same teachers. It's just something you'll have to get used to.
"Mutex" was a name for a new idea not so very long ago.
In one book, it might mean nothing more than a thing that keeps two or more threads from entering the same critical section at the same time. In another book, it might refer to a specific type of object in a certain operating system or library that is used for that same purpose.
A spinlock is a lock/mutex whose implementation relies mainly on a spinning loop.
More advanced locks/mutexes may have spinning parts in their implementation, however those often last for no more than a few microseconds or so.

Is a spinlock lock free?

I am a little bit confused about the two concepts.
definition of lock-free on wiki:
A non-blocking algorithm is lock-free if there is guaranteed
system-wide progress
definition of non-blocking:
an algorithm is called non-blocking if failure or suspension of any
thread cannot cause failure or suspension of another thread
I thought spinlock is lock-free, or at least non-blocking. But now I'm not sure. Because by definition, "spinlock is not lock-free" also makes sense to me. Like, if the thread holding the spinlock gets suspended, then it will cause suspension of other threads spinning outside. So, by definition, spinlock is not even non-blocking, let alone lock-free.
I'm so confused now. Can anyone explain it clearly?
Anything that can be called a lock (exclude other threads from a critical section until the current thread unlocks) is by definition not lock-free. And yes, spinlocks are a kind of lock.
If a thread sleeps while holding the lock, no other thread can acquire it and make forward progress, and spinlocks can't prevent this. The OS can de-schedule a thread whenever it wants, even if it's in the middle of a critical section.
Note that "lock-free" isn't the same thing as "wait-free", so a lock-free algorithm can still have stuff like cmpxchg retry loops, but as long as one thread succeeds every time, it's lock free.
A wait-free algorithm can't even have that, and at most has to wait for cache misses / hardware arbitration of contended atomic operations. Wikipedia's non-blocking algorithm article defines wait-free and lock-free in more detail.
I think you're mixing up two definitions of "blocking".
I think you're talking about a spin_trylock function that tries to acquire a spinlock, and returns with an error if it fails instead of spinning. So this is non-blocking in the same sense as non-blocking I/O: fail with an error instead of waiting for resource availability.
That doesn't mean any thread in the system is making forward progress on the thing protected by the spinlock. It just means your thread can go and do something else before trying again, instead of needing to use separate threads to do something in parallel with waiting to acquire a lock.
Spinning in an infinite loop counts as blocking / not-making-progress. For this definition, there's no difference between a pure spinlock and one that (with OS assistance) sleeps until another thread unlocks.
The definition of lock-free isn't concerned with wasting CPU time / power to make room for independent work to happen.
Somewhat related: acquiring an uncontended spinlock doesn't require a system call, which means it's a "light-weight" lock. Some lock implementations always use a (relatively slow) system call even in the uncontended case. See Jeff Preshing's Always Use a Lightweight Mutex article. Also read Jeff's other posts to learn more about lock-free programming, because they're excellent. So good in fact that the [lock-free] tag wiki links to them.

