Finding the first ocurrence of a string below a given cell? - excel

I've been trying to figure this out but I don't seem to get it right.
I have a spreadsheet with reports for different categories detailed by day (e.g. Toys, Drinks, General Store, Meat Store, Veggies, etc)
So, my spreadsheet looks something like this:
Day Me Wife Kid1 Kid2
9/28/13 0 0 0 0
10/1/13 29 3 0 0
10/2/13 0 7 34 25
10/4/13 0 0 0 0
AVERAGE 29 5 34 25
Day Me Wife Kid1 Kid2
9/30/13 102 15 0 0
10/1/13 0 0 25 0
AVERAGE 102 20 0 0
etc etc
So the idea would be that I need to be able to find the Average row number for each different category, but I can't just look for it easily because in one category there might be expenses on more months (hence, more rows between the category's title and the average row). Any clues?

You can use
The row reference to A2 is variable and you can paste it next to the category of interest. The row reference to A1001 is just far enough down in your spreadsheet to include all the data, and is fixed (but doesn't have to be).

You can use something like this perhaps:
MATCH("Drinks",A:A,0) returns the row number of Drinks
Which is used by INDIRECT and to convert into a range, from which MATCH then returns the number of rows after that header. Add to the number of rows before Drinks and remove 1 to get the actual row number.
Change the range of A1000 accordingly. I assumed a maximum of 1000 rows here.
Edit, if you have cross-sheet referencing, you need to change the formula to:
Assuming Sheetname is the name of that sheet.


Finding maximum value in group

I want to create a column of data that finds the largest value in column BD, based on individual values in Column B. I would have thought this equation would work! Anyone have any recommendations??
(first attempt)
(Second attempt)
cumulative production(BD)
result I want()
this code should work:
If you have access to LAMBDA() function then can use below formula at one go.
Similar to SUMIFS you find MAXIFS
Then just compare the MAX with the actual row value.
Edit based on your reply:
One way is to start with one operation in the cell first then it is easier to follow.
Your MAXIF should be like this (looking for the max in column B of those rows having the same value in column A as the value of current column A)
Then compare to B2
So, basically you got it, need just to adjust your second part of the MAXIFS :-)

Formula to put 1 in the first value and 0 for the rest. Duplicate dataset

I'm looking for a smart way to indicate only one row with duplicated values. I need it to help my pivot table a little.
Id Description Estimation(h) Formula
1 Desc1 20 1
1 Desc2 20 0
1 Desc3 20 0
2 Desc4 30 1
2 Desc5 30 0
2 Desc6 30 0
This looks quite simple: I just put the value 1 as the first value, and the rest of the column is based on the following formula:
(I've put this formula in cell D3)
This option will work even if the Id is not sorted:

Find Largest Value in one cell and then display a different cell in the same row

This was a fairly difficult question to put to words but hopefully the example data and my attempt will help
I have the following
Apple 17 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Orange 14 1 15 1 6.67 1 6.67 1 6.67 2 13.33 10
Banana 15 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Cherry 13 1 12 2 16.67 2 16.67 2 16.67 2 16.67 2
Peach 16 4 12 1 8.33 1 8.33 2 16.67 2 16.67 8
Strawberry 12 5 6 1 16.67 1 16.67 1 16.67 1 16.67 7
I am trying to find the max value in M and then display A from the same row. So in this example the max value would be 10 and "Orange" should be displayed.
It should be noted that I am using 2 sheets, "Data" has my output and "Raw Data" has... the raw data
=VLOOKUP(MAX('Raw Data'!M1:M6), A1:M6, 1, FALSE)
This produces #N/A and I think it might have something to do with my data either not being formatted into a table (though doing so seems to fail with a different error) or running from one sheet to the other.
Any input would be greatly appreciated
VLOOKUP requires that the value to find is in the first column.
Try this =INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MATCH(MAX(M1:M6),M1:M6,0),1))
I recomend using Index Match as Scott Craner has shown.
But if you are set on using vlookup:
I will first shortly explain vlookup as how I have understood it.
First a limitation, vlookup can only return values to the left of your search range, i.e you cant use negative numbers i.e,
=vlookup(Max('Raw Data'!M1:M6), A1:M6, **"-1"**, False)
Secondly, vlookup is structured like this:
=vlookup(The value you want to search for, the range you want to work with, which column you want to return a value from (1 means the first column).
vlookup will allways search for the vale you want to search for in the first column.
So in your data:
You are telling vlookup to search for the maximum value that exists in the range M1:M6. In this case 10 right?
You are telling vlookup to search for this value in column A which contains the fruits. This is where it goes wrong.
My solution to this would be to move all the fruits names to the N column (to the left of you values you want to search).
In code:
In the N Column:
Put = A and the row number
Now do a vlookup like this:
=vlookup(Max('Raw Data'!M1:M6), M1:N6, 2, False)
I hope this can solve your problem.
Best regards,

