Is there a value with error library in Haskell? - haskell

I am looking for a library that provides a 'value with error' (eg x ± y). But searching for "Haskell xyz Error" only gives error handling libraries.
I would expect that such a library would provide common math operations (Num, Floating) where appropriate. The use case would be to get a error estimate from a calculation based on noisy sensor readings.
I did some research and the term "propagation of uncertainty" came up. I found uncertainly-haskell which I'll try out soon. Are there other packages like this?

Have a look at the intervals package.

The Data.Eq.Approximate module seems to be a fit for getting approximate equality.
Type wrappers
Classes for tolerance type annotations
Absolute tolerance
Relative tolerance
Zero tolerance
Tolerance annotations using Digits
The purpose of this module is to provide newtype wrapper that allows one to effectively override the equality operator of a value so that it > is approximate rather than exact. For example, the type
type ApproximateDouble = AbsolutelyApproximateValue (Digits Five) Double
defines an alias for a wrapper containing Doubles such that two doubles are equal if they are equal to within five decimals of accuracy; for > example, we have that
1 == (1+10^^(-6) :: ApproximateDouble)
evaluates to True. Note that we did not need to wrap the value 1+10^^(-6) since AbsolutelyApproximateValue is an instance of Num. For > convenience, Num as well as many other of the numerical classes such as Real and Floating have all been derived for the wrappers defined in > this package so that one can conveniently use the wrapped values in the same way as one would use the values themselves.
Two kinds of wrappers are provided by this package.

The uncertain package seems to provide what you are looking for:
Some highlights from the readme:
Provides tools to manipulate numbers with inherent
experimental/measurement uncertainty, and propagates them through
functions based on principles from statistics.
Manipulate with error propagation
ghci> let x = 1.52 +/- 0.07
ghci> let y = 781.4 +/- 0.3
ghci> let z = 1.53e-1 `withPrecision` 3
ghci> cosh x
2.4 +/- 0.2
ghci> exp x / z * sin (y ** z)
10.9 +/- 0.9
ghci> pi + 3 * logBase x y
52 +/- 5
Create numbers
ghci> 1.52 +/- 0.07
1.52 +/- 7.0e-2
ghci> fromSamples [12.5, 12.7, 12.6, 12.6, 12.5]
12.58 +/- 7.0e-2
Note that this is very different from other libraries with similar
data types (like from intervals and rounding); these do not
attempt to maintain intervals or simply digit precisions; they instead
are intended to model actual experimental and measurement data with
their uncertainties, and apply functions to the data with the
uncertainties and properly propagating the errors with sound
statistical principles.
For a clear example, take
> (52 +/- 6) + (39 +/- 4)
91.0 +/- 7.0
In a library like intervals, this would result in 91 +/- 10
(that is, a lower bound of 46 + 35 and an upper bound of 58 + 43).
However, with experimental data, errors in two independent samples
tend to "cancel out", and result in an overall aggregate uncertainty
in the sum of approximately 7.


Function to Populate Tree in O(depth)