linux thread synchronization

I am new to linux and linux threads. I have spent some time googling to try to understand the differences between all the functions available for thread synchronization. I still have some questions.
I have found all of these different types of synchronizations, each with a number of functions for locking, unlocking, testing the lock, etc.
gcc atomic operations
My current (but probably flawed) understanding is this:
semaphores are process wide, involve the filesystem (virtually I assume), and are probably the slowest.
Futexes might be the base locking mechanism used by mutexes, spinlocks, seqlocks, and rculocks. Futexes might be faster than the locking mechanisms that are based on them.
Spinlocks dont block and thus avoid context swtiches. However they avoid the context switch at the expense of consuming all the cycles on a CPU until the lock is released (spinning). They should only should be used on multi processor systems for obvious reasons. Never sleep in a spinlock.
The seq lock just tells you when you finished your work if a writer changed the data the work was based on. You have to go back and repeat the work in this case.
Atomic operations are the fastest synch call, and probably are used in all the above locking mechanisms. You do not want to use atomic operations on all the fields in your shared data. You want to use a lock (mutex, futex, spin, seq, rcu) or a single atomic opertation on a lock flag when you are accessing multiple data fields.
My questions go like this:
Am I right so far with my assumptions?
Does anyone know the cpu cycle cost of the various options? I am adding parallelism to the app so we can get better wall time response at the expense of running fewer app instances per box. Performances is the utmost consideration. I don't want to consume cpu with context switching, spinning, or lots of extra cpu cycles to read and write shared memory. I am absolutely concerned with number of cpu cycles consumed.
Which (if any) of the locks prevent interruption of a thread by the scheduler or interrupt...or am I just an idiot and all synchonization mechanisms do this. What kinds of interruption are prevented? Can I block all threads or threads just on the locking thread's CPU? This question stems from my fear of interrupting a thread holding a lock for a very commonly used function. I expect that the scheduler might schedule any number of other workers who will likely run into this function and then block because it was locked. A lot of context switching would be wasted until the thread with the lock gets rescheduled and finishes. I can re-write this function to minimize lock time, but still it is so commonly called I would like to use a lock that prevents interruption...across all processors.
I am writing user I get software interrupts, not hardware ones...right? I should stay away from any functions (spin/seq locks) that have the word "irq" in them.
Which locks are for writing kernel or driver code and which are meant for user mode?
Does anyone think using an atomic operation to have multiple threads move through a linked list is nuts? I am thinking to atomicly change the current item pointer to the next item in the list. If the attempt works, then the thread can safely use the data the current item pointed to before it was moved. Other threads would now be moved along the list.
futexes? Any reason to use them instead of mutexes?
Is there a better way than using a condition to sleep a thread when there is no work?
When using gcc atomic ops, specifically the test_and_set, can I get a performance increase by doing a non atomic test first and then using test_and_set to confirm? I know this will be case specific, so here is the case. There is a large collection of work items, say thousands. Each work item has a flag that is initialized to 0. When a thread has exclusive access to the work item, the flag will be one. There will be lots of worker threads. Any time a thread is looking for work, they can non atomicly test for 1. If they read a 1, we know for certain that the work is unavailable. If they read a zero, they need to perform the atomic test_and_set to confirm. So if the atomic test_and_set is 500 cpu cycles because it is disabling pipelining, causes cpu's to communicate and L2 caches to flush/fill .... and a simple test is 1 cycle .... then as long as I had a better ratio of 500 to 1 when it came to stumbling upon already completed work items....this would be a win.
I hope to use mutexes or spinlocks to sparilngly protect sections of code that I want only one thread on the SYSTEM (not jsut the CPU) to access at a time. I hope to sparingly use gcc atomic ops to select work and minimize use of mutexes and spinlocks. For instance: a flag in a work item can be checked to see if a thread has worked it (0=no, 1=yes or in progress). A simple test_and_set tells the thread if it has work or needs to move on. I hope to use conditions to wake up threads when there is work.
Application code should probably use posix thread functions. I assume you have man pages so type
man pthread_mutex_init
man pthread_rwlock_init
man pthread_spin_init
Read up on them and the functions that operate on them to figure out what you need.
If you're doing kernel mode programming then it's a different story. You'll need to have a feel for what you are doing, how long it takes, and what context it gets called in to have any idea what you need to use.
Thanks to all who answered. We resorted to using gcc atomic operations to synchronize all of our threads. The atomic ops were about 2x slower than setting a value without synchronization, but magnitudes faster than locking a mutex, changeing the value, and then unlocking the mutex (this becomes super slow when you start having threads bang into the locks...) We only use pthread_create, attr, cancel, and kill. We use pthread_kill to signal threads to wake up that we put to sleep. This method is 40x faster than cond_wait. So basicly....use pthreads_mutexes if you have time to waste.
in addtion you should check the nexts books
Pthreads Programming: A POSIX
Standard for Better Multiprocessing
Programming with POSIX(R) Threads
regarding question # 8
Is there a better way than using a condition to sleep a thread when there is no work?
yes i think that the best aproach instead of using sleep
is using function like sem_post() and sem_wait of "semaphore.h"
A note on futexes - they are more descriptively called fast userspace mutexes. With a futex, the kernel is involved only when arbitration is required, which is what provides the speed up and savings.
Implementing a futex can be extremely tricky (PDF), debugging them can lead to madness. Unless you really, really, really need the speed, its usually best to use the pthread mutex implementation.
Synchronization is never exactly easy, but trying to implement your own in userspace makes it inordinately difficult.

Are "benaphores" worth implementing on modern OS's?