Excel Pivot Drilldown on Sums of Flags

I've been hitting a wall on this today. I'm pulling my data from a SQL DB and in my query I'm setting flags so that I can use the Pivot table to count up all the different checks I'm trying to run on the data. A simple version of what I'm doing would look like this is below with a Greater than 90 days and Error Check flags set depended on the data in Uptime.
Host Team Uptime >90 ErrChk
Srv1 A 15 0 0
Svr2 A 102 1 0
Srv3 B 95 1 0
Svr4 B 20 0 0
Srv5 B 21 0 0
Srv6 B ERROR 0 1
Srv7 A ERROR 0 1
Srv8 B 150 1 0
Srv9 A 100 1 0
Srv10 A 10 0 0
Srv11 A 125 1 0
Srv12 A 40 0 0
Srv13 B 111 1 0
Srv14 B 100 1 0
Srv15 A 15 0 0
If you were to plug this into Excel exactly the way that it is you will see what I'm getting at. Once you create a Pivot table on this data and use the Team as the Rows and the Sum of >90 and ErrChk the pivot comes out and looks correct.
Row Labels Sum of >90 Sum of ErrChk
A 3 1
B 4 1
Grand Total 7 2
But the next piece is where it gets wonky. With a Pivot table when you double click one of the values it filteres down on what makes that value, however when you do it on the value of a SUM, it just filteres down on the Row Label. So for this example you would click 3 under >90 for team A to see what the 3 servers are that have been up for longer thank 90 days. However when you do this it gives drills down to just a filter of team A showing you all of the servers, the good, the bad, the error.
My question is how can I drill down to just the items that make up that value? I've tried all I can think of, have the filed be NULL, 0, calculated fields.
I would suggest adding an additional pivot table for the view you want. For your example you might want to add Team, then Host to Row Labels. Then add Sum of > 90 to Values. Then add > 90 to Report Filter and set the filter to 1.
These pivot tables could all be on the one worksheet pulling from the same data source as a kind of summary and the filter would be preset so there would be no need to provide instructions to those viewing the summary.
If you'd like let users change the filter easily you could add a slicer which will present all options by which the data can be filtered by.

Optimal to lookup and display column/row names from a table of binary data

Job Coach ConsumerName Monthly General Goals
Anna Joe 0 0 0
Sam John 0 0 0
Veron Jane 0 0 0
Bill Jack 1 1 1
Anna Jill 1 1 1
Jim 0 0 0
Bill Jiang 1 1 1
Jolly 0 1 1
Sam Jiant 0 0 0
Jap 0 1 1
Joule 1 1 1
Aardvark 0 1 0
Drake Darding 0 0 0
Hello, as you can see above I have two columns of strings; one column is "job coach" the other is "consumer name". There are three columns of 1's and 0's; monthly, general, and goals.
I'm trying to find the specific pattern of 1's and 0's in each of the rows, and to report it. For instance, the data says:
Consumer Jolly still has a a monthly which needs to be completed;
Consumer Aardvark still has a monthly which needs to be completed;
Consumer Aardvark still has a monthly and a goals which needs to be completed.
Lookup doesn't really work, because it only will return the first instance of the corresponding variable and not additionally instances.
I've tried a index function like this:
But that only would look up for a single column at a time, which makes the report rather cumbersome. I'm open to doing a loop in excel without formulas, however its not a simple looping formula, because I'm trying to look at each cell and to output the specific column name.
Any thoughts on how to best do it?
It's not exactly clear what the condition you want to check is, but if you want to check for a specific given pattern and return the customer name you can use this adjusted formula:
In your formula you checked only the first binary column and returned the last. You also had a mistake of returning the row number and not the index in the list which is row-1 in your case.
So notice:
The INDEX returns values from column B.
The IF checks a pattern of C&D&E equals a pattern like 010 which can be changed or set to a reference.
Then return the ROW()-1 in case your list starts at row 2, to return the index in the data and not the actual row.