Purely Functional Data Structures has the following exercise:
-- 2.5 Sharing can be useful within a single object, not just between objects.
-- For example, if the two subtress of a given node are identical, then they can
-- be represented by the same tree.
-- Part a: make a `complete a Int` function that creates a tree of
-- depth Int, putting a in every leaf of the tree.
complete :: a -> Integer -> Maybe (Tree a)
complete x depth
| depth < 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ complete' depth
where complete' d
| d == 0 = Empty
| otherwise = let copiedTree = complete' (d-1)
in Node x copiedTree copiedTree
Does this implementation run in O(d) time? Could you please say why or why not?
The interesting part of the code is the complete' function:
complete' d
| d == 0 = Empty
| otherwise = let copiedTree = complete' (d-1)
in Node x copiedTree copiedTree
As Cirdec's answer suggests, we should be careful to analyze each part of the implementation to make sure our assumptions are valid. As a general rule, we can assume that the following take 1 unit of time each*:
Using a data constructor to construct a value (e.g., using Empty to make an empty tree or using Node to turn a value and two trees into a tree).
Pattern matching on a value to see what data constructor it was built from and what values the data constructor was applied to.
Guards and if/then/else expressions (which are implemented internally using pattern matching).
Comparing an Integer to 0.
Cirdec mentions that the operation of subtracting 1 from an Integer is logarithmic in the size of the integer. As they say, this is essentially an artifact of the way Integer is implemented. It is possible to implement integers so that it takes only one step to compare them to 0 and also takes only one step to decrement them by 1. To keep things very general, it's safe to assume that there is some function c such that the cost of decrementing an Integer is c(depth).
Now that we've taken care of those preliminaries, let's get down to work! As is generally the case, we need to set up a system of equations and solve it. Let f(d) be the number of steps needed to calculate complete' d. Then the first equation is very simple:
f(0) = 2
That's because it costs 1 step to compare d to 0, and another step to check that the result is True.
The other equation is the interesting part. Think about what happens when d > 0:
We calculate d == 0.
We check if that is True (it's not).
We calculate d-1 (let's call the result dm1)
We calculate complete' dm1, saving the result as copiedTree.
We apply a Node constructor to x, copiedTree, and copiedTree.
The first part takes 1 step. The second part takes one step. The third part takes c(depth) steps, and the fifth step takes 1 step. What about the fourth part? Well, that takes f(d-1) steps, so this will be a recursive definition.
f(0) = 2
f(d) = (3+c(depth)) + f(d-1) when d > 0
OK, now we're cooking with gas! Let's calculate the first few values of f:
f(0) = 2
f(1) = (3+c(depth)) + f(0) = (3+c(depth)) + 2
f(2) = (3+c(depth)) + f(1)
= (3+c(depth)) + ((3+c(depth)) + 2)
= 2*(3+c(depth)) + 2
f(3) = (3+c(depth)) + f(2)
= (3+c(depth)) + (2*(3+c(depth)) + 2)
= 3*(3+c(depth)) + 2
You should be starting to see a pattern by now:
f(d) = d*(3+c(depth)) + 2
We generally prove things about recursive functions using mathematical induction.
Base case:
The claim holds for d=0 because 0*(3+c(depth))+2=0+2=2=f(0).
Suppose that the claim holds for d=D. Then
f(D+1) = (3+c(depth)) + f(D)
= (3+c(depth)) + (D*(3+c(depth))+2)
= (D+1)*(3+c(depth))+2
So the claim holds for D+1 as well. Thus by induction, it holds for all natural numbers d. As a reminder, this gives the conclusion that complete' d takes
f(d) = d*(3+c(depth))+2
time. Now how do we express that in big O terms? Well, big O doesn't care about the constant coefficients of any of the terms, and only cares about the highest-order terms. We can safely assume that c(depth)>=1, so we get
f(d) ∈ O(d*c(depth))
Zooming out to complete, this looks like O(depth*c(depth))
If you use the real cost of Integer decrement, this gives you O(depth*log(depth)). If you pretend that Integer decrement is O(1), this gives you O(depth).
Side note: As you continue to work through Okasaki, you will eventually reach section 10.2.1, where you will see a way to implement natural numbers supporting O(1) decrement and O(1) addition (but not efficient subtraction).
* Haskell's lazy evaluation keeps this from being precisely true, but if you pretend that everything is evaluated strictly, you will get an upper bound for the true value, which will be good enough in this case. If you want to learn how to analyze data structures that use laziness to get good asymptotic bounds, you should keep reading Okasaki.
Theoretical Answer
No, it does not run in O(d) time. Its asymptotic performance is dominated by the the Integer subtraction d-1, which takes O(log d) time. This is repeated O(d) times, giving an asymptotic upper bound on time of O(d log d).
This upper bound can improve if you use an Integer representation with an asymptotically optimal O(1) decrement. In practice we don't, since the asymptotically optimal Integer implementations are slower even for unimaginably large values.
Practically the Integer arithmetic will be a small part of the running time of the program. For practical "large" depths (smaller than a machine word) the program's running time will be dominated by allocating and populating memory. For larger depths you will exhaust the resources of the computer.
Practical Answer
Ask the run time system's profiler.
In order to profile your code, we first need to make sure it is run. Haskell is lazily evaluated, so, unless we do something to cause the tree to be completely evaluated, it might not be. Unfortunately, completely exploring the tree will take O(2^d) steps. We could avoid forcing nodes we had already visited if we kept track of their StableNames. Fortunately, traversing a structure and keeping track of visited nodes by their memory locations is already provided by the data-reify package. Since we will be using it for profiling, we need to install it with profiling enabled (-p).
cabal install -p data-reify
Using Data.Reify requires the TypeFamilies extension and Control.Applicative.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Data.Reify
import Control.Applicative
We reproduce your Tree code.
data Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
complete :: a -> Integer -> Maybe (Tree a)
complete x depth
| depth < 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ complete' depth
where complete' d
| d == 0 = Empty
| otherwise = let copiedTree = complete' (d-1)
in Node x copiedTree copiedTree
Converting data to a graph with data-reify requires that we have a base functor for the data type. The base functor is a representation of the type with explicit recursion removed. The base functor for Tree is TreeF. An additional type parameter is added for the representation of recursive occurrence of the type, and each recursive occurrence is replaced by the new parameter.
data TreeF a x = EmptyF | NodeF a x x
deriving (Show)
The MuRef instance required by reifyGraph requires that we provide a mapDeRef to traverse the structure with an Applicative and convert it to the base functor . The first argument provided to mapDeRef, which I have named deRef, is how we can convert the recursive occurrences of the structure.
instance MuRef (Tree a) where
type DeRef (Tree a) = TreeF a
mapDeRef deRef Empty = pure EmptyF
mapDeRef deRef (Node a l r) = NodeF a <$> deRef l <*> deRef r
We can make a little program to run to test the complete function. When the graph is small, we'll print it out to see what's going on. When the graph gets big, we'll only print out how many nodes it has.
main = do
d <- getLine
let (Just tree) = complete 0 (read d)
graph#(Graph nodes _) <- reifyGraph tree
if length nodes < 30
then print graph
else print (length nodes)
I put this code in a file named profileSymmetricTree.hs. To compile it, we need to enable profiling with -prof and enable the run-time system with -rtsopts.
ghc -fforce-recomp -O2 -prof -fprof-auto -rtsopts profileSymmetricTree.hs
When we run it, we'll enable the time profile with the +RTS option -p. We'll give it the depth input 3 for the first run.
profileSymmetricTree +RTS -p
let [(1,NodeF 0 2 2),(2,NodeF 0 3 3),(3,NodeF 0 4 4),(4,EmptyF)] in 1
We can already see from the graph that the nodes are being shared between the left and right sides of the tree.
The profiler makes a file,
individual inherited
COST CENTRE MODULE no. entries %time %alloc %time %alloc
MAIN MAIN 43 0 0.0 0.7 100.0 100.0
main Main 87 0 100.0 21.6 100.0 32.5
main.(...) Main 88 1 0.0 4.8 0.0 5.1
complete Main 90 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3
complete.complete' Main 92 4 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.3
complete.complete'.copiedTree Main 94 3 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1
It shows in the entries column that complete.complete' was executed 4 times, and the complete.complete'.copiedTree was evaluated 3 times.
If you repeat this experiment with different depths, and plot the results, you should get a good idea what the practical asymptotic performance of complete is.
Here are the profiling results for a much greater depth, 300000.
individual inherited
COST CENTRE MODULE no. entries %time %alloc %time %alloc
MAIN MAIN 43 0 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0
main Main 87 0 2.0 0.0 99.9 100.0
main.(...) Main 88 1 0.0 0.0 2.1 5.6
complete Main 90 1 0.0 0.0 2.1 5.6
complete.complete' Main 92 300001 1.3 4.4 2.1 5.6
complete.complete'.copiedTree Main 94 300000 0.8 1.3 0.8 1.3