Back in my days as a BeOS programmer, I read this article by Benoit Schillings, describing how to create a "benaphore": a method of using atomic variable to enforce a critical section that avoids the need acquire/release a mutex in the common (no-contention) case.
I thought that was rather clever, and it seems like you could do the same trick on any platform that supports atomic-increment/decrement.
On the other hand, this looks like something that could just as easily be included in the standard mutex implementation itself... in which case implementing this logic in my program would be redundant and wouldn't provide any benefit.
Does anyone know if modern locking APIs (e.g. pthread_mutex_lock()/pthread_mutex_unlock()) use this trick internally? And if not, why not?
What your article describes is in common use today. Most often it's called "Critical Section", and it consists of an interlocked variable, a bunch of flags and an internal synchronization object (Mutex, if I remember correctly). Generally, in the scenarios with little contention, the Critical Section executes entirely in user mode, without involving the kernel synchronization object. This guarantees fast execution. When the contention is high, the kernel object is used for waiting, which releases the time slice conductive for faster turnaround.
Generally, there is very little sense in implementing synchronization primitives in this day and age. Operating systems come with a big variety of such objects, and they are optimized and tested in significantly wider range of scenarios than a single programmer can imagine. It literally takes years to invent, implement and test a good synchronization mechanism. That's not to say that there is no value in trying :)
Java's AbstractQueuedSynchronizer (and its sibling AbstractQueuedLongSynchronizer) works similarly, or at least it could be implemented similarly. These types form the basis for several concurrency primitives in the Java library, such as ReentrantLock and FutureTask.
It works by way of using an atomic integer to represent state. A lock may define the value 0 as unlocked, and 1 as locked. Any thread wishing to acquire the lock attempts to change the lock state from 0 to 1 via an atomic compare-and-set operation; if the attempt fails, the current state is not 0, which means that the lock is owned by some other thread.
AbstractQueuedSynchronizer also facilitates waiting on locks and notification of conditions by maintaining CLH queues, which are lock-free linked lists representing the line of threads waiting either to acquire the lock or to receive notification via a condition. Such notification moves one or all of the threads waiting on the condition to the head of the queue of those waiting to acquire the related lock.
Most of this machinery can be implemented in terms of an atomic integer representing the state as well as a couple of atomic pointers for each waiting queue. The actual scheduling of which threads will contend to inspect and change the state variable (via, say, AbstractQueuedSynchronizer#tryAcquire(int)) is outside the scope of such a library and falls to the host system's scheduler.

Why lock may become a bottleneck of multithreaded program?

Why lock may become a bottleneck of multithreaded program?
If I want my queue frequently pop() and push() by multithread,
which lock should I use?
The lock you use depends on your platform but will generally be some flavour of mutex. On windows, you would use a critical section and in .NET, you'd use a monitor. I'm not very familiar with locking mechanisms on other platforms. I'd stay away from lock free approaches. They are very difficult to program correctly and the performance gains are often not as great as you would expect.
Locks become a bottleneck in your program when they are under heavy contention. That is, a very large number of threads all try to acquire the lock at the same time. This wastes a lot of CPU cycles as threads become blocked and the OS spends a greater and greater portion of its time switching between threads. This sort of problem most frequently manifests itself in the server world. For desktop applications, it's rare that locks will cause a performance issue.
"Why lock may become a bottleneck of multithreaded program?" - think of a turnstile (also called a baffle gate), which only lets one person through at a time, with a crowd of people waiting to go through it.
For a queue, use the simplest lock your environment has to offer.
For a queue, it is easy to write a lock-free implementation (google away)
Locks are bottlenecks because they force all other threads which encounter them to stop doing what they're doing and wait for the lock to open, thus wasting time. One of the ideas behind multithreading is to use as many processors as possible at any given time. By forcing threads to wait on the locks the application essentially gives up processing power which it might have used.
"Why lock may become a bottleneck of multithreaded program?"
Because waiting threads remain blocked until shared memory is unlocked.
Suggest you read this article on "Concurrency: What Every Dev Must Know About Multithreaded Apps"
Locks are expensive both because they require operating system calls in the middle of your algorithm and because they are hard to do properly when creating the CPU.
As a programmer, it is best to leave the locks in the middle of your data structures to the experts and instead use a good multithreaded library such as Intel's TBB
For Queues, you would want to use Atomic instructions (hard) or a spinlock (easier) if possible because they are cheap compared to a mutex. Use a mutex if you are doing a lot of work that needs to be locked, i.e modify a complex tree structure
In the threading packages that I'm familiar with, your options for mutexes are recursive and non-recursive. You should opt for non-recursive -- all of your accesses will be lock(); queue_op(); unlock(), so there's no need to be able to acquire the lock twice.