Rendering Fractals: The Mobius Transformation and The Newtonian Basin

I understand how to render (two dimensional) "Escape Time Group" fractals (Julia and Mandelbrot), but I can't seem to get a Mobius Transformation or a Newton Basin rendered.
I'm trying to render them using the same method (by recursively using the polynomial equation on each pixel 'n' times), but I have a feeling these fractals are rendered using totally different methods. Mobius 'Transformation' implies that an image must already exist, and then be transformed to produce the geometry, and the Newton Basin seems to plot each point, not just points that fall into a set.
How are these fractals graphed? Are they graphed using the same iterative methods as the Julia and Mandelbrot?
Equations I'm Using:
Julia: Zn+1 = Zn^2 + C
Where Z is a complex number representing a pixel, and C is a complex constant (Correct).
Mandelbrot: Cn+1 = Cn^2 + Z
Where Z is a complex number representing a pixel, and C is the complex number (0, 0), and is compounded each step (The reverse of the Julia, correct).
Newton Basin: Zn+1 = Zn - (Zn^x - a) / (Zn^y - a)
Where Z is a complex number representing a pixel, x and y are exponents of various degrees, and a is a complex constant (Incorrect - creating a centered, eight legged 'line star').
Mobius Transformation: Zn+1 = (aZn + b) / (cZn + d)
Where Z is a complex number representing a pixel, and a, b, c, and d are complex constants (Incorrect, everything falls into the set).
So how are the Newton Basin and Mobius Transformation plotted on the complex plane?
Update: Mobius Transformations are just that; transformations.
"Every Möbius transformation is
a composition of translations,
rotations, zooms (dilations) and
To perform a Mobius Transformation, a shape, picture, smear, etc. must be present already in order to transform it.
Now how about those Newton Basins?
Update 2: My math was wrong for the Newton Basin. The denominator at the end of the equation is (supposed to be) the derivative of the original function. The function can be understood by studying 'NewtonRoot.m' from the MIT MatLab source-code. A search engine can find it quite easily. I'm still at a loss as to how to graph it on the complex plane, though...
Newton Basin:
f(x) = x - f(x) / f'(x)
In Mandelbrot and Julia sets you terminate the inner loop if it exceeds a certain threshold as a measurement how fast the orbit "reaches" infinity
if(|z| > 4) { stop }
For newton fractals it is the other way round: Since the newton method is usually converging towards a certain value we are interested how fast it reaches its limit, which can be done by checking when the difference of two consecutive values drops below a certain value (usually 10^-9 is a good value)
if(|z[n] - z[n-1]| < epsilon) { stop }

Loss of precision 'sqrt' Haskell

In the ghci terminal, I was computing some equations with Haskell using the sqrt function.
I notice that I would sometimes lose precision in my sqrt result, when it was supposed to be simplified.
For example,
sqrt 4 * sqrt 4 = 4 -- This works well!
sqrt 2 * sqrt 2 = 2.0000000000000004 -- Not the exact result.
Normally, I would expect a result of 2.
Is there a way to get the right simplification result?
How does that work in Haskell?
There are usable precise number libraries in Haskell. Two that come to mind are cyclotomic and the CReal module in the numbers package. (Cyclotomic numbers don't support all the operations on complex numbers that you might like, but square roots of integers and rationals are in the domain.)
>>> import Data.Complex.Cyclotomic
>>> sqrtInteger 2
e(8) - e(8)^3
>>> toReal $ sqrtInteger 2
Just 1.414213562373095 -- Maybe Double
>>> sqrtInteger 2 * sqrtInteger 2
>>> toReal $ sqrtInteger 2 * sqrtInteger 2
Just 2.0
>>> rootsQuadEq 3 2 1
Just (-1/3 + 1/3*e(8) + 1/3*e(8)^3,-1/3 - 1/3*e(8) - 1/3*e(8)^3)
>>> let eq x = 3*x*x + 2*x + 1
>>> eq (-1/3 + 1/3*e(8) + 1/3*e(8)^3)
>>> import Data.Number.CReal
>>> sqrt 2 :: CReal
1.4142135623730950488016887242096980785697 -- Show instance cuts off at 40th place
>>> sqrt 2 * sqrt 2 :: CReal
>>> sin 3 :: CReal
>>> sin 3*sin 3 + cos 3*cos 3 :: CReal
You do not lose precision. You have limited precision.
The square root of 2 is a real number but not a rational number, therefore it's value cannot be represented exactly by any computer (except representing it symbolically, of course).
Even if you define a very large precision type, it will not be able to represent the square root of 2 exactly. You may get more precision, but never enough to represent that value exactly (unless you have a computer with infinite memory, in which case please hire me).
The explanation for these results lies in the type of the values returned by the sqrt function:
> :t sqrt
sqrt :: Floating a => a -> a
The Floating a means that the value returned belongs to the Floating type class.
The values of all types belonging to this class are stored as floating point numbers. These sacrifice precision for the sake of covering a larger range of numbers.
Double precision floating point numbers can cover very large ranges but they have limited precision and cannot encode all possible numbers. The square root of 2 (√2) is one such number:
> sqrt 2
> sqrt 2 + 0.000000000000000001
As you see above, it is impossible for double precision floating point numbers to be precise enough to represent √2 + 0.000000000000000001, it is simply rounded to the closest approximation which can be expressed using floating point encoding.
As mentioned by another poster, √2 is an irrational number which can be simplified to mean that it requires an infinite number of digits to represent correctly. As such it cannot be represented faithfully using floating point numbers. This leads to errors such as the one you noticed when multiplying it with itself.
You can learn about floating points on their wikipedia page:
I especially recommend that you read the answer to this other Stack Overflow question: Floating Point Limitations and follow the mentioned link, it will help you understand what's going on under the hood.
Note that this is a problem in every language, not just Haskell. One way to get rid of it entirely is to use symbolic computation libraries but they are much slower than the floating point numbers offered by CPUs. For many computations the loss of precision due to floating points is not a problem.

Is there a language with constrainable types?

Is there a typed programming language where I can constrain types like the following two examples?
A Probability is a floating point number with minimum value 0.0 and maximum value 1.0.
type Probability subtype of float
max_value = 0.0
min_value = 1.0
A Discrete Probability Distribution is a map, where: the keys should all be the same type, the values are all Probabilities, and the sum of the values = 1.0.
type DPD<K> subtype of map<K, Probability>
sum(values) = 1.0
As far as I understand, this is not possible with Haskell or Agda.
What you want is called refinement types.
It's possible to define Probability in Agda: Prob.agda
The probability mass function type, with sum condition is defined at line 264.
There are languages with more direct refinement types than in Agda, for example ATS
You can do this in Haskell with Liquid Haskell which extends Haskell with refinement types. The predicates are managed by an SMT solver at compile time which means that the proofs are fully automatic but the logic you can use is limited by what the SMT solver handles. (Happily, modern SMT solvers are reasonably versatile!)
One problem is that I don't think Liquid Haskell currently supports floats. If it doesn't though, it should be possible to rectify because there are theories of floating point numbers for SMT solvers. You could also pretend floating point numbers were actually rational (or even use Rational in Haskell!). With this in mind, your first type could look like this:
{p : Float | p >= 0 && p <= 1}
Your second type would be a bit harder to encode, especially because maps are an abstract type that's hard to reason about. If you used a list of pairs instead of a map, you could write a "measure" like this:
measure total :: [(a, Float)] -> Float
total [] = 0
total ((_, p):ps) = p + probDist ps
(You might want to wrap [] in a newtype too.)
Now you can use total in a refinement to constrain a list:
{dist: [(a, Float)] | total dist == 1}
The neat trick with Liquid Haskell is that all the reasoning is automated for you at compile time, in return for using a somewhat constrained logic. (Measures like total are also very constrained in how they can be written—it's a small subset of Haskell with rules like "exactly one case per constructor".) This means that refinement types in this style are less powerful but much easier to use than full-on dependent types, making them more practical.
Perl6 has a notion of "type subsets" which can add arbitrary conditions to create a "sub type."
For your question specifically:
subset Probability of Real where 0 .. 1;
role DPD[::T] {
has Map[T, Probability] $.map
where [+](.values) == 1; # calls `.values` on Map
(note: in current implementations, the "where" part is checked at run-time, but since "real types" are checked at compile-time (that includes your classes), and since there are pure annotations (is pure) inside the std (which is mostly perl6) (those are also on operators like *, etc), it's only a matter of effort put into it (and it shouldn't be much more).
More generally:
# (%% is the "divisible by", which we can negate, becoming "!%%")
subset Even of Int where * %% 2; # * creates a closure around its expression
subset Odd of Int where -> $n { $n !%% 2 } # using a real "closure" ("pointy block")
Then you can check if a number matches with the Smart Matching operator ~~:
say 4 ~~ Even; # True
say 4 ~~ Odd; # False
say 5 ~~ Odd; # True
And, thanks to multi subs (or multi whatever, really – multi methods or others), we can dispatch based on that:
multi say-parity(Odd $n) { say "Number $n is odd" }
multi say-parity(Even) { say "This number is even" } # we don't name the argument, we just put its type
#Also, the last semicolon in a block is optional
Nimrod is a new language that supports this concept. They are called Subranges. Here is an example. You can learn more about the language here link
TSubrange = range[0..5]
For the first part, yes, that would be Pascal, which has integer subranges.
The Whiley language supports something very much like what you are saying. For example:
type natural is (int x) where x >= 0
type probability is (real x) where 0.0 <= x && x <= 1.0
These types can also be implemented as pre-/post-conditions like so:
function abs(int x) => (int r)
ensures r >= 0:
if x >= 0:
return x
return -x
The language is very expressive. These invariants and pre-/post-conditions are verified statically using an SMT solver. This handles examples like the above very well, but currently struggles with more complex examples involving arrays and loop invariants.
For anyone interested, I thought I'd add an example of how you might solve this in Nim as of 2019.
The first part of the questions is straightfoward, since in the interval since since this question was asked, Nim has gained the ability to generate subrange types on floats (as well as ordinal and enum types). The code below defines two new float subranges types, Probability and ProbOne.
The second part of the question is more tricky -- defining a type with constrains on a function of it's fields. My proposed solution doesn't directly define such a type but instead uses a macro (makePmf) to tie the creation of a constant Table[T,Probability] object to the ability to create a valid ProbOne object (thus ensuring that the PMF is valid). The makePmf macro is evaluated at compile time, ensuring that you can't create an invalid PMF table.
Note that I'm a relative newcomer to Nim so this may not be the most idiomatic way to write this macro:
import macros, tables
Probability = range[0.0 .. 1.0]
ProbOne = range[1.0..1.0]
macro makePmf(name: untyped, tbl: untyped): untyped =
## Construct a Table[T, Probability] ensuring
## Sum(Probabilities) == 1.0
# helper templates
template asTable(tc: untyped): untyped =
template asProb(f: float): untyped =
# ensure that passed value is already is already
# a table constructor
tbl.expectKind nnkTableConstr
totprob: Probability = 0.0
fval: float
newtbl = newTree(nnkTableConstr)
# create Table[T, Probability]
for child in tbl:
child.expectKind nnkExprColonExpr
child[1].expectKind nnkFloatLit
fval = floatVal(child[1])
totprob += Probability(fval)
newtbl.add(newColonExpr(child[0], getAst(asProb(fval))))
# this serves as the check that probs sum to 1.0
discard ProbOne(totprob)
result = newStmtList(newConstStmt(name, getAst(asTable(newtbl))))
makePmf(uniformpmf, {"A": 0.25, "B": 0.25, "C": 0.25, "D": 0.25})
# this static block will show that the macro was evaluated at compile time
echo uniformpmf
# the following invalid PMF won't compile
# makePmf(invalidpmf, {"A": 0.25, "B": 0.25, "C": 0.25, "D": 0.15})
Note: A cool benefit of using a macro is that nimsuggest (as integrated into VS Code) will even highlight attempts to create an invalid Pmf table.
Modula 3 has subrange types. (Subranges of ordinals.) So for your Example 1, if you're willing to map probability to an integer range of some precision, you could use this:
Add significant digits as necessary.
Ref: More about subrange ordinals here.

While computing proper fraction in Haskell

I want to code a function makeFraction :: Float -> Float -> (Int, Int) which returns (x,y) whenever I say makeFraction a b such that x/y is a proper fraction equivalent to a / b. For eg, makeFraction 17.69 5.51 should return (61,19).
I have a subroutine to calculate gcd of two numbers but my first task is to convert a and b to Int e.g. 17.69 and 5.51 should be converted into 1769 and 551.
Now I want to do it for numbers with arbitrary decimal places. Prelude function does not help me much. For instance, when I say toFraction(0.2); it returns 3602879701896397 % 18014398509481984 which would severely strain the correctness of my later computations.
Later I tried getting fractional values by using another library function properFraction(17.69) which suppose to give me only 0.69 but it produces 0.69000...013 which is not I would accept in a proper state of mind.
It does look like a problem arising from Floating point arithmatic. Till now I am not doing any data manipulation but only asking for the part of stored bits which I should be able to fetch from processor registers/memory location. Is there any special function library in Haskell to do such tasks?
PS: Seems like some useful tips are here How to parse a decimal fraction into Rational in Haskell? . But since I have typed so much, I would like to post it. At least the context is different here.
Yes, it is the limited precision of floating-point arithmetic you're encountering. The floating-point format cannot represent 0.2 exactly, so toFraction is actually giving you the exact rational value of the Float number you get when you ask for 0.2.
Similarly, 17.69 cannot be represented exactly, and because the point floats, its best representation has a larger absolute error than the error in the representation of 0.69. Thus, when you take away the integer part, the resulting bits are not the same as if you had asked to represent 0.69 as good as possible from the beginning, and this difference can be seen when the implementation prints out the result in decimal form.
It seems to me that instead of using a floating-point type like Float or Double, you should do all your computations using a type that can represent those numbers exactly, like Rational. For example,
(17.69 :: Rational) / (5.51 :: Rational)
evaluates to 61 % 19
As mentioned in the other answers, a Float cannot necessarily represent a given decimal number exactly. In particular, a Float is stored internally using the form a/(2^m). As a result, real numbers like 3/10 can only ever be approximated by floating point numbers.
But if a decent approximation is all you need, this might help:
import Data.Ratio
convertFloat :: Float -> Rational
convertFloat f = let
denom = 10^6
num = fromInteger denom * f
in round num % denom
For example:
> convertFloat 17.69
1769 % 100
> convertFloat 17.69 / convertFloat 5.51
61 % 19
Check out base's Numeric module, especially the floatToDigits function.
> floatToDigits 10 17.69
